
Chapter 18

Through the long dark of the abyss, the voice of the star-god rushed into the dark emissary's mind.

"It is time Varrus."

"Time for what my Lord?"

"It is time for you to pave the way for my release; time for you to begin to reap the rewards of your loyal service to me."

Varrus felt a surge of power rush through him. Sparks flickered between his fingertips. He could feel the magic inside him begin to grow. But it wasn't a magic of the mortal realm it was a magic far more captivating than that: it was the magic of the void.

Varrus sucked in a deep breath.

"Savour this moment my servant. Become one with the magic I have given you. The final tasks will require every ounce of your being as I ready my escape."

Varrus quivered with excitement. "What would you have me do my Lord?"

The star-god paused a moment. Varrus waited in eager anticipation for the star-god's final commands.

"Prepare for battle my servant," the booming voice said at last. "Sow fear among the people of this land. Though my power grows by the day there are yet those in this pitiful realm who will try and stop me. You must destroy them. The heart of the foul magic that pervades this world finds many ways to break through to the mortal plain. The three ancient sources are not the only wells of power in this realm. Close them Varrus, and freedom will be mine at last!"

With these words the star-god left Varrus' mind and he was left free once more to act of his own accord. He turned towards the slumbering form of the girl. With the power of the gods on his side he might finally break her defences and put her to more use yet

Phae's eyes snapped open.

Or did they?

As usual she found the dark mage leering over her. Whether sleeping or no, the foul fetid stench of the mage's breath made her retch. The mage took a step back.

"Ah so I see you are awake at last. My enchantments are clearly losing their strength"

"What do you want mage?" Phae spat petulantly at her captor's feet. "What evil would you have me do now? Have you not had your fill already?"

"Oh, I could never have my fill of evil my dear," Varrus grinned wickedly, "for it's in my blood you see. And in yours too it would seem."

Phae went stiff as a strange tingling sensation ran through her body.

"What have you done to me?" she demanded, "What cruel trick is this you're using on me now?"

"Ah just you wait and see my girl," Varrus replied. "You see it all has to do with your father."

"My father? What has my father got to do with this?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," Varrus hissed. "Usually I wouldn't divulge such information to one such as you, but in this particular case I might make an exception. While up to now I have done my best to conceal you from him and avoid capture it seems my plans now require me to attract his attention."

"His attention?! You must be crazy. He'll kill you when he finds out what you've done to me!"

"Ah yes and there rests the crux of the plan," Varrus continued. "For though he would sorely love to kill me for a second time, with you as my hostage he will be powerless to stop me. I will strike when my enemy is at his weakest, and so will achieve my finest victory!

He smiled wickedly at her. "It is my girl, as you will no doubt appreciate, a very cunning plan."

"He'll never let you get away with this!" Phae shrieked, "I'll never let you get away with this! Try as you may Varrus I will fight you every step of the way!"

The dark mage sighed and shook his head. "And here I was thinking thought of your father might prove incentive to you," he said. "It seems I must resort to more how shall we say 'brutal' means of achieving your compliance after all..."

Phae screamed. A few moments later, her mind went blank.