
The daughter of my boss

My name is David...I'm working in a big mansion as a private security of a girl called Tania,, When l started to work and make her security everything was going very well and normal but, Something started to change..

wps1234 · Urban
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30 Chs

The daughter of my boss 02

Six in the morning and David was already awake, he needed to accompany Tania until her school,

he ate his breakfast and left to go to the Governor's house where Tania was waiting for him..His mother was still sleeping when he left..

David lives in the same city as the governor so he didn't need to travel so long to get the governor's house..

When David arrived he saw Tania and her particular driver stooped in front of the mansion's door..

''There he comes,'' Tania said with a low voice..

When David get next to them her driver opened the car's door and Tania entered after it David did the same and he sat beside her and they left..

''l asked my father to you sleep in our house starting tomorrow, and he allowed it..'' Tania said to David..

He didn't understand very well what she said or He pretended not to understand so He asked her again..

''What did you say?''' David asked her unbelievable.

''l said that l asked my father to you sleep in our mansion starting tomorrow...'''She repeated..

'''But Why did you ask your father this?'' David asked Tania..

'''l think it's better for both of us,'' Tania said to David..

'''You don't need to come and go every day, you only need to be here and do your job, Everything will be provided for you for our employees..''Tania said to David, her face was serious.

David didn't know what to say, he couldn't leave his mother alone at home..

Tania looked at his confused face and started to laugh hard, ''I'm joking.'' she said to David..

The driver who was hearing everything gave a little smile..

Normally she would be very mad to be accompanied by private security but she looks to be comfortable with David ..l think she liked him.. the driver thought to himself...

''you got me scared Tania,l didn't know what to do if you were saying the truth because l couldn't leave my mother alone at my house and l need this job..'''David said to her..

''Why? did she have a disease?'' Tania asked him..

''No, No, she is very healthy but l can't let her alone you know..l just like to be with her..'''David answered her.

''l see..''Tania said..

They had already arrived at the university the driver gave something to David, it was a school backpack, David looked at him confused..

Tania laughed, ''what are you waiting for?'' take it and let's go..She said to David..

''Sorry!!!'' but l don't understand you guys.. That's a joke, isn't it? Why would l need to take this backpack? just if l would study here.'' I asked them while confused about the situation.

That was an expensive university and only rich girls and boys were studying there...

''And you will..''' The driver said to me smiling...

''What?'' l asked him...

''The governor transferred you to this school for your study and make her security, so you will still do your college and work at the same time..

That's great, isn't it? look! that's a council, you're getting into the best opportunity in your life so don't spoil it and accept to study here and work.'' The driver said to me.

''but l can't afford it?'' l said to the driver.. Tania was looking at me and smiling..

''My father is gonna pay for all expenses'' She said to me laughing..

''Yes, he will'' the driver said..

''So take your backpack and go to study you guys are getting late.'' The driver said to us.

''Let's go! David, let's go!'' Tania said to me..

So she dragged me off the car and the driver left..

While the driver was coming back to the mansion his phone rang..

''Hello Sr. Governor..,'' the driver said when he answered the call..

'''So How did she react when she knew about him going to study with her? Did she get mad?'' The governor asked him..

'' No. instead, she got happy,l think you hit it when you hired young private security to take care of her..''The driver said to him laughing..

The governor laughed as well and said to his private security..

''Your son is doing very well, my driver said that my daughter liked The idea to study with your son and he is going to start today..'' The Governor said to Brad.

''l see,'' brad said to him..'' and how my son handled it?'' Brad asked the governor..

''Let me ask my driver he saw everything that happened there..'' The governor answered him.

the governor laughed and said: ''I'm sure he got scared when he knew it...''

so the governor asked the driver on the phone: ''David's father asked how his son reacted when he knew that he was also going to study?

''he got confused in the beginning but accepted it well l think at this time he must be already in class,..'' His driver answered him.

And there he was,, he was red, everyone looking at him,..

Class, we need a new classmate the teacher said..

he was in front of the class along with Tania..

''Please introduce yourself to us..'' The teacher said to him..

''Hi, my name is David, I'm twenty-one years old and I'm studying medicine...And also I'm Tania's,,'' Tania interrupted him and said: ''he is my boyfriend..''

the class got silent and l looked at her with my bulging eyes unbelievable and thought: What the hell she just said?

''what the heck are you doing?'' I asked her whispering..

''Don't worry, It's just a joking, you know,,l will tell everyone later..'' She whispered to David. l don't want any chicken flirting with him..Tania thought to herself while she smiled..

David got in big trouble but he could deny what she said or wait for herself to do it because if he does this could make her mad or something like, His best option was to be quiet..

l see the teacher said to her, now you guys can go to your place..

l saw two empty desks,l sat and she sat aside me..

''You hadn't said to me that you had a boyfriend..'' A girl whispered to her.

''l wanted to make a surprise,'' Tania said to her,, She looked at me, her eyes were studying me..

She had red hair and green eyes and she was very beautiful as well..

''He is handsome,'' she said to Tania.,, Tania smiled and looked at me..l tilted my eyes..

''Bro, you're a fucking lucky boy,...and dead too..'''A boy who was sat next to me said..

''Why Dead?'' l asked him,, He said to me look behind me,

l did, and l saw a boy looking at me l could see fire coming out from his eyes, he seemed to be very angry..

He was the ex-boyfriend of Tania,l seeing that my day is staring wonderful, my first day of school, and l already have an enemy..

l wonder how will be from now on..

l looked at Tania she was writing in her note,l opened mine to do the same when l felt a hand over my shoulder..

it was the man with a scarred face, so he said to me,, ''So you are the new boyfriend of Tania? I'll give to you a council, Don't get on my way, otherwise l will go over you..'' He said to try threatening me.

Jerry go to your place now, isn't time to greet the new student, The teacher said to him, he did it looking at me with an evil eye..

Tania was looking at him, it seemed that she already knew what was going on..

''l didn't say to you..'' The boy next to me said..

what the heck Tania got me into..

That's how my first day of school started..