
The Day I Saw A God

This story is about a girl. Her name is Natsumi Furakawa. She is in a High School Girl. She lived in Tokyo Japan. She had A Normal Life. Though she was the Japan's most Richest Architecture's daughter. One Day She Meet With Someone Who Told Her That She Is Going Die Today. What Will Happen To The Girl? What Will she do? Read the story to know about what happened to her and all the other people that she will meet and she had meet will have there promised day. The day they die.

Fahim_ahmed · Teen
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78 Chs

Inside Of The Palace Part 6

Chapter 48

She feels nostalgic and it made her sad. She continues thinking [I wish I could go back in there again. If only there was a guarantee to go in there again!]

She tries to cheer herself. She continues thinking [I shouldn't get sad and depressed now. If Harley sees me like this he will get worried and who knows what he will do. As his big sister, I can't let that happen. Even though I am not his real sister.]

She gets more sad than getting happy. She looks around her. Even though all the other room's had various types of pictures and other things on the wall, this floor's wall was totally black with no colour in it other than the top part of wall. It was paint in red color. No design, no pictures either. This floor only had a huge dinning table with hundreds of chairs. There was a plates in front of every chair. Other than the plates in front of every chairs was forks, spoons, knife, glass, small bowls, wine and a jug full of water. On the ground, it had red stylish carpet with some beautiful vines and flower design in it.

She thought to herself [Why the wall is black?]

She touched the wall. As soon as she touches the wall the part of the walls she touched, the color of that part changed. It turn from black to blue. She was surprised. She didn't know how she changed a part of the wall's color.

She thought to herself [Did I do something I shouldn't have done????]

Suddenly she saw that the blue color changed into green color. Before she could even react the green color changed into indigo color. Then it turn into red color. Then it turn into yellow color. Then it turned into orange color. Then it turn into cyan color. Then it stopped changing color.

She thought to herself [What the hell is happening with this palace's wall? Does it have it own life or something?]

She touches that part of the wall again. But this time the wall color didn't changed. That part of the wall stayed on cyan color.

She said this :"That was kind of weird."

Someone from behind her said this to her :"Ahem, Miss Natsumi."

She looked back. She didn't see a person standing near her or sitting beside her, she saw a grown man with long white hair inside of the wall talking to her. He looked like as if he was in his early thirties. The entire wall changed into cyan color. After she looked back at him.

He introduce himself to her like this :"I am this palace's U.S.R.A.I or Ultra Super Rare Artificial intelligence."

She replies to him like this :"Ultra Super Rare Artificial intelligence?" She didn't have a clue about what that mean.

He replies to her proudly like this :"Yes, my majesty. I am a ultra super rare artificial intelligence. I am like a robot but instead of normal robot which have a body of itself. I can move anywhere in the heaven and the multiverse."

She didn't understand all of that. She doesn't have a clue about what in the world ultra super rare artificial intelligence. And listening to him she was almost sure he was some kind of godly being. Though she had some knowledge about artificial intelligence.

She asks him like this :"Does this mean you are some kind of godly being?"

He replies to her with his tune a bit lower like this :"No I am not a godly being, My Majesty. I am not even as powerful as one of the archangels or God-servant let alone the almighty God. I can only exist in electronics devices like smartphone, tv, PC etc."

She realizes she was wrong about him. She replies to him like this :"That mean that you aren't a godly being."

He replies to her like this :"Yes, I am not, My majesty. Sorry to disappoint you My Majesty." This time his tune lowered even more .

He's expression changed into sad expression.

She thought to herself [This kind of make me feel weird.] She asks him like this :"I understood some of it but, what is this ultra super rare artificial intelligence mean?"

He replies to her like this :"It literally mean what it says. I am a artificial intelligence that is ultra super rare."

She asks him like this :"Doesn't that mean you are just an artificial intelligence?"

He replies to her like this :"No it doesn't, My Majesty. There are only three other A.I like me and I am the only one who can travel inside heaven."

She replies to him like this :"That just mean you are a A.I."

He replies to her like this:"I think you are a bit wrong, My Majesty. I-."

She interrupts his reply and replies to him like this :"I am not a bit wrong. You are just a A.I, an A.I which is super rare. Also stop calling me My Majesty."

He replies to her like this :"But My Majesty-"

She interrupts his reply again and replies to him like this :"If you really think of me as your Majesty then stop calling me that."

He hesitate at first but he then replies to her like this :"As you wish"

She thought to herself [Why all the people I meet are like this?? Isn't there is a normal human, soul in here? is everyone here are like this??]

He continues his reply to her by asking him like this :"Then how should I address you?

She replies to him like this :"Just call me Miss Natsumi."

He bows down to her and replies to her like this:"As you wish, Miss Natsumi." He continues his reply to her by asking her like this :"Is there any reason that Miss Natsumi hates to be called My Majesty?"

She didn't want to reply to that. And she didn't reply to him. It seemed like she had some reason for that.

But someone else replies to his question like this :"She doesn't want you guys to fear her or respect her because Ban said this to you guys. And also it's kind of weird for a seven days old angel and a A.I to call her by My Majesty. Will not that make you feel like a person who is a child abuser, irresponsible and make other people do there shitty work?!"

She looked at the direction where those words came from. She saw Light in his human form sitting in one of the chairs. They meet each other's eyes.

He replies to her like this :"Yo! How does it feel like in heaven?"

He (That A.I) grovels down and replies to him like this :"I am sorry, My Lord. I will never ever make this same mistake again." He was trembling while groveling

He replies to him like this :"If you understand then it's ok." He looks at her and asks her like this :"So How does it feel like?"

She replies to him like this :"I don't have anything to say to you."

He was shocked and surprised. He was sure she would reply back to him. He replies to her like this :"Oh! I see. Also did I told you about the other reason why she hates being called My Majesty?"

He looks up to him (Light) and replies to him like this :"Another reason?"

She replies to him (Light) like this :"I am feeling good though I am kind of stressed for some reason."

He replies to her with a smug face like this :"I see."