
The secret

The day started of as it should for mark simmons he went to school met his mates and went home but as he got home he slowly looked around as if he was getting whatched there was a man in the middle of the street staring at him now normally this wouldn't have bothered him but then as he approached his house he saw the flashing lights of ambulances firefighters and cop cars.

He panicked as he lived with his mum and sister as his dad died when he was little and he was the man of the house.

He shouted "mum!" and ran down the street as fast as he could he came to a sudden halt as he saw his best friends dad who was a cop he looked sullen then he slowly glanced up and saw that mark was standing there as his expression became even more sullen.

he walked over to where mark was now standing and breathing heavily and slowly said "there was a fire we didn't get here in time" mark felt a feeling of dread flow through his body.

"Did your mother ever tell you she had maybe enemy's?" the cop slowly said.

"no why?" mark replied

"we suspect arson" the cop said

"did you know if your father had any enemy's?" he carefully said knowing his father was dead

and that it traumatized the boy

mark took a deep breath and said "not that I am aware of"

"ok you may have to stay with us until we can get you a new home but as you are almost 15 you can legally live by yourself" the cop said

"ok that's fine thank you" he sighed as just this morning him and his mum had argued over who finished the milk now looking back on that he was so petty.