
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · Book&Literature
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319 Chs

Chapter 233: The Dangers of Inferior Products

Galleons are great things! They have both practical uses and great allure.

When Hogwarts announced that the champion of the Wizard Card Tournament would receive ten Galleons as a reward, it immediately caught the attention of many students. At first, they were somewhat stunned and skeptical about the authenticity of the news, but they became interested in the Wizard Card Club, which was preparing to host the competition. They were amazed to find that the club had a whopping forty-five members.

What astonished them even more was that the Wizard Card Club was actually founded by the genius wizard, Albert Anderson. In other words, it was he who would be paying out those Galleons.

Hogwarts students could only describe their initial impression of Albert Anderson in a few words: genius, lucky, and wealthy.

Undoubtedly, Albert could afford to offer such a sum of Galleons.

The students attracted by the Galleon reward began to explore and understand the Wizard Card game. Their overall impression of this new card game was that it was simple, fun, and offered a lot of freedom.

In no time, the Wizard Card Tournament became a topic of discussion among many Hogwarts students.

Although the game was still in its early stages, and the cards used were of inferior quality, those who had seen the preliminary cards believed that the game would not stop there.

What intrigued them even more were the character cards used in the Wizard Card game, which turned out to be students from various houses. Some members of the Wizard Card Club even had their own personalized cards, each with unique effects and signatures.

"I can't believe how many people have signed up!" Li Jordan stared at the list and couldn't help but exclaim.

On the third day after the news was released, club members began to approach Li Jordan to sign up and inquire about the champion's prize money.

Following Albert's instructions, Li Jordan began registering the participants and reminded them that once the champion's reward of ten Galleons was confirmed, they would need to pay two Sickles as registration fees. Moreover, there were only thirty-two slots available for the final competition.

If they were willing to pay the registration fee to continue participating, they would be given priority on the list.

"The allure of Galleons is even more terrifying than I imagined," Albert couldn't help but sigh.

Even those who had no interest in the Wizard Card game before began to learn its rules, and many students came to him to sign up, eager to join the Wizard Card Club.

After all, it was a casual organization that only met once a month, and even if they didn't attend the meetings, it wouldn't be a big deal.

"Is tomorrow's meeting still in the Great Hall?" George suddenly asked.

"Yes, we can occupy the tables at the end of the hall," Albert replied after thinking for a moment.

"I thought you would find a classroom instead," Fred said, surprised. He believed that constantly meeting in the Great Hall didn't seem like a good idea, as it made the club feel less formal.

If Albert knew their thoughts, he would definitely want to joke that holding the meetings in the Great Hall was to attract more popularity. The more members the club had, the more people would become interested in Wizard Cards and voluntarily learn about them.

If one day, most Hogwarts students liked playing Wizard Cards, the monthly meetings would be lively, becoming a grand feast.

"The game is more enjoyable when everyone plays together," Albert reminded with a smile. "Hogwarts is just the starting point for us."

With this brief exchange, breakfast came to an end. Today was the day they were heading to Hogsmeade, and they were ready to set off early to avoid overlapping with other students.

"Oh, by the way, can we join you later?" Fred scratched his forehead, feeling a bit embarrassed as he asked.

"We're also interested in learning how to brew Babbling Beverage," George added immediately.

"Well... I suppose that's possible. Mr. Daggworth didn't mention in his letter that we couldn't bring others along," Albert said, thinking for a moment before adding, "But I must warn you, this won't be a pleasant process, and with your knowledge of potions, you may not learn anything useful in the end."

After receiving Albert's kind warning, Fred and the others decided to accompany Albert to visit the Potion Master, Mr. Daggworth.

Mr. Daggworth's house was located in a remote corner of Hogsmeade, a place that rarely saw any visitors. As they approached, they had a strange feeling that this place might not have been inhabited for a long time.

When Albert knocked on the door, they were surprised to be greeted by a house-elf.

"Please come in, Mr. Anderson, and these gentlemen," the house-elf warmly invited them into the living room, which was quite cozy. A fire was burning in the fireplace, and the house-elf quickly brought them hot drinks and cakes.

"Where's Mr. Daggworth?" Albert lifted his cup of hot tea and took a small sip before asking.

"The master will be here soon. He instructed me to treat you well," the house-elf bowed slightly to Albert and then exited the room.

The three of them were amazed at the treatment Albert was receiving.

"I suddenly understand why Albert enjoys having afternoon tea with Professor Smith," Lee Jordan said with a sour expression after tasting the excellent cake from the Honeydukes.

"Yeah, you definitely wouldn't get this kind of treatment," Fred and George couldn't resist teasing, "If you went, you'd probably end up in detention."

"Hmph, you two have had more detentions than I have," Lee Jordan retorted without backing down.

Soon, a forest-green flame rose from the fireplace in the living room, and Hetrock Daggworth emerged from the flames, smiling and greeting Albert. He wasn't surprised that Albert brought company.

"I hope you haven't waited too long," Daggworth said.

"The tea here is excellent," Albert complimented, while Fred and the others felt a bit awkward, not knowing what to say.

"Follow me. The laboratory hasn't been used in a long time. To be honest, I haven't lived here much since I moved away from Hogsmeade," Daggworth led them to the front of the laboratory and solemnly reminded them, "Although there's nothing dangerous left in the laboratory, I must warn you not to touch anything without permission, especially when I'm brewing potions. Otherwise, I'll have to kick you out."

Of course, Fred and the others understood that this was Daggworth's warning to them.

The laboratory looked different from what they had imagined. They had expected it to resemble the Potions classroom, but instead, they saw many empty cabinets.

"To be honest, I can't understand why you want to brew Babbling Beverage. It's one of the potions banned by the Ministry of Magic for private brewing, and those who make it are mostly fools," Daggworth said, tinkering with a crucible and couldn't help muttering, "They often end up making defective products and poison themselves. Some unlucky ones even turn themselves into fools. As far as I know, St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries has several of these fools because they drank low-quality Babbling Beverage and damaged their brains, which led to long-term stays at St. Mungo's Hospital."

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(End of this chapter)