
The day I met my Scarlet Lily

Synopsis:- After a freak nuclear blast. The adults have reposed and the kids have been mutated. What would you do now? Will you live your life peacefully or wage a war?? Will you protect others or yourself?? Follow Oliver as he tramples through the wastelands to search for a place to call his home. It was the year 2035 on the island of Norwik in the middle of the Pacific ocean a freak nuclear accident had taken place the island has been contaminated, the adults have been reposed and the only survivor’s members are kids below 14 years old who have been mutated to possess uncanny powers. The world that they know is gone and in its place is a world full of savage monsters and terrifying people. After 10 years of pain and suffering, the first head clan was formed to govern the lucky troop that escaped from being lab rats. The residents were overwhelmed with joy little did they know that this was just the beginning of even more pain. Within a year of establishing the clan, the whole island was split into two. The Red hawks of the south and the Night blaze of the north fought with each other for the difference in their resources The south was less contaminated and relatively safer than the north which was highly contaminated and filled with monsters. To protect his sister, his friends, and his land Oliver decides to fight back against the night blaze.

suzy02 · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 ...Lost in Chaos

We left behind the wreckage of our shattered home, with its crumbled walls and broken memories, and sought solace in our familiar playground. As we made our way through the desolate streets, the once vibrant neighborhood now resembled a ghost town. The air was heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the distant sounds of destruction echoing in the distance.

But amidst the chaos, we found solace in our beloved playground. It was a sanctuary of familiarity, where worn-out swings creaked and colorful slides gleamed under the golden rays of the sun. Each of us, Theo, Alice, and I, settled into our usual spots, seeking comfort in the known amidst the unknown.

But it was Hana, the little girl who had recently joined our group, who drew my attention. Tears streamed down her face like an endless river, her sobs filling the air with a melancholic melody. Intrigued and concerned, I mustered the courage to approach her and ask about Alice, the pillar of strength we had all relied upon.

Hana's sorrowful reply pierced through the stillness, revealing a heartbreaking truth. She had been found alone, crying in the desolate streets, her house a mere pile of rubble. Her beloved brother, trapped amidst the wreckage, had already departed for the heavens. And when I asked about her parents, a slow shake of her head indicated that she, too, was left orphaned in this cruel world.

Drawn to her vulnerability, I moved closer, extending a hand of comfort amidst the chaos. Gently, I inquired about her name, and to my surprise, a delicate, angelic voice whispered, "Hana." The name suited her perfectly, encapsulating the innocence and fragility of a flower just beginning to bloom. She wept inconsolably for her lost brother, and my heart ached for her unimaginable loss. With a tender resolve, I did my best to provide a comforting presence by her side, a source of solace in the midst of our shared grief.

As we sat huddled together in our hidden sanctuary within the playground, the distant sounds of hurried footsteps and hushed adult voices reached our ears. Fear tightened its grip around our hearts, and we instinctively sought refuge behind a weathered bench, our small bodies trembling with trepidation. Lost in my own thoughts, I watched with wide eyes as a group of four men, their presence and appearance unnerving, approached our hiding place. Their ominous uniforms and menacing masks cast an eerie shadow over our small sanctuary.

One of the men, his eyes scanning the darkness, caught sight of our presence and moved closer, curiosity etched on his face. Panic surged through our veins as our wide eyes locked in a paralyzing gaze. But then, with a sudden motion, he removed his mask and helmet, revealing long, flowing blond hair. It was a woman! The transformation startled us, and we found ourselves captivated by her presence. The expression in her eyes held a motherly warmth, radiating concern and care.

Her voice, though initially startling, became a lifeline in the chaos as she gently inquired about our presence in this unsettling situation. Overwhelmed by fear, Hana sought refuge behind me, her tiny frame trembling. Summoning my courage, I explained to the woman our desperate situation, how our families had fallen victim to the catastrophe, and how we were in dire need of help. Yet, everywhere I looked, chaos reigned supreme. The woman, understanding the gravity of our circumstances, reassured us that she would take us to a place of safety.

Placing our trust in her, we obediently followed her, merging with the larger group of children that had gathered nearby. The world outside seemed both familiar and foreign as we boarded a camper, our uncertain destination veiled in mystery. Questions swirled in my young mind. What had happened to the adults? Why were we surrounded only by children? Where were we headed? Lost in my thoughts, I found solace in the touch of Hana's hand as she leaned against my side, seeking comfort on this bewildering journey.

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