
The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

[Not My Novel just Translating it] [There are some Dark parts in this story] “One more round of ten rounds! This time I must draw Professor McGonagall’s Animagus!” Draw a card! Cash out! Who is it? “I am the great astrologer – Trelawney!” 【Divination +1】 Excited tears welled up from the corners of Tom’s eyes. Facing the magnificent magical world, Tom deeply felt that the power of Muggles was limited, so he decided to shout out that sentence: I'm not a muggle anymore!

young_sunlight · Book&Literature
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144 Chs

Chapter 109: The Privilege of a Professor

After entering the library, Mrs. Pince, the librarian, indeed emerged from the shadows. However, upon seeing that the visitor was the newly appointed professor at Hogwarts, she abandoned her thoughts of questioning and intended to leave directly.

At this moment, Tom stopped her.

"Mrs. Pince, please wait."

"Professor Lockhart, do you have something you need?" Mrs. Pince turned around, staring at Tom.

"As you know, I am the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. I would like to find a book that introduces dark magic for lesson preparation... um, let's start with how to communicate with dark creatures." Tom deliberately made the request vague.

Sure enough, Mrs. Pince frowned. Wasn't this request as vague as not saying anything?

"Can you be more specific? Most books in the Restricted Section are related to dark magic, and there are countless dark creatures."

Tom, in the guise of Lockhart, showed a somewhat embarrassed expression. "I don't have a very specific idea about this yet. Let me think... books about female ghosts, yes! Also, something about Parseltongue, and, well, let's add Mermish!"

Mrs. Pince understood: This guy didn't have a specific idea at all; he was just making it up as he went along! The three options he gave, one was from his own books, and the other two were obviously well-known.

"Books related to female ghosts are on the 7th shelf of the B section, Mermish is in the 16th shelf of the D section, Parseltongue... let me think, there isn't much written about it, but there are some leftover notes on the last big shelf. You can look for it yourself." After saying this, Mrs. Pince left as quickly as possible, not willing to linger for even a second. She feared that Lockhart might come up with some strange ideas again if she stayed.

That was exactly the effect Tom wanted. First, he went to those two shelves and randomly picked a few books. When he touched the books, he could clearly feel the mysterious connection between himself and Hogwarts flowing through his fingertips and into those books.

Tom casually opened a forbidden book—nothing happened. The book didn't emit any eerie screams, just like an ordinary book.

"So, this is the privilege of a professor..." Tom was somewhat excited. The entire library was now open to him. Why bother forging signatures from Lockhart? No, it's much simpler to become a professor himself!

As for Lockhart, he could reflect on his mistakes inside the box. Whenever he realized his mistakes and came out to atone, that would be the time.

However, Tom still remembered the main goal. So, he didn't linger and instead crossed rows of bookshelves, arriving at the back in the Miscellaneous Records section.

Miscellaneous Records contained notes collected from various sources and autobiographies of predecessors. Sending Tom here was clearly just a way to brush him off, a common trick in the British Cabinet.

Secretaries and undersecretaries would arrange a bunch of unimportant tasks such as speeches, meetings, and receptions for ministers and prime ministers, occupying their time so they wouldn't think about or do other things. If important figures didn't do anything, the secretaries' little secrets wouldn't be discovered—if others don't know what you're doing, they won't find out if you've done anything wrong.

Mrs. Pince had the same idea: use thousands of volumes of miscellaneous records to divert Lockhart's attention, preventing him from bothering her.

Tom looked at the notes on this wall and felt a headache coming on.

First, he tried to start with the titles on these notes, only to find that these dusty notes generally didn't have titles. There were more entries like diaries and self-biographies.

So, Tom changed his approach and focused on words like "Gaunt" and "Slytherin."

It didn't go well. Most notes left by members of the Gaunt family were full of arrogant and arrogant remarks, filled with pure-blood rhetoric, descriptions of extravagant scenes, and some boasting and gibberish. However, Tom did find traces of the Chamber in between the lines.

A student named Corvinus Gaunt recorded in his diary that the "legacy" left by his ancestors was almost exposed due to the school's renovation. He took the initiative to find this "legacy" and successfully hid it.

"Hid it in the lavatory, and only true Slytherin descendants can enter..." Tom understood as soon as he read this. This diary recorded clues about the Chamber, a treasure to others but meaningless to him.

He continued to force himself to read for over half an hour but gained nothing. Of course, it wasn't a complete waste of time; Tom came across some interesting records. For example, someone solemnly claimed that the great wizard Merlin left five treasure vaults in Hogwarts. Such small gossip was quite interesting.

But the prevailing tone was like this:

"Oh, Lady Icasa is truly a beauty. Sir Icasa is indeed my good brother!"

"I found out today that my wife and Sir Icasa have an affair! Merlin's underpants!"


"On the seventh of July, I will never engage with that French woman, never! I haven't even met her!

On the fourteenth of July, today I met Miss Evegard. She's so beautiful!"

"On the fifteenth of July, Miss Evegard made croissants—apparently the French call them that, they taste really good! The milky aroma on top is just like Miss Evegard. Our marriage will definitely be very happy!"

Next year in March, hahaha, I'm going to be a father!"


"I calmly issued the order, and the Earl Andre's long spear formation advanced fifty steps, ultimately achieving victory."


What on earth was this? Tom couldn't stand it; he clearly realized that continuing like this was a waste of time.

He gave up. Perhaps the secrets of speaking Parseltongue were hidden in these records, but they couldn't be found right away. Searching like this in the current situation was like finding a needle in a haystack. Tom decided to change his approach.

Before leaving, Tom casually took a book called "Powerful Potions" from the shelf. This thick, almost moldy tome contained the formula for complex potions. For Tom, to carry out the next step of his plan, he needed the help of complex potions.

In the boys' lavatory, Tom changed back to his original form and returned to the common room.

Tom took out his bookmark and made a final modification, successfully fixing the bugs he had found earlier. After this, he took out a small gift box he had prepared earlier, placed the bookmark inside, and tapped the surface of the box with his wand. The silk ribbon on the box fluttered and tied itself into a beautiful bow.

He put away the gift box.

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(End of this chapter)

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