
Chapter 1 Ezrail and Lucifer

"Hey kid wake up we've got a world to take over. Get up."

The child woke up with a jolt. Who was that? There was no one around,so who could it possibly be.

"Hey kid we've got a world to conquer and I would do it alone but I don't currently have a physical body here, so get up."

The voice sounded kinda annoyed.

"Kinda annoyed?! Think again kid if you think "kinda" is gonna cut it. I refuse to accept that a kid like you is ignoring me. I the Dark God Lucifer. God of pretty much everything that the other gods didn't want to be gods of, but hey that just makes me stronger at the cost of responsibility."

The voice kept on talking without any sign of stopping any time soon so she tried to ignore it the best she could like she was at first, as she stood up. But as she did a drop of blood slid down her forehead. Reaching up to touch her forehead expecting it to be flat. But instead she felt something long and hard. It was at if she had just sprouted a horn. She tried to tug it out.

"Hey! Hey kid what do you think your doing!" shouted the voice "If you tug that crystal out of your forehead I can't help you anymore so don't you touch it with your dirty fingers you little brat."

Who was this guy to call her a brat. Come to think of it,he had even called her a kid. She was not a kid nor was she a little brat. She was 15 as of yesterday.

The voice scoffed and said "You will always be a little brat in my eyes. I who is about 1000 times older than you, will always see you as a brat you at 15 years of age cannot compete with my age that I just so conveniently lost track of."

This pissed her off.

"Ok first of all, just who are you, second, what are you and third where are you."

The voice scoffed and said "If you had listened to me at first you would know who and what I am. But you should know anyway after you are a half demon. You should know me even if you were stuck here in a small village in the middle of nowhere in a village full of humans in the demon kingdom."

None of this happened to strike a bell. She was after all an orphan, no one liked her and she liked no one. She had no one to learn from so how would she know this? Her only teacher was the streets and the wild.

"You little brat. I am a god and what do you do when you see a god? You bow down and hope that they don't curse you. But the only problem is that I shouldn't curse because if I did you wouldn't be a convenient contractor for me. I could find another contractor after I cursed you but it'd be a pain. I am the Dark God Lucifer and I am the god that all demons worship with no exeptions exept maybe you. So child you better get on your knees before i curse you and everything thing that you touch and find myself a new contractor"

Hearing this she quickly go on her knees. Her life didn't need to get worse than it already was, she had just found a job but the asteroid just had to come and wipe out the village leaving only her alive in the giant crater it had created. So she just got on her knees and bowed down like how she had seen the people in the village do from time to time.

"That's better. Now you can sit down while I explain what I need you to do you human looking half demon." he said as he noticed that she looked nothing like a demon even though she had demon blood flowing through her. "That crystal thats in you forehead right now is how I'm talking to you right now. It's a contract crystal. It'll make you my contractor of you accept the contract. I would share my power with you and you'd live a lot longer but you'd still die if your stabbed through the heart. So would you accept the contract?"

"I'm not selling my soul to you though right?"

"I truly hate you. I am not a lowly demon that takes someone soul. I don't need your stupid soul. Why would I need yours when I have my beautiful soul already?

"Ok I accept the contract then"

He cackled, " Good choice child, this may or may not be the best choice you've made all day. As for the payment of the contract you'll just have to help me take over the world and then once that's done you have the choice to stay in this contract if want. Now what's your name. I don't think calling you a child will help a friendship.

" The names Ezrail and I don't have a surname."

" Alright Ezrail feel free to just call me Lucifer and your gonna be stuck with me for a while. Just so you know, my sister is gonna try to stop us from taking over the world. She's also got one of the human heros as her contractor too."

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into she thought. If she remembered correctly the Dark Gods sister was the godess of the light. She could barely even make it through a week but now she had to go against the goddess of light and her hero while trying to take over the world as well.

"This, this is gonna be really fun."

"Yes indeed it is, I look forward to working with you Ezrail so don't mess up on the first day. Oh right, I almost forgot. As I was falling in that asteroid I released some of my night creatures on my way here in the human kingdom. So I'm gonna need you to wake then up and get them to come to you. They'll be your army so treat them well and no they still haven't done anything yet."