
The day I met my Scarlet Lily

Synopsis:- After a freak nuclear blast. The adults have reposed and the kids have been mutated. What would you do now? Will you live your life peacefully or wage a war?? Will you protect others or yourself?? Follow Oliver as he tramples through the wastelands to search for a place to call his home. It was the year 2035 on the island of Norwik in the middle of the Pacific ocean a freak nuclear accident had taken place the island has been contaminated, the adults have been reposed and the only survivor’s members are kids below 14 years old who have been mutated to possess uncanny powers. The world that they know is gone and in its place is a world full of savage monsters and terrifying people. After 10 years of pain and suffering, the first head clan was formed to govern the lucky troop that escaped from being lab rats. The residents were overwhelmed with joy little did they know that this was just the beginning of even more pain. Within a year of establishing the clan, the whole island was split into two. The Red hawks of the south and the Night blaze of the north fought with each other for the difference in their resources The south was less contaminated and relatively safer than the north which was highly contaminated and filled with monsters. To protect his sister, his friends, and his land Oliver decides to fight back against the night blaze.

suzy02 · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: Desperate Escape and a Gruesome Discovery

As the grueling torture sessions came to an end, we were led back to our designated area, our bodies weary and spirits crushed. Determined to rescue Hana from the clutches of this nightmarish place, a spark of courage ignited within me. I huddled with Alice and Theo, my loyal companions, and whispered my audacious plan to them. With resolute nods, they agreed to join me in this perilous endeavor.

Under the cover of darkness, we carefully plotted our escape, knowing that failure could mean a fate worse than we could imagine. When the time was right, we quietly slipped out of line, our tiny hands trembling with fear and anticipation. The eerie silence that enveloped the deserted corridors heightened our senses, amplifying the stakes of our mission. Each step forward was laced with uncertainty, yet our determination propelled us forward.

As we cautiously explored the maze-like labyrinth of the facility, we stumbled upon a room teeming with peculiar equipment and mysterious contraptions. Our young eyes widened with a mix of curiosity and trepidation as we surveyed the cluttered tables and rows of portable containers. The air hung heavy with the scent of blood, mingled with an acidic tang that made our noses twitch in discomfort. It was a chilling reminder of the horrors we had witnessed and endured.

With a sense of urgency, Alice and Theo meticulously examined the tables, seeking any clue that could lead us to Hana's whereabouts. Meanwhile, my gaze fixated on a container placed near a table adorned with unsettling tools. My small hands trembled as I mustered the courage to pry it open. The metallic hinges creaked, and a gasp escaped my lips as the contents were revealed.

What lay before us was a scene of unimaginable horror—a dismembered body immersed in a pool of corrosive acid. Time stood still as shock and revulsion coursed through our veins. The grotesque sight etched itself into our young minds, forever haunting our dreams. Alice, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the macabre tableau, unleashed a scream that pierced the suffocating air. In a desperate attempt to stifle her cries, Theo clamped his hand over her mouth, his eyes brimming with tears of anguish.

Amidst the turmoil of emotions, a profound sense of loss washed over us. It was Hana's hand, severed and discarded like a forgotten doll. The realization of her fate struck us like a thunderbolt, shattering our innocence and forcing us to confront the grim reality of the atrocities committed within those walls. How had such a gentle soul, so full of life, met such a tragic end? Questions swirled in our minds, but answers remained elusive.

Retreating to the safety of our residence, I sought solace in the presence of Aunt Carol, who had become a beacon of hope in this sea of despair. With tears streaming down my face, I questioned her about the purpose of these cruel experiments, desperate for some semblance of understanding. Aunt Carol's eyes filled with remorse as she explained the sadistic motives that drove the generals and their twisted desire for power.

But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. Aunt Carol revealed a daring plan—an escape that would reunite us with the remnants of the outside world, a ravaged city we once called home. The news struck us with a mix of apprehension and determination. Hana's memory weighed heavily on our hearts, fueling our resolve to survive and ensure that her sacrifice was not in vain.

As the plan took shape, we adhered to Aunt Carol's instructions, silently packing our belongings, our hands moving with practiced efficiency. The anticipation swelled within us, intermingled with the sorrow of leaving behind the only life we had known. The evening wore on, and our belongings were loaded onto a nondescript truck, camouflaged as a food transport.

After a somber dinner, we retired to our beds, each heartbeat echoing with both fear and hope. At the stroke of 1 am, we were awakened from our fitful slumber and led in a single file towards a waiting van. The stench of confinement and desperation clung to the air, intensifying our anxiety. As I glanced upward, I realized that we were not alone—a multitude of young faces filled the truck, their eyes reflecting the same mixture of fear and determination that danced within our own.

In the darkness, we clung to one another, our small hands entwined, seeking solace and strength. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as whispers of escape and freedom spread like wildfire through the crowded vehicle. The mission was clear—to save as many innocent lives as possible from the clutches of this malevolence. Yet, as if fate itself conspired against us, an alarm shattered the fragile calm, plunging us into chaos.

Panic erupted within the confines of the truck as the piercing wail of the alarm pierced our ears. The armed guards, realizing our intent, unleashed a hail of gunfire, their shots tearing through the air with deadly precision. In the face of imminent danger, we scattered like frightened birds, our young hearts pounding in our chests. The night air was rent with screams and cries, as the pursuit for freedom turned into a harrowing battle for survival.

Each step we took in that chaotic frenzy carried the weight of a thousand prayers, as we fought tooth and nail to evade capture. The darkness provided cover, but fear clung to us like a shadow, threatening to betray our presence at any moment. We clung to the remnants of hope, praying that the dawn would bring a glimmer of light, guiding us towards a future free from the clutches of this nightmarish abyss.

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