
Pilot Chapter - Start

Half of the human population acquired unique abilities that were previously thought impossible, I do not know who was the first human to carry the first "ability", there are rumors of certain people who obtained this characteristic, but as I said it is not really known and they are only taken as an urban myth.

-April 15, 2021-. 7:20 a.m-

Satori: Damn, I'm late for school.

Mother: Son, come down for breakfast, the plate is getting cold.

Satori: I am late mom, I have to go quickly, today I have an exhibition first thing and I do not want to fail.

Mother: Okay, be careful.

* Satori closes the door from his house, from home to go to school*.

* Satori arrives in his classroom *.

Satori: Excuse me professor, I was late.

Teacher: Go ahead young Satori, Did you bring your work for the exhibition?.

Satori: If I have it here, will I come forward?

Teacher: I'd be offended if I didn't, go ahead please.

* An explosion is heard near the school *

* Shouts of students *

Teacher: Everyone get out!.

Satori: That explosion was near my house, I need to go there.

*Sirens are heard while Satori goes back home *

Satori: what's going on?, will he be a villain?

Mom?!, Mom?!, mother?!.

Hero (Blast): Boy you can't be here, it's dangerous.

Satori: My mother must be somewhere in this area. I won't leave without looking for her!.

*Abrupt silence *

*Satori passes out from the sound near him *.