

Stanton. Was just a little boywhen his father died. It was a lovely Saturday night like any other, Stanton was seeing a movie with his Dad, when they heard a loud bang on their door like someone was trying to pull it down, a voice was heard from outside "open this door Jeremy, I know you're in there, I don't wanna hurt anybody". (Jeremy by the way is Stanton's father's name).

Jeremy realising who it was quickly hid his son away, behind the door of a secret room that led to the outside of the house, it gave Stanton the chance to see everything that happens outside that door. Jeremy gives Stanton a few instructions before leaving. "Hey son if anything should happen to me out there , run! That door there( referring to the door in the room), leads outside to the back of the house, run to Aunty Mag's house she'll explain everything", he leaves. Stanton watches through the hole in the door, he hears the voice of his father and another man arguing, he can't quite see the man's face but he sees that the Man's hair is white and neatly packed in a ponytail. After some time of argument, he hears gunshots and the scream of his father, he can still hear sounds of someone gagging, he knows it's his father, so he runs away vowing to find out who the killer of his father is.

At Aunty Mag's house she finds out about Jeremy from a weeping Stanton, she tucks him off to sleep, assuring him that everything was fine.( Deep down she knew it wasn't, it was just to make him relax and sleep).

The next morning he comes back to his house with Aunty Mag(short for Margaret) and sees the police and his Dad in a body bag, he weeps uncontrollably while Aunty Mag tries her best to console him. He gives a statement to the police as to what he sees, He leaves with Aunty Mag, with a firm resolve in his heart to hunt to death the killer of his father.

Lights Fade Out!!!