
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · Book&Literature
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Chapter 31: Night Adventure Invitation

"So, you guys want to go... night roaming tonight?"

At nine o'clock in the evening, Albert was writing a letter to his family when he overheard the twins' conversation, causing his face to twitch involuntarily.

Wait, didn't he have an unfinished task related to night roaming?


This is not good!

I can't do it!

Not now!

Albert lightly tapped his cheek with his hand. Going for a night adventure now would definitely get him caught by Filch.

"Albert, do you want to come with us?" the twins asked in unison.

"I heard...," Albert put down his quill and turned to look at the twins, saying, "Caretaker Filch knows about most of the secret passages in the castle. That means he can easily catch you guys, who don't know much about Hogwarts."

"If you don't want to end up in detention before the school year officially starts, it's best not to take unnecessary risks."

"I said the same thing. Going for a night adventure now will surely get us caught by the caretaker," Lee Jordan quickly changed his tune and agreed.

"No, that's not the most important thing. If you want to go night roaming, you must be prepared, or you'll definitely get into trouble," Albert shook his head and reminded them, "The courage of Gryffindor is not recklessness. At the very least, you need to master the Lumos Charm."

"Don't you think carrying a lantern is troublesome? It won't be easy to run if you need to. In this book," Albert put down his wand and pointed to the "Selected Spells of the 19th Century" he borrowed from the library, "there are records of the Disguise Charm. If you become proficient in this magic, Filch will have a hard time catching you."

"So, are you willing to go night roaming with us?" the twins clapped each other's hands, as if celebrating some happy occasion.

"You guys... could it be?" Albert suddenly understood what they were planning and shook his head, "If you want me to join you for a night adventure, it's not impossible, but not now. I don't want to get caught by Filch. I suggest you first learn some useful spells, so we can wander around the school without being caught by Filch."

"That's great! With you joining us, we have more confidence in our night roaming plan," George excitedly linked arms with Fred, and the two of them started a strange tap dance.

In the eyes of the Weasley twins, their roommate was quite reliable.

"Tomorrow, George, Lee, and I plan to go to Hogsmeade again. Do you want to come with us?" Fred brought up tomorrow's plan again and added, "Only third-year students are eligible to go to Hogsmeade. But we can sneak over through a secret passage. It's the only wizarding village in the whole of Britain."

"I want to go to Zonko's Joke Shop and buy something. I didn't bring any money last time we went," George exclaimed excitedly.

"That's the most..." Lee Jordan was about to agree when Albert interrupted him.

"I'm not really interested in those prank items, but... it wouldn't hurt to see the wizarding village."

By the way, there seems to be quite a few tasks on the schedule today. Albert glanced at it and immediately froze.

The beginning of an adventure.

This is the beginning of a great adventure, heading to Hogsmeade through a secret passage, experiencing the excitement and fun that adventure brings.

Reward: 100 experience points, George Weasley's favorability +5, Fred Weasley's favorability +5, Lee Jordan's favorability +5.

Favorability? What's this about?

Why does it feel like playing a strategy game?

Could it be that when the favorability reaches 100, you become legendary best friends?

Albert quickly shook off the chilling thoughts in his head.

As an ordinary person, he couldn't accept the idea of being someone's "bro."

"Let's go together after breakfast." Albert agreed and continued writing his letter. Based on the photos, he described many things about Hogwarts in the letter. Albert was a professional in this regard, although he hadn't put pen to paper in a long time, his skills for making a living were still there.

Fred and George didn't disturb him. The three of them were flipping through "Standard Spells, Beginner Level," looking for spells they could use. Albert was right; carrying an oil lamp was too heavy. They should learn some spells.

A few minutes later, Albert suddenly smelled the scent of burning paper. He turned his head and saw that the Daily Prophet newspaper had been set on fire. The twins were hopping around, trying to extinguish the flames.

"What on earth are you doing!" Albert put the unfinished letter back in the box, walked over, opened the window, and let the smoke in the room dissipate.

"George just tried the Fire-Making Spell." Fred coughed lightly. "The newspaper was successfully ignited."

"And you almost burned the carpet. Don't start a fire in the room." Albert said, annoyed. "You both still can't control magic perfectly. What would you do if you set the room on fire?"

"I think I might have talent in magic."

"How did you do it?" Lee Jordan asked curiously, eager to try casting a spell himself.

"Don't do it here. Go to the common room and aim at the fireplace!" Albert impatiently dismissed the group.

They really were a bunch of troublesome guys.

"If you still want to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow, it's best to learn the Lumos Charm. I don't want to carry an oil lamp and walk through the secret passage, and don't expect me to carry that thing for you."

"Well, I think you're right. We should practice the Lumos Charm first. It's a handy spell." George and Fred both agreed with Albert's suggestion.

Similar to Albert's initial use of spells, the Lumos Charm couldn't be sustained for a long time, and Lee Jordan hadn't even managed to light his wand yet.

"You're not focused enough, all your attention is on the wand," Albert said, putting the box back on his bedside table. He looked at the three practicing the Lumos Charm and gave them guidance. "When you wave the wand, don't hesitate. Pronounce the incantation clearly and accurately. Beginners need to concentrate their willpower."

"You sound a bit like a professor. Maybe you should consider going in that direction in the future," Fred joked.

"I think I'll pass!"

"Why?" George was puzzled.

"Because being a professor is too tiring, especially when dealing with a bunch of unruly kids. I'm not very patient, especially with strangers other than family and friends." Albert sat on the bed and picked up the Rubik's Cube on the table, fiddling with it.

"What's that?" Fred was immediately drawn to the Rubik's Cube.

"It's a Rubik's Cube, a Muggle toy. It's used to exercise spatial thinking, memory, and reflexes." Albert casually replied. He played with it out of boredom.

Of course, it also helped improve quick memorization and quick reactions. Though the experience gained was minimal, it was better than nothing, and it helped pass the time.

The three of them managed to master the Lumos Charm in one night.

With enough effort, they could quickly grasp simple casting spells, although they still weren't quite proficient in using the Lumos Charm.

(End of this chapter)