
The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

[Not My Novel just Translating it] [There are some Dark parts in this story] “One more round of ten rounds! This time I must draw Professor McGonagall’s Animagus!” Draw a card! Cash out! Who is it? “I am the great astrologer – Trelawney!” 【Divination +1】 Excited tears welled up from the corners of Tom’s eyes. Facing the magnificent magical world, Tom deeply felt that the power of Muggles was limited, so he decided to shout out that sentence: I'm not a muggle anymore!

young_sunlight · Book&Literature
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144 Chs

Chapter 126: No One Can Stay Out of It

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"The time is up, everyone put down your pens." After the allotted time, Tom clapped his hands and collected all the young wizards' test papers.

The atmosphere in the classroom became restless, with many wizards whispering to each other. Ron turned to Harry and said, "Harry, what do you think? I thought the questions were okay, but I'm not sure about the one on werewolves. Does silver repel werewolves?"

"It doesn't, right? I remember that a werewolf's fresh bite wound can heal under the influence of a mixture of silver powder and unicorn horn, but there's no record that werewolves are afraid of silver objects," Navi, sitting in front, turned around and joined the discussion. It was evident that these questions were more like common knowledge quizzes for wizards from magical families.

"Non-magical folks might have such beliefs, and they even think that vampires are repelled by silver and birch wood," Harry said somewhat gloomily.

"Oh? Is that so?" Ron pondered for a moment, "Then maybe we shouldn't choose that option. But it's all in the past now; let's wait for the results."

Ron regained his optimism, and with a hushed voice, he began to mock Lohart, "Really, there hasn't been a professor who gave a test on the first day of school since my parents' generation. I think Lohart might be the first in the entire history of Hogwarts."

Navi, on the other hand, consoled Harry. He could tell that Harry's performance in this exam might not be ideal.

At the front row, Hermione was discussing the answers to the questions with her friends.

"Let me think, for the first question, choose A and C. The famous dark wizard is Grindelwald, not Grindilo. They like to eat fish but occasionally attack humans who fall into the water. For the second question, choose A and D. There is a huge difference between werewolves and regular wolves, just like the difference between mercury and silver. Also, werewolves have a five-star rating, indicating extreme danger..."

"Eh?" "Ah!" "Oh!"

Such voices kept echoing around Hermione.

"Hermione, you know so much!" Lisa Turpin exclaimed.

Hermione blushed, "It's nothing, I just study a lot—"

"Alright, children," the disguised Tom as Lohart collected the papers, organized them on the platform, and then clapped his hands, "I believe that for some of you, the results of this test may not be ideal, but I tested common knowledge! These were free points. If you don't know these, you should reflect on whether you've read too few books."

Tom paused, and his gaze swept over a few students with bowed heads, "But it's not too late to start reading now. I recommended a few of my books before the start of the school year. Although they contain a lot of flowery language for literary reasons, the authenticity of the stories is unquestionable. Reading these books will benefit you."

"I heard that some students often go to the library to read books after class. I think you should learn from her—if you also go to the library often, you won't struggle to pass surprise tests like today." Tom's eyes fell on Hermione, making her blush.

She could feel that others were looking at her, and she found Professor Lohart's gaze a bit strange. Moreover, his actions and tone seemed oddly familiar...

"To encourage Hermione's enthusiasm for learning, I've decided to add ten points to Ravenclaw."

Hermione was surprised; this was the first time she received points for her love of the library.

After using up the bonus points for the class, Tom took out a book, "Wandering with Werewolves," and placed it on the desk.

"Today's homework is to read the first three chapters of 'Wandering with Werewolves.' If you've already finished, you can continue reading."

The students breathed a sigh of relief; at least, today's homework was easy.

Suddenly, Tom remembered that he hadn't informed them about the exam weight for the final. However, he decided to mention it in the next class—surprises are best kept for a few days.

Putting away his belongings, Tom prepared to end the class early. Before leaving, he looked at everyone with a smile and said, "But don't worry if you didn't do well. This test has a low weight in the final exam because there will be many quizzes during regular classes."

Students: Yay!

"...because there will be many frequent quizzes."

Students: ...

"Alright, class dismissed!" Tom, carrying his bag, quickly left the classroom. His departure speed was comparable to that of a college professor giving a lecture. He left behind a room full of despairing young wizards; the thought of numerous frequent quizzes made them miserable.

However, Tom was in high spirits as he walked down the corridor. He didn't expect that being a teacher would be so enjoyable, and he was even getting addicted to it.

At that moment, Professor McGonagall happened to pass by.

"Good day, Professor McGonagall."

"Hello, Gellert," although Professor McGonagall disliked Lohart, he was still her colleague, and she greeted him back, realizing that she couldn't ignore him. She even thought about borrowing the idea of a surprise test for her own Transfiguration class.

"You still have a class later, right? I won't disturb you." Tom showed a brilliant smile and waved the test papers in his hand, "I need to go and grade the papers."

"Uh, yes?" Professor McGonagall was taken aback. She hadn't expected Lohart to leave without saying much.

"Wait a moment, what's that in your hand?" Professor McGonagall saw the test papers and was confused. Could he have collected essays from students on the first day of school?

"It's the exam papers."

Professor McGonagall: ??? "For a test?"

"Yes, to gauge the students' levels, I gave them a test, and I'm going to grade it now. Professor Snape gave me the inspiration for this!"

Professor McGonagall: !

She suddenly thought that this idea seemed quite good. She decided to borrow it for her Transfiguration class. However, she also pondered how to improve it since she taught a different subject.

Tom noticed that Professor McGonagall seemed puzzled, "It's nothing. I'll go and grade the papers now."

As Tom was about to leave, he remembered that he hadn't informed the students about the exam weight for the final. However, he decided to mention it in the next class. Surprises are best kept for a few days.

Tom packed up and prepared to dismiss the class early. Before leaving, he looked at everyone with a smile and said, "But don't worry if you didn't do well. This test has a low weight in the final exam because there will be many quizzes during regular classes."

Students: Yay!

"...because there will be many frequent quizzes."

Students: ...

"Alright, class dismissed!" Tom, carrying his bag, quickly left the classroom.

 His departure speed was comparable to that of a college professor giving a lecture. He left behind a room full of despairing young wizards; the thought of numerous frequent quizzes made them miserable.

However, Tom was in high spirits as he walked down the corridor. He didn't expect that being a teacher would be so enjoyable, and he was even getting addicted to it.

At that moment, Professor McGonagall happened to pass by.

"Good day, Professor McGonagall."

"Hello, Gellert," although Professor McGonagall disliked Lohart, he was still her colleague, and she greeted him back, realizing that she couldn't ignore him. She even thought about borrowing the idea of a surprise test for her own Transfiguration class.

"You still have a class later, right? I won't disturb you." Tom showed a brilliant smile and waved the test papers in his hand, "I need to go and grade the papers."

"Uh, yes?" Professor McGonagall was taken aback. She hadn't expected Lohart to leave without saying much.

"Wait a moment, what's that in your hand?" Professor McGonagall saw the test papers and was confused. Could he have collected essays from students on the first day of school?

"It's the exam papers."

Professor McGonagall: ??? "For a test?"

"Yes, to gauge the students' levels, I gave them a test, and I'm going to grade it now. Professor Snape gave me the inspiration for this!"

Professor McGonagall: !

She suddenly thought that this idea seemed quite good. She decided to borrow it for her Transfiguration class. However, she also pondered how to improve it since she taught a different subject.

Tom noticed that Professor McGonagall seemed puzzled, "It's nothing. I'll go and grade the papers now."

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(End of this chapter)

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