
The Darkfallen

Far away in the future set in the year of 2050 A.C.B, forget the power of technology and science, since it growing rapidly. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, this is the world where is no peace amongst all, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting warlords, among all places, is TYZ before the Second Global conflict. Now it is the largest and most populated city of the planet, beyond compare. VX1118, also known as the Darkfallen virus, is a voracious mutagens particularly dangerous to living beings. It can mutate, and even control hosts’ minds in an effort to perpetuate and evolves genetic mutations within its hosts. The genetically-designed Superhuman species who look exactly like normal humans but possess an inhuman abilities, along with superiority complex. These new breed of evolved sub-humans known as Mutants still living along sides among humans in the highly advanced futuristic country of TYZ under the Imperium of Brittonia Empire and it’s Totalitarian Regime. Living under this tyrannical rules that was an intelligent yet disaffected 18 years old student named Akagi Shinsuke, stumbled upon this aberration/cursed virus, and now he is more just a mere creature, instead of dying he is evolving something else. After been infected, Akagi found himself stuck in the gritty chronicle of the endless Civil War between gruesomely violent Superhumans against the Autocratic Imperium super soldiers playing the profane game of power, politics, ambition and corruption. Will he survive? Is there a place for him in this unsustainable dystopian world, or he submerged himself into this grim reality of utter bleakness. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Disclaimer- This novel is a work of fiction purely created by the author, all characters and stories depicted in this novel are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or any other fictional media is purely coincidental. Discord- https://discord.gg/DZPRX3

ConanAnderson · Horror
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229 Chs

False Hope

It been a month Kishino Fumihiro joined Friendo's, from the moment he arrived, he did not worked very well with Misaki. In one day, again those two arguing about whose the better staff upon all.

Misaki scolds "I do as my best making food delicious for our customers, and you couldn't wait single minute" she holds her waist "What do you think food come out from the sky, we make those with very caring and you. You couldn't wait 2 minutes"

Fumihiro retorted in an annoying tone, "2minutes? I been waited for more than an hour for the order, the customers was making me nuts, just say it you couldn't cook"

Misaki flinched, "Huh... What do you think I am? A typical housewife who cook simple food for her husband, I am chief of staff of this Restaurant, what type of girl in my age is willing to take my job. No one"

While argument continues, Akagi looking at them very thoroughly, see that they very childishly arguing about a simple thing and Akagi not take any action to calm them, Ryūsaku the second waiter with green eyes brownish-black hair combed backwards and is very spiky, approached Akagi.

Ryūsaku whispered in Akagi's ears "Hey, Young Manager, should you stop them" he looked at them arguing, and he exhales "They're quarrelling like children's"

Akagi looking at them taking some of notes from his phone "Nah.. This is more interesting, although this is a harmless experiment"

"Experiment?" Ryūsaku questioned,

Akagi nodded, "I'm determined to know for how long Mutants can constantly talk you know most Humans lose energy when they talk: this is because they breathe through their mouths. This deep breathing stimulates the loss of vital carbon dioxide and worsens symptoms."

Ryūsaku little afraid, "That's sound very harmful to me"

Akagi chuckles "This problem can be corrected if they learn how to modify their breathing during work hours" he looked at Ryūsaku worrying face "ahh... Aright I do something".

Just before Akagi stopping them, suddenly footsteps approached them, Miyoshi and Morimoto Nagako appeared from the door, "Hey everyone it's time to goodbye all of you" Miyoshi happily announced them.

"Is it true Morimoto?" Misaki smiled asking her,

Morimoto smiled back "Yes, dad texted back, he is now safe, although he was encountered few Lex unit but he escaped, he also said to meet him with in Yellow zone Itabashi railway Station" She showed their little luggage "In our stayed I maybe brought many clothes"

Misaki sighs "It been a 5 months since you came here" she looked at Miyoshi "You been carrying lot of memories to tell your dad, huh Miyoshi, don't forget about us"

"Umm... Miyoshi, if you going to play chess with your father" Akagi reminding Miyoshi "Don't forget tricks that I taught you, okay" Miyoshi adorably smiled and hugged Akagi.

Only reached on His stomach Miyoshi looked up "Thank you Aka-Chan I wouldn't forget you and your moves and I won't forget you too Misa-Chan"

Seeing her cuteness, they are flattered

"Why do you asked your new big friend's phone number" Miyoshi looking at Morimoto when she said "You could called and to talk to them if you want"

Miyoshi nods "Yes sis, that's a great idea".

Akagi and Misaki both smiles and willing gave their phone numbers.

After receiving Morimoto and Miyoshi said goodbye and head to the station

"What a beautiful family they have, it hard to believe they are coming from a Violent mass murdering race" Akagi thought after they were gone he went back to his work.


On the station Morimoto holding Miyoshi looking by her hand she looking for their father, she had been little suspicious about her father's text, why he sent a text message instead calling, but she completely ignored it.

After few minutes, suddenly her phone rang, Morimoto looked at the phone, it is her father number she answered, and just the moment she answered the phone Miyoshi sense something odd.

"Miss Morimoto Nagako?" a mysterious and unpleasant voice comes from phone,

"Yes, speaking, who is this?" Morimoto questioned

Nevertheless, no answer from the caller, after long silence the man giggles "hehehe... We can see you now, we're right behind you"

Morimoto get very anxious when she heard the voice"

They looked back and terrified "The Lex unit!" Morimoto muttered.

Major Morikazu and Nakajō Tomotaki standing behind them "How nice of you to join us, Miss Nagako"

"How did you get...? Where my father?" Morimoto slowly babbled

Morikazu chuckles "Do you want to see your father?" Morikazu lifts his small leather bag "Well I'll show you" he unzip the bag and bring something from it

Once they saw it they literally shocked, they experienced a sudden shock of terror in their hearts, something they should not see in such young age.

Morikazu brought out Shintani Nagako decapitated head, still his eyes on the way open, "Noooooo!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh..." Miyoshi screaming and crying after she saw the head, she holds her sister tight crying in despair, Morimoto's eyes became tearful.

Their happy face and dreams of reunion ultimately shattered with false hope,

Morimoto separate Miyoshi and explaining her "Miyoshi... Run for your life, run as fast as you can"

"But…But I..." Miyoshi cried

"You have to run fast" She pushed Miyoshi "Goo...." She shouts.

While crying Miyoshi ran from the station,

Tomotaki flinched "She escaping!"

"Don't worry I handled it you focus on the big one" Morikazu ensured him

Miyoshi runs very fast trying get out but someone in front of the station caught her.

Morimoto activates her Noryoku and attack them for buy time, Tomotaki easily blocked and strikes into her knees and with chain scythe Cube, then he hooked her neck and tore her aside, Morimoto falls down with grave injury, as the blood leaking from her lower legs,

She kneel down looking at the people surrounding the station. The Lex coming near her "Yes... I was a fool, expecting that it will be over" Morimoto looking at the people, as they stare at her with fear and hated "The people thinking that I am a monster, peace between two kinds are impossible, humans going to kill each one until none going to survive, that's the future of Mutant's race".

Morikazu comes closer to Morimoto "Aren't you beg for forgiveness" he asked "you know your father begged for spearing your children before I cuts his head off, and I will grant his dying wish"

Morimoto sighs "Seem you're not true to your words" she spit blood on the ground "I shouldn't expected nothing less low life humans like you"

Morikazu laughed "Hahaha... Your father said the same thing, after I broke his both legs" he pulled an AM gun(Antamentium bullet made Anti-Mutant Gun)

Morikazu pointed the gun on her head "As for the mercy I giving you a sweet and quick death" *tlif* the trigger pulled

Morimoto's sheds tear thinking "Miyoshi, you have to stay alive, you have to live"

Looking at her crying Morikazu felt pity "Oh... Poor girl, I wished you will reunited with father in HELL!"

*BANG* the bullet right through her skull, her body fell on the ground, blood started to release from her head.

People are looking at the scene no one dare to come up, Morikazu looks at the people "What's you all looking at getting back to WORK!" people get back to work as he said.

He sighs, soaks sweat on his forehead

"Now, where is the smaller one?"

"Right here"

Morikazu looks back "Ahh, speak of the devil, good job Mk1"

Mk1 is pulling Miyoshi's hair up, she twitching her legs in pain, not able to scream nor cry, because of her mouth tied into a cloth.

"What are you doing to do with her?" Tomotaki asked the Major.

Morikazu thinks first for a moment then he speaks "Naturally we killed that little girl on sight but she has accomplishers, they helped them to hide" he smirks "I know a way to flush them out".



Mutants Hunters brought Shintani Nagako while hands and legs tightly tied up.

Morikazu sitting on a sofa in the same house from where he escaped.

He welcomes him "How to see again Mr Nagako, your Shapeshifting ability is quite impressive" he looked at Masamune as he looked him "My dear rookie failed to identify him by sight, but you and I knows that your shapeshift was quite improper" then he commands the Mutants hunter "Mk2 & 3 bring the chair".

They obeyed; bring out of them in the house.

Shintani tied on the chair, his mouth concealed by duct tape.

Morikazu removed the tape "I need you to speak up, I asked question, now first question, where is your daughters? I know they were present when you killed those soldiers"

Shintani did not replied.

Seeing that, Morikazu pointed a finger up "Before you say you're not going to talk, just look at here" Shintani look at Sledgehammer and wire cutter plus that Mk1 is holding, seeing those things he refused to give an answer but inside his was terrorised.

Looking at him calm face the Major asked "Still not going to tell me, huh? Mk 1 would you please" MK 1 grins and smash the sledge hammer on to his lower leg bone **Crackling**


his leg's lower bones, his legs broken massively, then the Major asked the same question but Shintani again did not said anything


"Aragggghhh!!! Noooooo!"

Mk 1 smashed Shintani's other leg bone, he agonizing in pain moving widely to get out of the chair. Masamune just couldn't see that kind of brutal torture, he looked at anywhere except this,

Masamune walked away from the scene thinking "Morikazu was recruited from The Spectres, the only reason that he knew every kind of enhanced interrogation" then he saw a phone inside an opened drawer, he looked and found the phone belongs to Shintani.

He quickly told the Major "Major Morikazu I found his mobile phone"

The Morikazu looked back holding the wire cutter trying to pull Shintani's teeth,

When he heard That,

Morikazu congrats him "Well done Pvt Masamune you will granted promotion if you display such obedience now give me that, let's see he got their number" Masamune handed the phone to the Major.

Seeing that Shintani groans "No…No don't... Arr" he bent down a thick fluid comes from his mouth, he looked at Mk1 "You... don't you have no shame, hunting and killing your own kind for the..." He tired up in pain "For the humans, why?"

Mk1 chuckles "That's because I value my life, that the only reason I kept myself sitting on the chair you are sitting right now, kept myself getting my bone crushed, if we do as they say we will be safe".

Listening him, Shintani maniacally laughed

"What's so funny?" Mk1 asked him

"Ahh... You are such fool, that's the easiest way to get killed; Brittonia will kill you one way or another"

Morikazu and Masamune come back from discussion

"Alright, I texted...I mean You texted a message to your elder daughter's phone saying, you were escaped and trying get out from the Yellow zone you going to meet them, in Itabashi rail station".

He went even closer grabbed Shintani's hair Manifested his Cube "You decapitated my friend captain's head, it only fair that I cut off yours but I need to punish you for committing such crimes " he ordered Mk1 "Break his both feet and cuts his lips, we'll making a example out of him"

Mk1 picked up his hammer,


*DANG!!! *

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Shintani roared as he much as he could.

Before Mk1 vertically cuts his lower lips.

The red thick fluid coming from his lower lips which appeared to be cut in half,

the blood overflowing stained Shintani's entire body

Mk1 did exactly, he broken Shintani's feet, completely disabled him from walking,

They produced more pain that he can generate, ran out of Biotium, Morikazu up his Cube about to cut his throat.

"Wait... Wait" Shintani stooped him "Please spear my daughters, I begging you please plea..." *Sshhluck...* he wasted any time to cut off Shintani's head.

"Hahhh... What a pain" Morikazu exhales "Let's go head to the Itabashi station, his daughter will arrive shortly" he reminded the Mutant Hunters "Don't forget to bring his head, I got something to surprise them" he looked at Masamune "Good job Masamune, you're dismissed you head to yellow zone base camp and wait for farther instructions and bring Nakajō Tomotaki here"

"Yes sir" Masamune obeyed and went out.

Morikazu command his Mutant Hunters "We going to wait in the Itabashi station".



Morikazu stands in front of station as the Military police handling the situation.

"Major Morikazu I found some numbers from that female Mutant's phone" Tomotaki notify him

"You found anything interesting?" Morikazu questioned

"Um…Yes" Tomotaki answered, "There is not much contact on the phone but two numbers has recently added, saved as Aka-Chan and Misa-Chan, what we should do, should we trace down the numbers"

Morikazu chuckles "Well Sergeant Nakajō, you seem had learned lot of respect in very short time"

Tomotaki Frowned but did not said anything, only saying "Your order sir..."

Morikazu smirked at Tomotaki "I already suspected the overlord didn't agreed to carry on that Mission specifically in Yellow zone, I have to become incognito in order to find those two Mutants" he looked at Tomotaki "I'll explained what we're going to that Little Mutant and those numbers."....