
The Day He Came, Everything Changed

Presenting Zainab Hassan, who has a fair complexion and is plump and vivacious. Her hair, which she wears a hijab over, is darker than the gloomy evenings. a set of glasses that are usually worn on her symmetrical face, perfectly forming her nose and concealing her stunning grey eyes. Her presence is not anyday the talk of the town as with an average height and weight she can usually go unseen by many. Though she does not fit the description of being fat, she tries to lose weight and wonders what it is be skinny and naturally beautiful just like her friends. However, it is said that beauty is subjective and that God is the best judge of beauty. Zainab might not be aware of this proverb because, like many of us, she is self-conscious about the way she looks. In the world where being beautiful and skinny is the mostly a way of making money, Zainab is oblivious of her actual beauty which is her amazing character, helpful nature and a beautiful soul in which her Lord resides. Tragedy can not strike twice right? Wrong! For Zainab it has. A huge incident has taken place in her life. If that is not enough, she now has to go and stay at her relative's place. However, there is a catch! She will live there not as a family member but as a maid.Though strange but true, there comes a time when our own loved ones can neglect us and backstab us. Tommorow is her first day as a maid in her own realtives house....join her to know what circumstance and tragedy led her to where she is and how her life unfolds. ****** Every smile has a backstory that deserves to be shared. Let's see how Zainab's journey turns out to be. Possibly a new house? New people? What will happen? Will some people love her and others not?

sunehra_sokwala · Urban
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88 Chs

Description Meet Zainab Hassan and Zahid Fawad Khan

You might be asking Almighty GOD for a drop, while HE has prepared an ocean for you so have patience and faith.

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No matter what your physical appearance, just remember; when you have kindness in your heart, you're the most beautiful person in the whole wide world. So, let us all remember not to make harmful comments, jokes and insults on another about their height, weight, skin or physical appearance because those individuals could be suffering and struggling with issues, you're not aware of. Choose your words carefully because everyone is remarkable and wonderful in their own way.

Zainab Hassan

Meet Zainab Hassan, she once lived a life full of contentment; happiness and fulfilment. A life with amazing and affectionate parents and a sister she loved dearly but one day, everything changed, everything was taken and nothing was the same anymore.

Now meet Zahid Fawad Khan who left home for personal and family motives years ago. He had everything a wealthy man could ever ask for, even had women falling at his feet wanting to be the next Mrs Khan. Now five years later, he's been asked to return home. 

Will everything be the same? 

What will happen when he meets Zainab?

Described by family and friends, Zainab Hassan is a bit on the chubby side but in body in shape definition, she was curvaceously beguiling. Her flawless fair skinned complexion and long dark hair; darker than the dark nights during a lunar eclipse resembled snow-white herself. If she wasn't an hijabi girl, you'd see her gorgeous shiny hair cascading down her back like a sparklingly waterfall.

Her beautiful and rare almond-shaped grey eyes simmered like the rays of light on a cloudy day; protected by her long dark eyelashes and spectacles that sat on her perfectly straight-edged nose, on her symmetrical face. At an average height of "5.2" and a weight of 63kg, she is usual unseen by many, mainly because she keeps her head down and does not dress to please others with the fashionable trend of tight clothing etcetera.

"Are there any shy girls left in today's generation?" maybe yes, maybe no. 

Silent lovers and kind people are mostly taken advantage of by others with their cruel minds but Zainab has always tried not to let what others say affect her morality, especially when they comment on her weight. A strong believer that whatever your body shape; whether it's fat or skinny, you'll always be criticised on weight issues and more than likely it'll be by the older generation. However, if truth be told, she does try to lose weight, in hope of becoming skinny like her friends and women in the front covers of fashion magazines and occasional marvel how easy clothing would fit if skinny.

People need to realise that words can affect individuals differently and maybe, just maybe, that person has a dark secret hence their appearance. Is it so difficult to be nice and praise others?

Am I beautiful?

This has been her stirring thought every single day and night, ever since suffering the horrendous ordeal of losing her family. Her self-esteem hit rock bottom and she became self-conscious that changed her attitude in life.

They say beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and the best beholder is God Himself, do you think Zainab has heard of this saying?

Every girl has a bit of self-conscious, don't they? And even though she does not dress to please others, Zainab has always tried to make an effort on her appearance to look pretty, I mean, don't we all?

In the world where being beautiful and skinny is the ultimate importance, she is oblivious of her actual natural beauty, not only in facial but her amazing character, helpful nature and beautiful soul that The Almighty has bestowed upon her.

She show's shyness at first but opens up once familiarised and without a doubt; is smart with a wicked sense of humour. They say tragedy cannot strike twice right? Wrong! Because for Zainab, it had. A huge incident took place in her life that triggered her life to change dramatically and if that wasn't enough, she now has to go and stay at her relative's place.

However, there's a spiteful catch! She will not be living there as a member of the family but as an inhouse mortified maid. Can anyone imagine anything more ironic, more utterly inexplicable than family not accepting you? Rare to some but strangely factual. There comes a time in everyone's life when even our own loved ones neglect us and backstab us.

As of tomorrow, Zainab will be starting her first day as a maid, in her own relative's house… join her to know what circumstances and tragedies led her to where she is today and how her life unfolds before her very own eyes.

Behind every smile, there's a story to tell. Shall we see how Zainab's journey turns out? Living among her hostile family that she hardly remembers; spoilt by wealth, living in a grand mansion.


Meet Zahid Fawad Khan, the only son of famous billionaire Fawad Khan; my mother's brother. Zahid lives at home with his loving grandparents, parents and younger sister Rehmat but due to family occurrences and incidences, he unexpectedly moved aboard. Why?

His parent's; my uncle and aunt, gave the excuse it was to further their children's studies and to recover from the death of one of his grandparents… hmm, was this the honest truth?

What do you think will happen when Zahid returns home to find someone similarly unrecognisable living in his family home? The last time they met, they were minors. He doesn't know her, let alone recognise her but her eyes; why do they lure him in? 

What will he do? Will an evil and revengeable vendetta transpire? Will his family be an obstacle for them? Or will their love affair become break over lies and mischief?

Are you excited to read more?

Brace yourself for a roller coaster ride with Zainab and Zahid's journey, where they'll be faced with so much difficulties, complications and setbacks.

I hope you get to learn a lot from reading this book because a word of advice; life is truly short with so many unexpected surprises and catastrophes. We need to all learn to have patience and faith, as Allah has everything planned for each and every one of us since the day we were born. We're all tested differently because of the dissimilar level of patience, tolerance and faith we have and for this reason alone, we're tested inversely. 

It's so easy to backbite and hurt people but until it happens to you, you won't feel the pain it causes. Please try to speak decently and respectably, otherwise remain silent. Easy but sadly even this people find hard and fail.

Zainab did a few things wrong; like most of us experience in our lifetime but for her, when she realised them; it was too late to repent to her family because it only took one incident and they were taken, everything was taken.

The saying 'Things don't always turn out the way we planned' is so true; in so many ways.



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