
The Darkness In Your Mind

The darkness in your mind is a novel about a killer named Harold who meets his inevitable demise and says that if he had a second chance at life he "might" not be such a bad guy he is then reincarnated into a fantasy world without the memories of his past life and gains dark powers that are extremely strong, yet despite gaining these obviously evil powers that could be used in so many wrong ways, he stays true to his word from his past life, in his own ways. (This novel is also going to be on Royal Road from now on as well, however upload times will not differ.)

Demonlord_KuraiShi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Humans vary, but most are weak (2)

I went to tell Lucy that we are going to go see my parents on Monday and she was really excited, it seems she really wants to meet them. I tell her about my father who is a farmer now but used to be an adventurer though he was never a really strong one. I also tell her about my mother who's just a farmer and a really kind woman.

We then went into the village and asked one of the vampires skilled in tailoring to make her something. She got a cute dress kind of like the one I first bought her but more sparkly and bright blue this time. After that we just killed time while waiting for Monday to come since we had nothing else to do.

Before we knew it the rest of Saturday and also Sunday had passed and it was time to head to my parent's house. We let Layson and Keno head to school first before us about 30 minutes ago so now we don't have to drop them off on the way. I also told them to explain that I am not at school today because I am visiting family.

I'm pretty sure the teachers will be alright with it because they like me, though I doubt they would accept this kind of thing all the time. I get in the carriage with Lucy and we begin heading to my parents house which is a about an hour or so drive so its a good thing I let Layson and Keno go first otherwise we would have had an hour and 30 mins plus the extra time of exiting it out of the capital.

Meanwhile at a farmhouse somewhere, Baphen grins at the man and woman he is staring at, along with the baby that the woman is holding, it appears to be a boy. The woman looks frightened a bit but the man looks unfazed, in fact he just looks serious as if he knows that there is nothing he can do but he would still fight if he had to, even if it would cost him his life.

Baphen says "Don't worry I'm not going to do anything to you, I'm just here to meet your son that's all, I just want to have a friendly conversation with him to discuss business." The man nods instead of speaking because he knows that whatever he may say could very well be the last. He knows that Baphen could get offended really easily and is a demon lord known to kill people who offend him.

The man just hopes that nothing happens to his son or his now second son either. About an hour later we arrive at my parents farmhouse and begin to walk up to the house with Lucy holding my hand. As I enter I get a bad feeling, So I tell Lucy to keep her shoes on for now, then I go to the dinning room.

Then I see it, my mother holding a baby boy which I smile at because I knew that she was pregnant when I left, but I didn't know when they would have the baby or what the gender would be. However my expression changes immediately when I see's my dad's expression, I have only ever seen my father looking like that once in my whole life.

It was when my three friends, now dead friends, and I were in danger of losing our life to a wolf in the forest as little kids. My father saved us that day and when he did, that same exact expression he has now was staring at the wolf the entire time from when he first laid eyes on it, till the moment he killed it.

I then look over to where my fathers gaze shifts after he gives me a small nod and turns back around. I stop dead in my tracks, before my parents is undoubtedly a demon lord. He is wearing such rich looking clothes, a black crown on his head, and he has two almost see through horns on his forehead as well.

I go on guard immediately and say "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE!" The demon lord just chuckles and says "I know you're going to get in my way so I figured I would nip this in the bud real fast, after all there is no way you're stronger than me and I also can't risk this little one becoming a demon lord as well can I?"

I immediately know what he means, but before I can do anything, he gets up and pulls his right hand out of his robe pocket. The hand has extremely sharp and girlishly long finger nails that are light silver in color. He takes that hand and stabs right into the baby's head killing it instantly without any remorse.

My teeth grit a bit, I don't know why, but they do, however that stops after a few seconds. My mother then screams out "Noooooo!" My father gets up and says "You bastard, I don't care how strong you are, I'm sure you can't dodge an arrow at this range." Baphen sighs and then says "Oh shut up, I don't need you two anymore you've already fulfilled your use to me."

My eyes widen for some reason at what he says and I shout out instinctively "NO DON'T DO IT, STOP!" But it's too late, Baphen cuts the heads of my mother and father clean off their shoulders and they fall to the floor lifeless. After that Baphen just turns to me and giggles before saying "Alright now it's your turn I guess, hmm or I could give you a chance to live by letting you join my ranks?"

My fist are clenched extremely tight, so tight that they're bleeding, I slam my fist on the wall with my head facing down at the floor and say very, very, quietly and still calm "Lucy sweetie, go outside, all the way back to the carriage." Lucy says "What did you say big bro I didn't hear what you said."


Lucy is frightened very much and runs outside back to the carriage, meanwhile I'm still in the house and something is very, VERY, different about me. My magic particle flow is much, much, stronger but for some reason, I feel as if something's missing, something that I have yet to stumble across that I desperately need, I brush it aside and just laugh crazily while tilting my head from left to right.

My neck pops both times and then I say before grinning "Alright, let the fun begin."