
Chapter 2: The Anderson Family's Past

No one moved. Everyone remained frozen in place, or at least for about half an hour... Well, in reality, it was probably only ten seconds.

Albert bent down and picked up the pale yellow envelope. It was an unsealed letter with no postage stamp, and it had a line of text written in emerald green ink. He read it aloud in a soft voice:

"19 Tibby Lane, for Mr. Albert Anderson."

As Albert read these words, he realized that he had triggered a quest:

"The Wizard's Path."

You have the potential to become a wizard, but you are not qualified yet. Now you have a precious opportunity to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and become a student.

Rewards: 10,000 experience points, 2 skill points, Wizard Bloodline +1.

Wizard Bloodline?

Albert was stunned.

What on earth was this?

The offer of 2 skill points was tempting. After all, becoming a student at Eton College only granted him 1 skill point, and despite saving up for so many years, he had only accumulated 3 skill points, which he was reluctant to use.

However, the even more mind-boggling fact was that he had apparently entered a fictional world.

The magical world from the Harry Potter novels?

Albert turned the envelope over and, as expected, saw the Hogwarts crest. It had a capital letter "H" with a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake surrounding it.

"Mom, do zoos train owls to be mail carriers now?" Nia stared curiously at the owl lingering nearby.

"Nia, I don't think anyone uses owls to deliver mail. At least, normal people don't. Perhaps this is just a prank," Daisy said, looking at her husband. Seeing Herbert furrow his brow, she spoke up, "What's wrong, dear? Shouldn't we be leaving?"

"Nothing, Albert, let me see the letter," Herbert whispered.

"Oh, here you go," Albert handed the envelope to his father.

"Dear!" Daisy sounded a bit displeased.

Unaware of his wife's discontent, Herbert quickly opened the envelope, glanced at the parchment inside, and said, "Kids, it seems our plans will have to be postponed."

"What happened, dear Herbert? What does the letter say?" Daisy's tone became more serious, sensing her husband's unusual behavior.

"Dad, what's written in the letter?" Nia couldn't help but ask. Surprisingly, it was Albert, the one who received the letter, who had the least significant reaction.

"Let's go back to the living room to discuss it, Daisy," Herbert said, slamming the car door shut and leading his family back inside.

After the entrance door was closed, the owl that delivered the letter remained.

"Herbert, you better give me a suitable explanation," Daisy looked angry. She was eager to see her son wearing the uniform of Eton College.

"Dad, what's in the letter? Read it out loud for everyone to hear. I also want to know who could predict the location where I would appear," Albert's face showed no significant emotional reaction. Of course, he knew what the letter was about. If he hadn't experienced the time travel and panel events before, he might have shown a shocked expression upon seeing the letter.

But with the previous shocks as a foundation, finding himself living in a fictional world didn't seem too strange. Moreover, he had read the bestselling Harry Potter books and even wrote a fanfiction.

Back then, he had done a fair amount of research and had some understanding of the world depicted in this novel.

"Then I'll read it," Herbert glanced at his calm son and proceeded to read the contents written on the parchment:

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Albus Dumbledore (Chief of the International Confederation of Wizards, Head of the Wizarding Association, Order of Merlin First Class)

"Hogwarts... School!" Daisy widened her eyes in astonishment because she had already guessed what this was... an acceptance letter?

"Magic, does magic really exist in this world?" Nia's face showed undeniable excitement. "I want to learn magic too. I want to go to a magic school."

"Annoying Albert, let go of me!" Nia looked displeased at her older brother as she tried to get closer to see the letter, but Albert held her back.

"Nia, let Dad finish reading the letter," Albert signaled his father to continue reading and, in the process, guided his angry mother to sit down.

"Son, I absolutely won't allow you to go to this Hogwarts..." Daisy was furious. She felt that her husband might know something.

Herbert cleared his throat and continued reading:

Dear Mr. Anderson,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

The term begins on September 1st. We await your owl no later than July 21st.

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall

Herbert finished reading the letter and then handed it to his son.

Albert glanced at it and passed it to his curious sister, Nia, who ran to her mother, holding the letter.

Daisy carefully studied the contents of the letter and then said, with emphasis on each word, "I absolutely refuse to let Albert go to this school. No, someone must be playing a prank on us. Perhaps we should call the police immediately and catch that annoying troublemaker."

"Mom, does the 'await your owl' mean we should write back to them?" Nia suddenly asked.

Daisy didn't say anything. Instead, she stared at her husband with a piercing gaze.

Albert asked, "Dad, do you know something?"

"It's not exactly that I know," Herbert placed his hand on his head, seemingly lost in a brief recollection. "When I was about your age, my father, your grandfather, was disappointed that I didn't receive any letters from Hogwarts."

"I once asked my father what Hogwarts was, and he only said it was a school."

"Later, when my father was drunk, I asked him why he wanted me to go to Hogwarts."

"He only said he was a squib, but I didn't know what that meant," Herbert's tone was low, and he still remembered that moment when his father cried.

"I think now I know what Hogwarts is. My father would be delighted to know that his grandson received a letter from Hogwarts."

Albert certainly knew what a squib meant, but he had never really thought about his own connection to wizards.

By the way, he didn't have any similar skills in his skill bar; otherwise, he would have noticed it long ago.

"Yes, I should write him a letter, no, call him. He will be so happy!" Herbert suddenly exclaimed, as if he intended to call his father.

"Herbert Anderson!" Daisy shouted loudly, "Albert should go to Eton College. He will achieve unimaginable things there, rather than going to some unknown school. Do you understand? This concerns his future, and I absolutely won't allow you..."

"Mom, we haven't even confirmed if magic exists," Albert reached out and grabbed his mother, who was about to lose control, comforting her softly, "Didn't the letter say to await your owl? Maybe we should write a letter to them, or let someone from that Hogwarts school come and prove the existence of magic. If they can't prove it, then it means it's a hoax."

"Fine, son, I agree with you. Let that damn school prove the authenticity of this letter," Daisy clenched her fist and swung it forcefully, "Just wait and see, I will definitely report this to the police and catch those scammers, make them rot in jail for a few years."

(End of this chapter)

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