
The day our world ended

This is my first story, that I ever wrote. it might not be that long but I hope u read it till then end and also tell me if there is any room for improvement. Thank you This is a story about two brothers from India, in the middle of an apocalypse. That brought the death of their sister,leading them to fall apart. Karen and saifu, two different sides of a coin that walk through the hurdles in hell. Karan a guy who was preparing for his college after completing his school Saifu an athlete and good studying top tier guy in his last year of High school. Let's see how both of them survive in this new world with old people

Demon_king_A_K · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 1

Status window

Player name= Karan Lance


Health=100/100 Mana=100

Strength=5. Agility=4

Endurance=5. Intelligence=6

Consistency=5. Luck=3


Shop: locked

State points:10

Exp lv__00/100. Coin=100

Me being a game addict that I am, i forgot all the panick and screaming that was all around me.

I don't remember the last time I smiled so brightly. The blush on my cheeks were red as tomato.

"Am I finally going to live in an rpg game like world" I thought cheerfully

Mob 1: what the hell is happening.

Mob 2:Dear lord please have mercy on us.

(People screaming)

"What is this red screen

It has my name on it"

--A random child exclaimed surprisingly

Everyone came silent as a golden light fall from the crimson sky.

There we saw a lady with wings as white as snow.

Her face so beautiful,

Her hairs were like golden silk.

Her eyes as if mixed with honey, pure gold and bright

She looked down upon us.

And stated....

"Humans" everyone looked upto her silently

"a threat know as the demon lord is making its way to earth"

"We the high being can't interfere with your matters"

"But worry not, for the All Mighty has not forsaken you all."

"The all mighty has delayed the demons army to make its way here"

"He has decided to bestow magic upon this planet"

"You all have played games right?"

The concept of magic will be simplified using the game like system.

Right now as you all can see the system shows u how strong you are.

You can increase your power and abilities using State points

No one could say anything in between as she went on an about the system.

They were too stunned by her beauty or were too afraid to speak anything,

I on the other hand couldn't care less as most of the things were quite clear.

Your health and mana will increase per lv at fixed rate.

Shop will unlock at lv.5

Skills are technique of using magic in a perticular manner.

Everyone will receive 1 skill based upon the life u lead till now in this world.

With this the introduction is over

I hope you all humans survive this catastrophe and make the best use of power you get.

"Best of luck"

As soon as she left with a dazzling light a crack came in the sky...

From where horders of goblin came....

Falling from sky and....

Making its way to a human man

It's height was half of an average human red eyes long nose and armed with a knife some with sword also...

But the frightening part was it's speed ....

In a blink of an eye it reaches the man...

Raising it's small knife and swiftly stabbing the poor guy....

"Grrr.. raa" it shouted as the goblin pierc through the man's neck.

Blood spread through his body all over the road...

All the goblin looked at us with a vivid smile.

"AAAAAAAAAAA" a women screamed...

Every goblin spread throught the market...

Then the slaughtering began....

Everyone ran in any direction they could think of all that mattered at that time was to save your skin.

The goblin wrecked havoc everywhere the eyes could see.

I too ran away but in search of a weapon.

"I need to claim my exp before everyone."

I need to be stronger the anyone.

It's finally the way I wanted .... He... He hahaha. Let's go."-- Karan state with a smirk.

While running a little i came across a chicken shop.

"A perfect place for meel weapons"

I picked a long knife used for cutting the meat and turned around to check for the goblin...

I saw one running towards a boy who looked around my age...

The road was under maintenance (his luck)

He tripped over...

I snuck behind a van near him and signed him to keep quiet while waiting for the goblin to slow down....

The goblin slowed its pace...

It looked around to check for other humans...

confidently it came closer to the boy...

By past me as I was on the other side...

I got an opening...

as soon as the goblin was within my range...

I stabbed it as hard as I could

Piercing through its chest...

Pushing is with my body weight on the ground

"Grrr agrr" it cried as it struggled to its death.

You have killed a goblin.



The system notified

" What?! I need to kill 20 of these mf to lv up"

--I thought

"Thanks for saving my life" The boy as he ran of to a nearby building

I smiled back and turned around

*Sigh* "Killing one was tiring enough"

" AAA what am I gona do" I said frustratedly

"Oh right!! The angle said we get a free skill...

Let's check it out"

"Open status" i said


The skill reviled itself

" Hoo this is interesting" I thought with a smirk in my face.