
The Darkest night

Being beaten to your death may not seem like the appropriate time to be thankfull but the boy chocking on his own blood was smilling!! He could feel it....he could feel his death approching and he could not be more thankfull for his body reaching its limit. He was on his last breath! he knew it. "Soon!" He thought "soon i will.... " before he could even finnish his sentence he was gone. (This is a dc comics fanfic)

Iughh_Mabaill · Anime & Comics
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Answers, questions and.....more questions

I looked at the door surprised and batman and nighrwing didn't move at all.

"And iv'e alreafy called someone to check if these powers are actually yours, they should here any time soon" batman finnished.

Nightwing again raised his finger like a student with a question.

Batman anticipating his question answered "i THINK he is an esper with healing powers and yes he does have activated meta genes, it's just that i don't know they cause the healing power, the telekinesis or both. He claims to have died but you and i both find it hard to believe that thus i called a professional"

I was not really paying attention to the conversation and it seemd those two wern't really paying attention to me so, i asked "when are you gonna open the door" bringing all of our attention to the door.

*thuk *thuk

The door opened and it was alfred with a folded towel on his sholder he spoke with frowning eyes " there is a magic man in the ground floor living room and he has stepped on your grandmother's carpets with MUDDY shoes"

Alfreds demeanour showed disgust toword the said individual.

But more importently who was the said individual who maneged to arouse the anger of the old butler?

ofcourse i had an idea. " oi bats! im ere as u asked now weres the young chap you wanet me to see?" a man with blond hair, a cegiret and camal colored overvoal was walking behind penniworth with a trail muddy foot steps behind him.

Alfred frouned at the mans daring steps that stained the carpeted floor.

noticing alfreds furious gaze the man smiled awkwardly and in an apological tone said "so'e bout that"

Before penniworth could give a remark batman spoke "constantine, this is the kid see if you can find any sort of supernatural connection on him"

Constantine was a british sorcerer that was the extent of information i knew about him ofcource i read comic, but not many. There was a lot i just didn't know because i stuck to charectors that i liked and john constantine was not one of them honestly neither was nightwing.

" ight now remember this favour bats im only doin it couse its-" "i don't like him" i cut him off.

nightwing looked surprised and pennyworth seemed to nod his head at my remark.

constantine only looked more tiered as if he had heard this all day.

I usually stay calm under even extream situations like getting tortured daily but for some fucking reason ive had more mood swings than the last five years of my life.

"So be quick about what ever your doing" i sounded more calm now but i really hated his resemblence to the old pig. Both there similar accent and there blond hair.

Steping up constantaine complained "Who tha fu-" but batman stoped him and placing a hand on constantaine batman "just do as he wasnts" in an airy tone.

I was always quite aware of myself and my surrounding i had to be, so noticing my so many mood shifts i tried to be as cooporative as i currently could.

Contantain took another deep breath and rubbed his eyes, he looked loomed even more tiered.

Pulled a flask out of his pocket and took a sip, nightwing skoffed at the "professional" sipping a dring on duty.

Constantaine bent a little to get to my eye level then spit all the liquid all over me.

Nightwing looked at batman and seeing no reaction from him did not act.

Everyone was alarmed at constantains actions and i was inraged.

That too was new.

"Holly water!" Constantain exclamed witha grin

Then he grabed my jaw and pulled my face close to him and started examining it.

"He's ok" he dida thumbs up and continued " he's just got a fuck ton of death tags"

"Meaning?" batman raised a brow and questioned.

"Means that hes got a special connection with death so, he's fucked cause deths a sadistic lill bitch"

"Anything else" batman asked unfazed but my hands started shaking listning to him.

The entire room started shaking seemingly in sync withmy hands. Constantain and nightwing looked surprised but alfred and the dark knight were unfazed.

I was loosing it, never in my life had i ever felt this furious, so....humiliated, all these feelings were so new anso so sudden. In my daze i failed to hear batman.

"CALM YOUSELF!!" He shouted finally getting my attention.

"I am calm" i retirted finally everything around me stoped shaking. Cracks had appeared on the walls and all the various wall hangings decorating the room were now on the floor.

Batman not convinced by me looked at nightwing and said "he should stay with you at the tower, he will learn faster with more people his age"

"I wanna leave right now" constantaine had already left and i was annoyed to the limit.

"Im not going with you and im defenatly not staying here" i declaired furiously, all the shit that had transpaired in such a short amount had blown my fuse. I was at my limit, never had i ever needed to confront my emotions before and now i had enough.

"That won't happen" batman spoke firmly.

"Why the fuck not?" I was even more pissed, i wanted to just stop lay in a corner and suffocate myself.

Batman seemingly aware of my inner turmoil tried to reson "because right now you ar not in thr right staye of mind being a danger to yourself and others"

His words only pissed me off further and i retorted " a billianer bitch who dresses up as a fucking furry to stalk and beat the shit out of insane clowns in the middle of night talking about "the right state of mind" dosn't really sound relayable to me"

Batman didn't retort and nightwing had his jaw dropped at my courage to say what i said to batman on his face.

Batman started to walk towards me and i suddunly froze up loosing all the fury on my face instead it was replaced with panic.

I tried to move something to protect me but nothing happened, now i was visibaly scared then resolve formed on my face.

Batman was standing before me. I instinclively closed my eyes, deep down i knew batman wouldn't hurt me but could never be sure because....