
The Dawn of Antiquity: The Arrival of the Dark God

Adam Ethan Thomas, a Colonel, at the end of his life. Having been bred from birth solely for the purpose of fighting wars. In the Intercontinental Coalition, he has been a loyal soldier for years and has developed into the perfect super soldier. Humanity has come close to extinction as a result of years of war. For his part in the bloodshed of war, Adam faces the prospect of death and the hell he will meet for the rest of eternity. He is awaiting the firing squad to end his existence due to his failure to perform his duty. There is a sudden halt to time for everyone except him. His life is turned upside down by the appearance of a mysterious entity before him, and he is whisked away to a world known as Ilonteria. After waking up in a strange new world, Adam is forced to accept a slave's fate and fight in the grand Colosseum of this ancient metropolis; he is now stranded. As he fights for his freedom, he must discover the purpose of the mysterious being that brought him to this world of fantasy and magic in the first place.

Bellstory101 · Fantasy
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150 Chs

The Dawn of Antiquity: The Arrival of the Dark God - Chapter Nine

Here I am in yet another luxurious room alone. The expensive furniture and elegant decor didn't fit my taste. A life of minimalism and strict adherence to military codes conditioned me to live with less. The silk-lined queen bed was the centerpiece of the suite. The windows gave yet another brilliant view of the metropolis below. But, again, escape from this position was impossible. Only if I could grow wings and fly away. Although that is possible with access to magic. The books I read about magic always said that magic is all about the creativity of the individual welding it. The doors suddenly opened, and seven new warriors from earlier entered the room. One of them stood inches from me.

"You will come with us at once. Put these robes on and be ready to depart in five minutes," the Knight ordered.

A pile of folded clothes was shoveled into my arms. After that, I was alone again. The clothes were fashionable for the period. As the door opened again, I put the silk garments on just in time. The Knight warriors instruct me to follow without question. There were a dozen Knights now. The leader takes her helmet off, revealing an unexpectedly beautiful blonde woman. Her radiant green eyes radiated absolute confidence. Coupled with high cheekbones, a feminine nose, and thin lips. Her armor showed her rank among the others, with her right and left shoulder plates adorned in gold. She steps up to me with the Knight that spoke to me earlier close on her heels. We meet each other's eyes. Despite the fact, I tower over her along with most of her men.

"The Countess of North Pons Aelii will see you now. I am Svenhilde Unne-Emmelie Sörenstam, personal bodyguard and Royal Knight of Countess Silvia Fadia Lucianus. You will conduct yourself with respect and reverence for the Countess and her daughter, Lady Yessica Vitalina Lucianus. You will speak when spoken to. However, I suggest you keep your otherworldly customs and behavior to yourself," Svenhilde explained. "Do you understand?" the Knight added.

"I think I got the picture, Svenhilde," I said, but the Knight cut me off.

"Lady Svenhilde, slave, Lady," Lady Svenhilde snapped.

"Right, Lady Svenhilde," I said.

She waved her hand, then I was encouraged by a hard push to follow. It wasn't long before I arrived at the Countess's room. Lady Svenhilde knocks on the door before entering. A few moments later, she returned and waved for me to join. The Knight closed the door behind me as she posted beside the door. Two women sat on the sofa in the center of the room. They could be sisters if I didn't know who they were. The older woman wore a sky-blue silk gown. Her blonde hair is fashioned into an elegant bun accenting her ice-blue eyes. The sparkling diamond hanging around her neck highlighted how beautiful she was. Her heart-shaped lips, upturned nose, narrow eyebrows, and high cheekbones were a perfect balance of beauty. The Countess's beauty was only matched by her near-identical daughter. A perfect clone of her with the sole exception of her dazzlingly magenta eyes. The Lady wore a white silk dress. Both were barefoot, patiently waiting for who I guessed was me.

"Come," The Countess said, motioning with her hand.

I complied and walked over to sit across from her.

"I'm told you are a Colonel from the world you come from. That implies you are a military commander. It explains the upset you caused Lord Gravius," Countess Silvia whispered.

Her words were precise and calculated. I detected a more complex meaning behind her statement, for that's what it was. She crosses her legs. An attempt to elicit a sexual reaction out of me.

"What do they call you back home?" the Countess whispered.

"Adam Thomas," I replied.

"Did you like the gifts I provided?" the Countess asked.

"The food was welcome, and the weapon was effective," I stated.

Not that I knew who was the mysterious patron, but now I could see what they wanted with me. The mature woman looked me over. She appeared to be much younger than her actual age. Judging from her daughter's approximate age, she was in her thirties. I also took note of Lady Yessica's demeanor. The young woman was around eighteen or nineteen. She averts my gaze at every turn, not out of fear or shyness but embarrassment. Moreso, her mother, the Countess, was well aware of this behavior. Yet, as she led the conversation, I kept calm and obedient. A simple matter for a veteran like myself. Lady Silvia smiles before speaking.

"You may call me Silvia or Fadia, perhaps both if it suits you. I want to know about your world; tell me about it?" Lady Silvia said.

I decided to explain the best I could. "My world is ruled by science and technology. So much so that the last I saw, my world was reduced to ashes. Our moon shattered by our hands, and the Earth burned from our weapons of mass destruction. The last thing I saw before coming here was war. That's what my world is like, Hell incarnate," I explained.

"Do you prefer my world to you?" Countess Silvia asked quietly.

"Our two worlds aren't that much different. Aside from the fact your civilization hasn't walked itself into oblivion as mine has," I revealed.

"Do you miss your world?" the Countess questioned.

"No," I stated.

My answer piqued her interest, and she perked up.

"Oh, why is that? Were you a slave in your world?" she asked.

"I should be burning in Hell right now. That was my fate. Every citizen of my world was a slave to our own fate. I fought because I was told to. The reason I murdered and killed was because I was ordered to do so. That was the reality of my existence, the nature of why I was bred," I explained.

"I see, fascinating. That makes my acquisition of you well worth the effort. There are certain things I require you for," the Countess said, looking at her daughter.

Lady Yessica firmed while blushing at the same time. The Countess was hiding a deeper meaning behind her words. Part of it I could figure out. The rest was more complicated than that. But unfortunately, I didn't have enough information to predict what she intended.

"For the time being, you will be my daughter, Lad Yessica's, manservant. Meaning that regardless of your new status. As a slave, you will still be compelled to participate in the grand events arranged daily at the Pons Aelii Grand Amphitheater. Although your participation requirement will solely be up to my discretion," The Countess revealed.

"I was under the impression that Lord Solus was the master of slaves here in Pons Aelii," I countered.

"Lord Solus may be the Governor of Pons Aelii and Aquae Sulis Provincia, But I, as a noble, can purchase any and all I see fit," Countess Silvia stated. "Now, there is the matter of this upcoming test of Magicka and Spiritcules. First, I will have you complete the ceremony under my supervision to prepare for the test Lord Eckhart will put you through. Then, I will have that magic concealed," she explained.

The stunning Countess walks around the sofa, places her hands on my shoulder, and whispers in my ear.

"Whatever gifts the Gods and Goddesses have bestowed upon you will be used to my benefit. If you are lucky and patient, this will also serve to your benefit," Countess Silvia whispered.

Suddenly, Lady Yessica stands up and heads to the door. I saw them standing by the door, putting exquisitely made heels on. I couldn't deny the sensual beauty the three women possessed. They would be coveted in my world, without a doubt. The most powerful and influential figureheads would seek them out. Countess Silvia gave one last glance at me. It was a sultry gaze that I didn't expect.

"My Dane, Lady Svenhilde will escort you amid the night when it is time to attend the ritual. Until then, I think I shall indulge you," Lady Silvia said.

Then, the two nobles were gone, leaving Lady Svenhilde staring at me blankly. I could sense almost anger in her. But, the Knight hid it well, not exposing her true nature. Once she knew we were alone, she walked around the sofa and lowered her gaze to mine.

"I will never accept an otherworldly brute like you. Is that clear to you? It is my vow that you will never lay a hand on me, my Countess, or my Lady, do you understand? But, of course, it goes without saying that I will never consider you to be an equal of mine in any sense," Lady Svenhilde said quietly.

"By all means, do as you please," I countered.

"My dear brute, I am being serious when I say this. It doesn't matter how strong you are or how much you can accomplish for Countess Fabia, no matter how strong you may be. This world of Illonteria is plagued by the kind of creatures you are. Your kind brought conflict and strife to this world with your ilk," the Dane said.

"The Countess has bought me, and I intend to follow her every command in the way she deems necessary. That has been bred into me since birth, and I must serve her accordingly. Therefore, you have nothing to fear from me; unless you intend to fight me on the battlefield," I declared.

"No matter which field of battle you choose to fight on, I will beat you. I promise you that I will do so," Lady Svenhilde said.

The Dane stood again, keeping her eyes locked on mine. I had to admire her for her brave and firm convictions. She was a warrior in the truest sense. No different from Ellisif and her kin.

The Knight continued: "Now you will follow me carefully and never reveal this conversation to anyone else. If you do, I will ensure you will die a very unpleasant death."