
The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

[Not My Novel just Translating it] [There are some Dark parts in this story] “One more round of ten rounds! This time I must draw Professor McGonagall’s Animagus!” Draw a card! Cash out! Who is it? “I am the great astrologer – Trelawney!” 【Divination +1】 Excited tears welled up from the corners of Tom’s eyes. Facing the magnificent magical world, Tom deeply felt that the power of Muggles was limited, so he decided to shout out that sentence: I'm not a muggle anymore!

young_sunlight · Book&Literature
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Chapter 91: The Unwelcome Visitor in Diagon Alley

After Tom saw off the Grossman father and daughter, he encountered an unexpected person in Diagon Alley: Severus Snape.

Seeing Snape in Diagon Alley was surprising, as his demeanor seemed more suited to Knockturn Alley than the sunny atmosphere of Diagon Alley. However, once people remembered that he was the Head of Slytherin at Hogwarts and a Potions Master, it made more sense.

Snape rarely visited Diagon Alley because most of the magical ingredients sold there were ordinary, and for more specialized materials, he usually had to go to Knockturn Alley. However, today, he was there for one simple reason: to withdraw money.

Snape could solve most of his problems through the black market and contacts, but for withdrawing money, he had to come to Diagon Alley since it was home to the only wizarding bank in Britain, Gringotts. Currently, Gringotts did not offer online services.

Seeing Tom's familiar face, Snape's expression stiffened. He wasn't keen on interacting with these young wizards outside of school, but he couldn't avoid Tom, who approached him.

"Professor, hello."


"Professor, what brings you to Diagon Alley today?"

"None of your concern." Snape was getting impatient. "Everyone has their work to do, Yodel. If I were you, I would subscribe to a few research journals and pay attention to recent academic trends."

Tom was intrigued. "Research journals?"

Seeing Tom's eagerness, Snape sneered. "There are research journals in the wizarding world as well. Wizards publish their research findings on them at regular intervals. Recently, 'Magic,' 'Potion Reviews,' and 'Advanced Potions' have been discussing Damocles inventing the Wolfsbane Potion. Yodel, even if you have the slightest understanding of cutting-edge magical research, you should know about this explosive news."

Tom: ...

Professor, I'm just a first-year graduate! Are you asking me to read these cutting-edge articles? Isn't that too much?

From Snape's words, Tom realized that the wizarding world was not static. Like the Muggle world, they had their own academic journals, where top wizards published their research findings. Tom thought these journals were probably not monthly but might be biannual or annual.

As for the Wolfsbane Potion, it was a potion that allowed werewolves to maintain their sanity during a full moon, although it couldn't cure lycanthropy. The reason werewolves were discriminated against was that, despite being harmless during normal times, they turned into uncontrollable beasts during the full moon.

Once bitten by a werewolf, the victim would inevitably become one as well.

It was no wonder the wizarding community discriminated against werewolves. No one wanted to be the next victim of the curse. Due to this discrimination, werewolves found it difficult to get jobs, leading to a financially challenging life. Even someone like Lupin, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, struggled, let alone other werewolves. Dumbledore, despite being so inclusive, only hired Lupin as a professor after Snape could brew the Wolfsbane Potion.

The poverty and despair in their lives made some werewolves more prone to criminal activities. These criminals further tainted the reputation of the werewolf community, creating a vicious cycle: discrimination, crime, more werewolves discriminated against...

In the magical world, the situation was somewhat similar to the racial issues faced by Black people in Muggle countries, although the magical world lacked as much political correctness. The Ministry of Magic might hire a few werewolves symbolically, but there was no true equality.

The Wolfsbane Potion could potentially alleviate the current plight of werewolves. However, the gap between the two communities would take time to heal. Even a year after the potion was developed, Lupin was forced to resign when his werewolf identity was revealed. Prejudice was a mountain that required generations to move.

"Professor, if possible, do you need assistance with anything? I'm free every Sunday..."

Snape looked disdainfully at Tom. "The Wolfsbane Potion is extremely difficult to brew. In all of Hogwarts, only I have the ability to brew it. However, some steps are merely mechanical repetitions but must be done manually. You can come and try. But if you don't meet the requirements, you'll disappear from my sight."

This was a tacit agreement.

So, Tom followed Snape back to Knockturn Alley, Snape's home.

The surroundings of Knockturn Alley were harsh. There was a small river nearby, but unlike the fishing river next to Hermione's house, this one had floating garbage, and the rubbish heaps emitted a foul odor.

Suddenly, a loud explosion echoed in the air. Snape, with his sallow skin, pulled Tom towards the riverbank, startling a thin fox scavenging for food remnants in the rubbish pile.

Snape led Tom past an old fence, through a desolate path, crossing rows of dilapidated brick houses, and finally arrived at the door of Snape's home.

Snape opened the door, allowing Tom to enter. Tom traversed through a tiny living room. Each wall was filled with bookshelves, and besides the shelves, there was a worn-out sofa, an old armchair, and a shaky table. The only source of light was the candle lamp on the ceiling.

It was hard to imagine that this was the home of Severus Snape, a Potions Master. Snape, with a salary close to the maximum limit at Hogwarts, earning plenty of extra money, lived a surprisingly simple life.

Comparing this living environment to Goldrick's Valley...

No more words, only tears! Anyone who willingly falls in love after seeing Knockturn Alley must be experiencing true love.

Snape seemed indifferent to Tom's opinion. He manipulated something, causing a bookshelf to rotate, revealing a workspace.

"Although the conditions here are rudimentary, they are sufficient for some preliminary work." Snape entered and lit the candles inside.

The room was more spacious than the living room, and more organized. In the center was a large table with apparatus for brewing potions. Shelves surrounding the room held various bottles and jars.

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(End of this chapter)