
Chapter 8: Grandfather

Two days later, the Anderson family took a car to Charles Street, where Albert's grandparents lived at number 21.

Every year, the Anderson family would make time to visit the elderly couple. During summer vacation, Albert would always come here and stay for a few days.

"Dad, I've come to see you."

"Albert, come here, let me have a look!" Luke completely ignored his own son and walked up to stare at his grandson. "Herbert said you received a letter from Hogwarts, that's wonderful. If there's anything you want to buy, let me know..."

"Dad, I already took Albert to Diagon Alley in London to buy things," Herbert said helplessly, looking at his father. He cleared his throat and continued, "I even brought you a gift."

"I'm not a child, I don't need any gifts." Luke glanced at his son, then grabbed Albert's little hand and said, "Come inside and tell me what magic you've learned."

"Luke has been excited for several days, like a child," Sansa said to the Herbert couple. "He never mentioned this to me before. I only found out a few days ago. It's been a long time, Nia. Have you missed me?"

"Brother won't let me touch his wand. He's always guarding against me like I'm a thief." Nia immediately reported to her grandmother.

"Herbert, keep an eye on Tom and don't let it run around." Daisy picked up the package from the car and asked her husband to carry the cat carrier, fearing that the little rascal would disappear as soon as it was let out.

"Can Albert really do magic?" Sansa found this fascinating. She never expected her grandson to be a wizard of legends.

"He can. He can make the wand light up, and he secretly practices in his room every night," Nia tattled on Albert, holding her grandmother's hand and listing his faults. "He even said that if I had a wand, I would definitely blow up the house."

"Mom, you don't know. That wand is really dangerous, let me tell you..." Herbert carried the cat carrier and followed behind the two, rambling about what he had seen in Diagon Alley.

"Albert thinks that trying magic recklessly is very dangerous," Daisy added. She had read some magical history books and knew about certain incidents in the wizarding world, so she had some understanding of the magical world.

"Alright, Daisy, things are not as bad as you imagine."

"No, Mom, in fact, even in the wizarding world, children aren't allowed to easily have wands." Daisy stood firmly on Albert's side. Their son was very reliable.

"How do you know?" Herbert curiously asked.

"If you had finished reading those books, you would know," Daisy scolded her husband, looking at him reproachfully. "Can't you pay more attention to Albert's matters? He's our precious son after all."

"Don't worry, we've never had to worry about Albert since he was little." Herbert knew his son's character well, and Albert has always been easygoing.

"Even so, you should still be more cautious." Daisy entered the house with the package and casually closed the door behind her.

After being let out of the cat carrier, Tom started running around. Sansa and Daisy went to the kitchen to prepare desserts and tea, while Luke listened to his son and grandson talk about Diagon Alley. They filled in the missing parts for each other.

Luke was well aware that wizard portraits can move and had some knowledge of Dumbledore.

He put the chocolate frogs Herbert had brought into a large glass jar and placed it in the living room as decoration.

"I even wrote a letter to Headmaster Dippet asking why I didn't receive an invitation," Luke said, having come to terms with it over the years. "Because I had no magical ability, or in other words, I was a Squib, my family sent me away when I was eleven and entrusted me to a distant relative."

"How could they do that?" Herbert was puzzled and angry. He thought Luke's family had gone too far.

"For a wizarding family, having a Squib is a disgrace," Luke whispered. "They will do their best to hide this secret, even pretending that person doesn't exist."

"I'm not sad, not sad at all," Nia comforted.

"It's been many years, and I have let go of all that. I have completely cut off contact with that side of the family," Luke said, picking up Nia and placing her on his lap, smiling. "However, it's a bit unexpected that Albert became a wizard. I had completely given up when Herbert didn't receive his acceptance letter."

During their chat, Albert demonstrated new magic to them, such as the Lumos spell, Reparo, and Scourgify, as well as the Unlocking Charm. These were the four spells he currently knew, thanks to his advancement to the second year of wizarding blood.

Although he wasn't proficient in them yet, it was still surprising to see a cracked teacup slowly repairing itself and spilled tea being wiped away without warning.

"I want to learn too," Nia pouted at her grandfather, complaining in a soft voice. "I want to learn magic too, Albert is so sneaky."

Luke looked at his grandson and asked for his opinion. He knew that Albert had his own thoughts and wouldn't easily make decisions for others.

"You can only do as I say," Albert looked at his sister. He was actually curious if Nia had any magical talent.

"I will, I promise," Nia nodded eagerly, like a little chick.

"You agreed so quickly, forget it then. You weren't even listening to what I said," Albert stared at his sister and said seriously.

"No, I was listening attentively," Nia quickly retorted.

"Recite after me, 'Flickering Fluorescence,'" Albert instructed. Nia knew this was an incantation.

"Flickering Fluorescence," Nia quickly recited, aware that it was a spell.

"Repeat it a few more times slowly, and don't make any mistakes. Otherwise, no one knows what might happen," Albert cautioned. "I'll lend you my wand later, but don't wave it around randomly, don't aim it at people, and don't recite spells haphazardly. Even if you can't perform magic, you can't lose your temper."

"I got it," Nia said impatiently.

"What did I just say?" Albert suddenly asked.

"Don't wave the wand randomly, don't..." Nia forgot what she was supposed to say. She pouted and complained

, "I'm not you, how can I remember so many things?"

"If you can't remember, then I can't lend you the wand," Albert said seriously.

"But... fine, say it again," Nia conceded.

Watching Albert teasing Nia and seeing her reaction, the Anderson family burst into laughter. After all, children always love to be mischievous, and Nia was no exception.

However, Albert had a way to handle her mischief.

After Nia memorized his words, Albert handed her his wand.

Excitedly, Nia took the wand, but she quickly settled down after receiving a stern look from Albert. She obediently recited the incantation and attempted to use the Lumos spell. However, the spell didn't succeed.

"Take a deep breath, focus, and try again," Albert placed his hand on Nia's shoulder and said softly.

The Lumos spell was one of the simplest spells, so if she couldn't perform it, it likely meant that Nia didn't have the natural talent to become a witch.

"Flickering Fluorescence," Nia tried a few more times, but none of them were successful.

"You're getting anxious. Don't be in a hurry. The more anxious you are, the more likely you'll fail," Albert gently ruffled Nia's hair and looked at his grandfather.

Luke shook his head at him, and Albert understood what it meant.

"Maybe it's just because you're still young. I don't know," Albert reassured her.

"I hate it. Albert always likes to deceive people. I must not have the talent to become a witch," Nia said with a mournful face, looking very sad.

"I don't know either," Albert comforted her. "Maybe it's just because of your young age."

"Annoying! Albert always likes to lie. I definitely don't have the talent to become a witch," Nia threw down the wand and ran off.

Albert picked up the wand with a helpless expression and looked in the direction Nia ran, preparing to catch up with her.

Children could be troublesome.

"I'll go find Nia," Luke stood up and walked towards his granddaughter. He understood her current state of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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