
The Day He Came, Everything Changed

Introducing Zainab Hassan, she is chubby and bubbly with a fair in complexion. Her hair is darker than the dark nights which she always keeps covered with a hijab. A pair of spectacles which usually hides her beautiful grey coloured eyes and  always placed on her perfectly shaped nose that is set on her symetrical face. Her presence is not anyday the talk of the town as with an average height and weight she can usually go unseen by many. Though she does not fit the description of being fat, she tries to lose weight and wonders what it is be skinny and naturally beautiful just like her friends. But they say beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and the best beholder is God Himself. Zainab just may have not heard this saying as just like many of us she too is conscious of her looks and appearance. In the world where being beautiful and skinny is the mostly a way of making money, Zainab is oblivious of her actual beauty which is her amazing character, helpful nature and a beautiful soul in which her Lord resides. Tragedy can not strike twice right? Wrong! For Zainab it has. A huge incident has taken place in her life. If that is not enough, she now has to go and stay at her relative's place. However, there is a catch! She will live there not as a family member but as a maid.Though strange but true, there comes a time when our own loved ones can neglect us and backstab us. Tommorow is her first day as a maid in her own realtives house....join her to know what circumstance and tragedy led her to where she is and how her life unfolds. ****** Behind every smile, there is a story to tell. Let's see how Zainab's journey turns out to be. Possibly a new house? New people? Some will love her and some will not.....what will happen?

sunehra_sokwala · Urban
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88 Chs

Umar and Khadija:The Lodge

The couples that are meant to be together, are the ones who go through so much pain that is designed to tear them apart but if you can survive that affliction; you'll certainly come out stronger and become each other's rock.



We filled her in with the basic necessaries until aunt Zainab asked if anyone required refreshments; everyone was keen except Khadija and I but I needed her to eat; to stay strong. After a bit of persuading, she agreed to eat and drink, as long as I ate with her, which I gladly obliged.

It was a warm feeling to know she took in my opinions and trusted me and I shared her a look of gratitude that she listened.

Once everyone had their refreshments, as well as forcibly getting something down me, to encourage Khadija to do the same. My mother Rehmat suggested we should all head towards the lodge before nightfall; reminding us the unwinding roads there gets really dark and can become dangerous if not known.