

Bob_blobs · Horror
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Chapter 1-2

*Knock knock knock* I wake up to knocking at the door. "When did I fall asleep." I say to myself. I get up to open the door, Samuel is at the door and holding two trays. I open the wide and before I can see what on the trays he comes in and stops at the table that's at the opposite side of the room of the bed. He sets down one of the trays on the table, turns to me and says "would you like to eat with me? ". I close the door blushing and say yes. I walk to the chair the tray is in front of and sit down. I look down at the tray to see what food he brought and it's soup with a small loaf of bread on the side to dip into the soup and a spoon. I try the soup and it's delicious I'm amazed and wondered if he had made it or a personal chef, I assume that a personal chef made it based on how fancy the bedroom is. "Hey um did you Make this?" I ask him. He nods and says "yes, why is it not to your liking?" He asks me. "NO No no, it's not that it's just that it's really good." He grins and say thank you. "oh hey, what's your name?" He asks. "OH, I guess I never told you my name huh, well my name is Alexander but everyone just calls me Alex." I answered him. "That's a unique name." He said. "Well my mom thought it was a good and unique so she went for it." I say. "How about your dad, what did he think of it?" He asks. "He just went with what my mom picked because he didn't want to argue with her but he left when I was 12 but I didn't have a good relationship with him so I didn't care much." I said. "Oh why did he leave? , if you don't mind me asking."he asked me. " Haha no it's fine, he left because it was too difficult to feed three more people."I said. "Three?" He asked confused. "Yeah me, my mom and my sister" I said. We both seemed to have finished the food so he took the trays, bouls and spoons with him but before he can leave I say "thanks for the food Sam" In a sweet voice. He smiles then says "thanks, you should sleep now" He also says with a sweet voice. I blush and nod then he leaves. I walk to bed still blushing and thinking about him, even more when I drift to sleep.