
In Exchange

[This dumbfuck thinks he's all that just because we talked to him. If you would just let me 'take care' of them we could be on our way] the scarred man offered to which the teenager vigorously shook his head.

[Absolutely not! We need to create a good relationship with them otherwise it will end the same way too.]

The young Jin Wang who was watching from a nearby rooftop jumped down at this point, landing near the duo.

The platoon commander jerked his head to the side but as soon as he saw who it was his behavior took a 180-degree turn.

[Young master!] he shouted before lowering his head, causing all the others to do the same.

Jin Wang gave them a nod but went straight towards the teenager, smiling as he strode forward.

[Good evening,] he greeted.

The scarred man on the side looked up at the sky, [Is it? How can you even tell? There is no fucking sunlight at all.]