
We Meet

After all the texting and all the late night phone calls. We finally talked about meeting in person. It wasn't a regular place people go to meet each other but again we were young and didn't wanna be in a relationship. So we decided to to go to a club with some friends which honestly it wasn't the best idea we had. I waited 2 hours or more for you to come and started thinking is he coming or isn't he I got a little sad and started to drink which I shouldn't of. Once you got to the club you seen that I had a little bit to much to drink and wasn't in the right place in mind even tho I was fine. I knew what I was doing and what was going on it might be crazy to stay but I love the way were Dancing together that night. Even tho we looked crazy ass hell dancing the way we were I didn't care I was just happy you did come and finally got to see the way you look like in person.