
The DarkMask Hero

Long Ago, The Planet Called Earth is the Most Peaceful Planet ever for 500 Years, No War, No Invaders And No Such Thing Called Assassination or Cult, However At the Year 560, The peace We're Broke By 20 Person And Created They're Legions and Conquer The Planet by fear and Hatred. After they failed at the 1st Wave, The God's who Tried and Died during the War Gave Peace to the People within the earth, However After the War has Ended The 10 Remaining God's And The Other Races Created their Country As Well As the Remaining Enemies. 5000 Years Ago, A Young Boy Named Shinji Hanzou Joined The KHA as One of the Unnamed Hero Association Led by the God named Zeus, After a Few Months Being An Unnamed Hero, Hanzou And His Friends Met a Powerful Enemy and Killed All Of his Friends, Except Hanzou, After a Few Days Once Again Hanzou Raised Up And Train Hard and After all his hard work he named his Self "DarkMask", And After a Few Weeks he received his name As Hero. A Hero Who Lies Within Darkness Or May I Say The Hero Raised From Darkness.

ashura15th · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1:The Beginning

A Cave with nothing but darkness and within the darkness The Dead Bodies of an unknown creature lies within it, While A One Single Person Still Remains Sitting in one of the biggest dead bodies while holding his Mecha R2 Blade Type and A Cup of Wine.

"Weaklings how can be they called their selves on of the Strongest Clan of the Rogue Dragons," The Man Said With a Disappointed look on his face.

"They don't deserve to become one of the Elder Dragons!!, They Lack the strength to protect this place!!" The Man Shouted As He Stabs The Dead Of an Elder Dragon.

"Now Now that's enough there" Another Appears Behind the Man Who stabs the body of the dead elder dragon.

The Man Looks Like Behind him and Sent the Other Man Flying away through the ground by the Angry Man.


"Oh my, I never thought that you're this weak just like what my lord describes you," The Man Said While He's spitting some blood.

"Oh Really, And Who might you be??" The Angry Man Loudly Said.

"Then, Take this!!!"

"Titan Hunt - Inferno Blaze!!!!"

The Man shouted his chant and creates a Huge Inferno Laser and his target is the wounded man laying on the ground.

"Ooh, so this the power of one of the Rouge Beaston Clan, The Mighty Traitor With 8 Billion Bounty on his Head Brandon Spiller"

"However, but not enough...Your power is not enough to beat someone like me"

"Star Dust - Absolute Cancel & destruction"


At the Very Moment, The Wounded man Suddenly uses his magic and destroyed Brandon's Magic, After That Brandon was suddenly stunned for a moment he saw a beautiful white red roses flying off in front of him.

"You see, Since the beginning of the magic, according to the gods the magical came from a star type called "Caput Magia"...

" However, there is one existing magic came from a dead star and its own existence is to destroy the ability techniques coming from a star "

"And it's called..."

~~Meanwhile in the country of United~

Beep, Beep

"Big Brother Haruto Your breakfast is ready"

"Got it"

"United" Is a country form by the Remaining races who wish to be with their remaining gods and they help the gods built this place in the year 570 to the year 2000.

The War Made by The Intruders Caused by the Betrayal of the other races from their gods and created their own countries and 2000 years later the demon, dragon, and Beaston country form an alliance with the united country.

(Information: United is formed with 900 Islands, 300 Cities, and 600 District)

3 thousand years later, a Young Women Name Irina Shinji joined the KHA Association to protect and serve the country she's living and also to raise her 4 younger siblings.

Irina Lost her parents at the age of 16 and force herself to find a part-time job till 18 and then she joined the Hero Corporation at KHA Association.

After she joined the corporation She and Her Team was assigned to investigate the destroyed village at the border of Demi-land in United Country.

On their way back home, they suddenly received a request from the remaining soldiers of the goddess called "Lux" which being attacked by one of the rulers the 19th Intruder.

As soon as they arrived at the given location, they saw thousands of soldiers circling the location of the goddess lux and her guards and behind the thousands of soldiers were the 19th intruder standing.

In a blink of an eye, Irina erases half of the Army And Rescue the Goddess lux and then she headed towards the 19th intruder and they fought each other.

after Irina and 19th ruler fought each other, the enemy lost against the young Irina with a lost arm and full of cut wounds on his body and force him to retreat for his life and then after that Irina was praised as a hero.

At the age of 20, She became a "Royal Hero" for her excellent jobs and a few months later she became an "Arc Royal General", and then The Hero, Irina Name spread around the world as they fear her from her strength for defeating a ruler for a few minutes and survive without any bruises on her body.

~~A Few Years Later~~

Her Three Younger Triplets have reached the age of 18 and now prepared to take on their dreams Their Names are Hanzou Shinji the Eldest Son, Haruto Shinji, and The Youngest Son Haikou Shinji.

The Triplets Possess a Whole Different ability just like their elder sister Irina The One Possess a Power of Light and Darkness while the other two possess the wrath of nature themselves.

And The Younger Sister Possessing the same power as the eldest son Hanzou, Well as you can see The United Country is the most peaceful country except this one city of the United and it's called " Half", Were Half Breed Live.

The City of Half also becomes popular since they all possess unique and powerful bloodline Abilities and Magics, For Example, The Shinji Family Siblings we're all Half Humans And Half children of Chaos.

That's why they possessed a Very Unique and Terrifying Ability.


And Here we go again the daily Morning Exercise for Shinji Family at their house Is...Fighting each other which means they always disturb the neighborhood but they can't argue with them cause they Extremely strong Youngsters.

"Prepare to Clean the Whole House Again Haikou!!!~~" Volcano's Wrath - Lava Golem"~~" Haruto Is chasing after the youngest Son With his Lava Golem.

"Too Naive Big Brother Haruto!!!~~" StarLight - Star Dragon!!!"~~" A Star Dragon Appears in front of Ira and Charges at Haruto.

"Ooh, You finally Learned The Star Dragon Move I taught you last weekend, but well let's see Whose Dragon is much stronger mine or yours?!"

" StarLight - Star Dragon!!!! ", Hanzou also Jump into the fight and Creates a star dragon as well and charges at the three.

" Well then I have no other choice, I'll test my new technique here"

" Planetary Devastation "

As Haikou Lock his targets and will devastate them with a powerful gravity Pull and A Very High Temperature that surpassed 15k Degree.

Thump, thump, thump

"~Inhales~ Child of Destruction - Chaos Purgatory!!!! "

Irina Suddenly Arrives in front of her younger siblings and then she uses her ability to stop her siblings from fighting each other.



"This is"

"Big Sister Irina's Flame??"

"Damn, that Big idiot is interfering with us again"

"What do you think you're doing Hanzou??, You know you can kill them by using your Mid Level Magic Against them right??"

"Yeah, but it's a good morning practice you know," Hanzou said while he's smiling.

after Hearing that Irina Suddenly walk slowly towards to Hanzou And Punches Him in the



Everyone Trembles in fear after they saw they're elder brother Getting a punch from their eldest sister Irina.

"Ok Next," Irina Said with a Very Terrifying look on her face and a scary tone of voice.

After a few minutes of Scolding her four younger siblings, Finally, they went inside and eat their breakfast sitting on a table.

After they finished eating breakfast, Irina Reminds her Triplets That the Entrance Exam at KHA Association is today and they suddenly Gone pump up.

"Listen Hanzou, Haruto, and Haikou The Entrance Exam is today and the next one will be held after two years so be prepared and make sure you guys passed this exam," Irina Said as she was like worried about her triplets brother.

"Ha Ha, Finally I can be a Knight!!"

"I'm going to show you guys how much I became strong after a few months staying at Uncle Jade House"

"Entrance Exam huh?, Then Haruto, and Haikou let's Blow The Exam with our Power Ok?!"

"Of course" Haikou And Haruto responds

The Triplets Excitement Change the atmosphere on the inside and the outside of their house and across the street.

"Now now, if you guys are excited this much then prepare your selves and your weapons as well also before that please wash your selves you guys are super stinky," Irina Said with a disappointed look on her face.

"heh!?" Hanzou, Haruto and Haikou were suddenly stunned for a moment from hearing that.

"Big Sister Irina is Right, Big Zou, Tou, and Kou please wash your self because you guys super stink that is why I couldn't focus earlier" Ira Said.

"you guys are cruel you know," Hanzou said with his hands are down and walking slowly like a dead person up to his room.

"You guys are two are women and women are demons," Haruto Said while he's walking slowly like a drunk person to his room.

"..." While Haikou Didn't say anything and crawl to his room like a dying dog.

"For real, you guys really stink that's why..." Irina And Ira Said at the same time while looking at the triplets walking up to their rooms.

After They, All reached their own rooms Hanzou Opens his Secret Vault and There's A Sword with a Strange Figure and Unknown Writings on it.

"Finally after all those suffering now, I can use you for the first time "Mugen no ha"(Infinite Blade)" Hanzou Said while Looking at the sword he took from his secret vault and stood up.

Hanzou stood up and walks through the drawer and search for some clothes and after a few seconds, he finally found the clothing His searching for.

"I wonder if this will ripped up when I use my magic once again," Hanzou Asks himself while looking at the clothing he'll wear for on the entrance exam.

"Well Looks like I don't have a choice if it weren't or we're going to be ripped at the exam, Ok Got to take a bath"

Hanzou Goes takes a bath and after a few minutes Hanzou has finished washing and Now Wearing the Battle Suit He prepared for this day and his Weapon with him and Met his Brothers and sister downstairs and they were ready to take the exam.

"What took you so long big brother you?!"

"Come on, hurry up we'll miss the exam if we came too late"


The wait they left the house and started to walk through the building of KHA Association while everybody is talking to each other and while they're walking they met their friends who'll join the Association as well and Walks with them while enjoying the talk.

After an hour of walk, they finally reached the KHA Association Entrance Exam Registration Building and not expecting they we're on the 300th Number.

~Meanwhile at the KHA Cells"

Thump, Thump



"Ah guess that's the last one of em, well then I have finally reached through this cell and Now Look who we have here"

A Man With A DragonSkin Cloak and A Dragon Mask Wondering around the Building and while he's talking a few walks he also kills everyone he saw coming on his way and plotting to kill hundreds of people in the building.

"You're One of the Ugliest Orc I have ever met in my whole life, but at least you'll be able to help me even if it's just a small thing," The Mysterious Masked Man Said While The Angry Orc Is Staring the man with a blood lust look on his aura and appearance.

Sorry for the late upload guys but here's the new chapter of the novel hope you like it

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