


/"They're adorable. Is it bold of me to assume that's your boyfriend or husband?/" he then followed on.

/"It is bold of you,/" I shot back, but upon his apologetics hum, I gave a curt nod. /"Jonathan is my conscience. He's all that stands between me and the dark./"

/"For what it's worth,/" Deacon called after I inclined my head in fare-thee-well and made my way towards the window-licker, his voice drowned out by the screech of the wind, /"Fate isn't the steel road people think it is. People are brought into our lives or we're thrown into unpredictable and impossible circumstances, but that's not fate. The way you react, the choices you make, that's what makes it your fate./"

Which was soooo helpful. Yup. I was hand to god inspired. Pfft.

/"Making friends?/" Jonathan said when I slid into the passenger seat.

/"Get me out of here,/" was all I said, glaring at the amused expression he was sporting.