
The Darkness Within( A marvel fanfic)

I brick to the head and ...splat I died. The street was smeared with brain matter. Couldn't even feel anything after the impact... numbed my senses I think. I have been what you can call an ideal virtuous person in my life. Always listened to mom, ate my veggies, never fought back, helped any person in need even if it left me in trouble, never drank, smoked or did any drugs etcetera. In the last moments of my life, I felt wasted... Living my life for other, when I could have enjoyed it for myself. A pity, truly. In any case, after death I met a being who called himself God. Looking at my karma, 'God' gave me a chance at reincarnation. In the draw of fate, I obtained the body of an immortal as my abode and an symbiote as my cheat. Sent to the Marvel universe for my second life. But midway through my journey, I had a path crossed with a cosmic horror. I escaped death with hair's breath. But I didn't notice, he had planted something horrible inside my mind. __________________________________ Warning- The MC will be an antihero, living for himself, so if you want a goody two shoes, don't read ahead. Some of his actions might be morally... Unacceptable. _____________________________________________ Upload Schedule 1 ch/day(for now) Guys, this is my first fanfic, the grammar should be at an okay-ish level, but do point out any misspellings. And please comment.

SpaghettiMonstah · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The Crash

Times Square, New York

"Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt, Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt


Some things you just can't refus-"


Miles raised his head as he looked toward the sky.

'The weather had been very unusual today. First the sudden rain on a sunny afternoon and then the misty evening and now this. I even checked up with Pete, no signs of any villain meddling...' he thought.

He could see some dark clouds brewing in the sky. He saw people running to find shelter from the rain. He felt he had forgotten something, but couldn't remember what that was when he saw a drizzle commence. Then something clicked in his mind.

"Shit shit, the clothes!! Mom said they were out on the terrace. She is gonna murder me Sparta-style me if she saw I didn't take them down in the morning"

He walked out hastily, from the sidewalks to a dark street with garbage laying all over and a putrid smell lingering in the air.

'where did I put it... hah here it is'

Pulling the blue mask with web design out, he quickly donned it. Jumping in the air, a streak of white fluid emerged from his wrist, turning into webbed rope within a millisecond latching onto the roof of a tall building.

As Miles was swinging toward his apartment, from the corner of his eyes, he spotted something crashing in the central park. Looking at the time on his phone, he sighed and change his direction.

"Just gonna take a look nothing else.." he mumbled under the mask.


Spatial Tunnel Designation 616

A man with only one leg and one hand remaining on his body opened his eyes and closed them a second later.

He had enough of it. The silence and loneliness was slowly getting to him.

Floating in space and travelling to God knows where.

Thoughts of ending his life came to his mind. But realising the condition of his body, he crossed that out.

It's been months ... or years maybe, since he had regained consciousness after coming out of coma. You know, not having any frame of reference really messes up the sense of time.



He couldn't move his body, hell, he couldn't even feel it.

Operation Takeover the body has failed miserably. The God has scammed me.

I have been tricked, backstabbed and quite possibly, bamboozled.

Instead of a soulless body to posses, or a quick and silent takeover, what he got was one with an injured and weakened soul sharing his mindspace, with restrictive chains coiling around its body and struck in his mind space.

His face was so eerily cold and intimidating that it would have scared the shit out of my ass in past if I hadn't had that showdown with the cosmic mostrosity, which had changed something inside me.

That thing has definitely done something to me and I am goddamn sure it's not a good thing. To make you understand about it, let me tell you a story.

In my previous life, I had a fear for spiders and their arachnid brethren.

I remember the incident in my childhood quite soundly, when I jumped from a 2 storey building cause a big ass spider had cozied up there and I... may or may not have disturbed him during his mating time. It was fucking and killing the other spider at the same time. That scene was quite disturbing. My interference caused the other one to drop off the web. The 1 foot big spider turned his head and stared at me with his 8 motherfuckin eyes.

The terror .. I felt, I really think can't be described.

It started to chase after me and I ran like my ass was on fire. At the end of my chase as well of rope, I had to make a leap of faith from the railings.

I was , but a little boy, scared for his life. That had inflicted me a deep trauma in me.

The encounter with 'it' had also done something similar but in the opposite direction.

Whenever I had thought about spiders, fear manifested at a subconscious level.. Increased heartbeat, shivering legs, feeling of breathlessness, all were signs of that in past. But recently, after the accident the fear has slowly began to turn into anger, hate and an almost irresistable desire to rip apart the eight legged bug into pieces.

Not only that, when ever I thought of any scary thing, I felt anger for no reason at all. I felt thirsty. The thirst for blood, for slaughter.

I had tried meditation to calm down my mind after that.

For now, let's back with the Inheritor Sold problem.

As I was saying, the Original Soul and I were always in a tug of war for the control over the mind space, and body. He could control the body but could not control the mind space while for me , the opposite rang true.

Because of that, I was essentially trapped inside his mind, or is it mine?

I had tried to kill its soul in all possible ways I could possibly imagine as I had absolute control over the space. Whatever object, building, weapons I imagined would come materialise in here.

It started with a dagger, then a sword , then an ax, and after that two axes.All of which did not even leave a mark on his skin. I tried burning it in a fire pit, drowning it in water, corroding him in acid vat etc. Some of them affected him while some were some totally ineffective.

But thing that held true was that any damage I managed to inflict , healed at a visible speed.

He never uttered a sound or cry. Always staring at me with his murderous hate filled eyes.

Also, radiation which were their kind's kryptonite, didn't affect him.

I had also used every modern weapon I could imagine except large scale missiles and nukes.

Hand guns, assault rifles, snipers, shotguns, anti-armor missiles, anti-tanks, and anti-bunkers too. All while he stared me with murderous cold eyes like always.

I had a lot of spare time and , and you know there's a saying that goes like ' Empty mind is the home of devil'. Apparently that true as shit got wierd at times...well, I did say nohomo so it doesnt count, right guys?

All that frustration and boredom , one day got me mad enough to make me use nukes. I created a nuclear bunker and after settling down comfortable, I bought hell to earth. One time, two times, three times... I lost count of the nukes I dropped on his head but this thing shitty fucker was goddamn immortal.

Time passed and I also began to start some conversations with him. While it's true that he never responded, it was a nice thing to pass time.

Then one day suddenly the space began to rumble as the chains started cracking and his body started becoming ethereal. At any moment, it seemed to break out of his restrictions.

Realizing that it was likely my last chance, I reluctantly took a big-ass sword and jumped toward it.

At the moment it was distracted and my strike for the first time, pierced through its body like a knife in melted butter and lodged in its heart. That did not seem to effect him much so I materialised a grenade belt and shoved it inside his body.

As I was about to pull back ,The OG soul jerked his hand out of the chains, shattering them and released an attack which I hadn't expected.

I could not back away in time

suddenly the black fluid like object, which I identified as a symbiote appeared from inside the ground and formed a wall in front of me and blocked the attack but not fully.

His hand passed through the symbiote and struck my head. The blow's momentum was decreased considerably but it still cracked my soul's skull... Can a soul really have a skull?

I staggered back, clutching my head as a ringing sound rang in my ears.

The Inheritor shook and stretched his body as the remaining chains broke like a rope under pressure. Just at that moment, the grenades I had planted exploded.


Something which would not have done a thing normally except making smoke come out of his orficess had done something unbelievable.

It shattered his body into a million pieces. There was no blood ,just part of his body scattered here and there like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

Meanwhile,a wierd phenomenon was happening with the symbiote's body as it has started glowing, from the area where the blow had landed and slowly his whole body. It started writhing on the ground. I tried to approach it but the light was extremely hot. and burnt my hands. I could not do anything beside looking at it from a distance. My heart ached at the sight.

Slowly the light died out.

The body of the black symbiote came into view. His body had white lines running across it which were pulsing grostiquely. The symbiote rolled into a ball and buried itself in ground, where it came from.

"Why.." I asked .

No reply came, or it didn't feel the need to form one..

Suddenly the small peices of OG soul disintegrated into infinite dots of multicolored light which began to float around.

I backed off seeing that and prepped my guard for another surprise attack, which obviously never came.

Instead, the lights began to surround me and started glowing brightly, blinding my eyes, which recovered in less than a second.

Suddenly a strip of memories rushed into my brain. My eyes rolled up and my tongue hung out as my brain cells were damaged by the sudden influx of memories.

The memory couldn't be called memory exactly as they were just a random bunch of short clips.

Some of them depicted the OG Soul, named Richard, who was the bastard son of Solus.The leader of vampiric hunters which hunted Spider-Mans across dimensions.

Richard was an offspring of his, sired during his youth with a mortal woman.

Solus had thought of her to die from intercourse but she was a mutant with life-force manipulation.

She expertly her life signs and successfully played off death.

Some of them showed the discrimination he faced during childbirth. Some his Crimes he committed due to misery.

Tucking all of them in a corner of my mind, so that they don't affect my behavior, I looked at my present condition.

The wounds I had suffered during the previous fight and scars in past have healed and my skin seemed like a new born.

I could also feel a connection establish with the real body.

Suddenly a feeling of weightlessness dawned upon me and then a sudden impact.

I transferred my mind to control my physical body.

Central Park

After a long voyage in the space tunnel, a body finally found the end of its journey

The man was currently freefalling at hypersonic speed. His body was ejected straight into the stratosphere and he had been falling for the past 1 min 8 seconds.


A thunderous sound rumbled in the surroundings as the animals near the crash site were squashed and a large 10m wide crater stood there.

The right hand of the man twitched a little as he slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and saw himself in the center of a crater with dust rolling around him.

He then saw the battered state of his body.

'If I remember correctly, this body thrives on the lifeforce of another being and especially totems like Spider-man and others. Looking at my body, lifeforce reserves seem to be entirely nonexistent, as even after such a long time my injuries that were sustained during the fight against the noodle god is still not fully healed. And living with an injured body in a place like a marvel seems like the worst decision i can make. Looks like I need to absorb some from anyone.

"Hello... sir are you okay?"

His ears perked up in the direction of the sound like a very appetizing scent reached his nostrils

'hoh hoh, how can I be so lucky?'

A sly light lit up in his eyes for a second which vanished a moment later as he turned around.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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