
The daughter of my boss

My name is David...I'm working in a big mansion as a private security of a girl called Tania,, When l started to work and make her security everything was going very well and normal but, Something started to change..

wps1234 · Urban
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30 Chs

The daughter of my boss

the alarm went off. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. half-past six in the morning.

I put on my scholar uniform and went downstairs.

I saw Tania sat on a sofa in the living room.

''Hi, David!''' She said while she kissed me.

''I'm so excited to see you coming to school with me again. There is no fun if you're not there.''' Tania said to me.

I smiled. ''Thank you.''' I answered her.

My mother comes to bring some bread and juice to me. She stopped in front of me and asked me:

''Are you sure that you are already good to go to school?'''

''Of course mom. I'm almost 100% recovered. I don't feel too much pain anymore.'''

''I see. That's great, so eat your breakfast.''' My mother said while she gave me a tray with bread and juice.

''Do you want some?'''' Victoria asked Tania.

''No, But thanks for offering. '''' Tania answered her.

''Are you sure?''' Victoria asked her.

''Yes, I already eat my breakfast before I come. But I thank you.''' Tania answered her.

I quickly eat my breakfast and i and Tania entered her car.

''I'm glad to see that you're okay.''' The driver said to me.

I thanked him.

But I looked back, there was another car behind full of securities. I think the danger isn't over yet and The governor is with doubt about the safety of his daughter.

Look! Look! Tania arrived. Carla said to her sister when she saw Tania's car stopping in front of the school.

Everyone was looking at them.

I could see people gossiping about me, and looking at me.

I looked behind and I saw a man stopped behind a car, she seemed to hold a camera or something like that.

''Don't worry about it. It was the same thing when I came.''' Tania said to me.

I'm so glad to know that you're okay. Carla said to me when I got next to her.

''Thank you, Carla. I appreciate it.''' I answered her. Carla jumped on me as She hugged me.

Tania and Carla's sister looked at us.

Carla recognized them staring at us and then she released me.

Sorry, Tania. I just. Carla said to her a little embarrassed.

I know, don't worry about it. Tania said to her.

''I'm so glad that you're okay.''' I feel her chest touching my back while giving me a tight hug.

''Charlotte.''' I said while looking at her surprised.

''This girl is really a bitch.''' Tania murmured with a low voice.

Carla and her sister were also surprised, no one saw her getting close.

Neither do I saw.

''How long will you keep hugging my boyfriend?''' Tania asked her.

!!OH!!!! Sorry, Tania. I didn't see you there.''' Charlotte said to her with a mocking face.

''See you later darling.''' Charlotte said to me while she caressed my face. Tania was looking at her furiously. Charlotte noticed it and smiled.

''What the heck this girl wants ?''' I wondered while looking at her getting away.

''How long will you keep looking?''' Tania asked David angrily.

''Sorry''' David said while he quickly looked at her scared.

''I was just wondering what she wants with me.''' David said to Tania.

''This girl really pisses me off. Sooner or later I will hit her bitch's face ''' Tania said while looking at her getting away.

''I really can't stand this girl. ''' Carla said to them.

''Let's go people. it's almost time to get in class.''' Tania said to us.

David! Tania said with an angry voice while she touched when I got shot. it hurts a little bit.

''Next time that this bitch hugs you, stop making a dumb face and please! just take her off, okay? I think this is easy don't you think so?'''

''Yes. Sorry about that.''' I answered her.

I wonder what is this feeling? I'm sure someone was overwatching us. is it a reporter? David thought while looking around.

''So, she who is the Governor's daughter. What about that boy next to her, Could he be her boyfriend? I'm sure she got a happy life this whole time.

I hate her, I hate her father and I hate her mother. Mainly I hate my mom.

My moment to shine is coming and my vengeance is about to start.''

The person said while he or she entered the dark and narrow alley between two buildings.

''Brad just takes a look.''' The Governor said to him while he showed him a black handbag.

The Governor opened it.

Brad made googly eyes.

Wow! I liked it. Brad said to the Governor.

That's what we need Brad. Money.

It was filled with money.

I have an appointment with Ronald now. Let's go to see what it's about. Governor said to Brad.

Ronald is your daughter best's friend's father, doesn't he? Brad asked him.

''Unhappily yes. Otherwise, I had already killed that dude. He is saying that I robbing his clients.

These men who are rich like to mess with us. He's selfish. Why doesn't he let the money for us who is poor?''' The Governor said to Brad.

''Poor?''' Brad said while smirking while he looked at the handbag filled with money on the table.

''Let's go.''' Brad said to him.

''You are not poor, I'm poor.''' Brad said to him laughing.

''Are you poor?''' Governor asked him.

''Yes,''' Brad answered.

''So take it.''' Governor said while he filled his hands with money and threw it on the table in front of Brad.

Brad looked at that. It was a lot of money.

''Are you sure? '''Brad asked him.

''Yes, it's yours.''' Governor said to him.

Brad started laughing while he gathered the money.

''Governor!''' Brad said while he looked at him.

''You're the best boss.''' Brad said smiling.

Governor also smiled.

After Brad take his money they left.

''I surely hate math.''' David said.

Tania laughed.'' Why? is so easy.''' She said to him.

''I agree with David. Math is a true hell in our lives.''' Pamela's boyfriend said.

''I don't think so. I think you guys don't like to study and want to blame the math.''' Pamela said.

Tania's car was already stopping in front of the school.

So take care, Carla. Tania said while she hugged her. After it, she also hugged Pamela and her boyfriend.

I'm glad to know that you're already recovered. But don't scare us anymore. Mainly Tania. She was.

Stop! Tania said while trying to cover Pamela's mouth.

Pamela ran while she laughed.

''Take care, bro.''' Pamela's boyfriend said to David while they shook hands.

''You too .''' David answered him.

''Bye,''' Carla said while she hugged him.

Two weeks ago.

''Why are you crying, Carla?''' Pamela said while she saw Carla sat on the floor next to her bed.

''David got to shoot'', 'Tania called me and said.

''What?''' Pamela asked her surprised and scared with such an event.

''Carla, Can I ask you something?'''

Carla looked back to look at Pamela.

''Do you like David?''' Pamela asked Carla.

Carla smiled with a sad face and said: I'm the worst best friend in the world, don't I?

Pamela sat next to her and she hugged her. No. You're not. Pamela said to her with a low voice.

''Bye.''' Carla said waving her hands.

''I'm so glad to see him again.''' Carla said to Pamela.

''Yes, I'm sure you are.''' Pamela said to her.

Carla looked down ashamed.

''What?. What's happening?''' Pamela's boyfriend asked confused.

''Nothing darling.''' Pamela answered him.

''Let's go.''' Pamela said to them while she entered the car.

Today earlier I don't know but, I'm sure that someone was overwatching us. Tania wondered.

I know that this can be some photographer or something like that but. I had bad feelings about it.

''Is something bothering you?''' David asked her when he saw her thinking.

No, But I felt like someone was overwatching us today. I know that this could be the photographers but. I got bad feelings about it.

''I see. But don't worry about it. I will always protect you, no matter what.'''

David said while he kissed her.

''I know. Because you're my handsome private security.''' Tania said while she hugged him.

The driver looked at it and thought: They really get along.

8:00 pm. Governor was coming home when someone shot his car several times.

They opened the door and hide behind the car. Brad and Governor shot against the shooter who ran.

Brad ran after him but was very dark. Brad looked around but he couldn't see anyone.

Brad ran back to where Governor was.

''Did he escape?''' Governador asked him.

''Yes. Next time we will catch him.''' Brad said.

Are you okay? Brad asked the Governor.

''Yes, I think these days many people are shooting me. and that's making me get really mad.''' Governor said with a furious face.

Fast stepping sounds and a hard breath while looking behind.

The Shooter hid in a corner while looking around there was no one there. So he took off his mask and dark uniform. and put it inside a handbag. The Shooter was a beautiful woman. The shooter was.

''Tania! What are you doing here?''' She looked at her side. It was Charlotte.

Tania smiled. ''Hi. How are you?'''

Charlotte looked at her. ''You're strange, I would never see you walking alone, even more after what happened.'''

''I came without my father know. to buy something but I'm afraid of coming home alone. Can you go with me?'''

Charlotte made a suspicious face.

I don't like this girl but I can't let her here alone. Charlotte thought.

''Okay. My car is near here, I will take you home.''' Charlotte said to her.

What is this handbag? Charlotte asked her.

That's some clothes that I bought. My father forbade me to buy clothes because he said that i was addicted so. I need to use this to disguise.

Charlotte laughed. ''I understand. Look. I will help you but listen.

''I will still take David from you no matter what.''' Charlotte said to her.

Tania smiled. ''Okay.'' She said with a convinced face.

Charlotte tilted her eyes while mad. ''Let's go before I regret it.''' Charlotte said to her.

So they went until where Charlotte's car was parked.

Charlotte entered the car.

And Tania sat behind her.

Tania took off something from the handbag a knife while she was looking at Charlotte with bloodthirsty eyes.

Guys, I'm sorry for taking so long to update, it's because I'm very busy lately.

but I will try to update more frequently and I thank you who is reading it. If you are enjoying this story please, vote and comment also let your review. I will try to get it better, I will try my best to do this.