
The Dark Swordsman

Alexthegeneral · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 22.5

I woke up for my next shift and felt that same feeling of something watching me and I had a good guess on what or rather who is watching but I don't care considering nothing in this universe could hurt me unless I let it so I just went to my office and relaxed as I had an upgrade done on the power systems as this version of Freddy's has a lot more spending money. so I can leave the doors closed for as long as I want and not worry about losing power. I only really need to wind up the music box and am set for the night.


Hey, so I know I haven't written anything for a while so have this little bit of a chapter. anyway, I probably won't be writing for quite some time due to a variety of reasons but if I ever get the urge to write and update then I'll give you guys a chapter. it's been a great time writing this and I thank you for reading this and I do hope to come back and write some better chapters for you guys.

until we meet again,
