
The Dark Stone

Arya wakes up and can't remember a thing. Before she could understand her situation, she's continuously being chased and hated for reasons she can't quite understand. Not being able to find a better explanation, she concludes she has amnesia. But there's a secret to her memory loss. More deep and dreadful than she can imagine. Will she be able to survive what lies ahead? I welcome you, dear readers, to this journey of mystery, adventure and revelation that lies beyond the boundaries. ... Where am I?" My head throbbed and my vision was blurry. "Wake up Arya!" I heard a voice call me as my retina struggled to adapt to the bright light and my mind felt as if it was emerging from nothingness. I opened my eyes and saw a boy, maybe 15 or 16, shaking me. I looked around me; I was in a school cafeteria, bustling with students. The table and chair that I was sitting at were kept in a corner of the huge room, excluded from the lively atmosphere. Had I been sleeping here? And where exactly is ‘here’? What is this place? My mind was flooding with questions as soon as I gained consciousness, but suddenly theses questions seemed trivial in front of the problem that I suddenly dawned on me- I didn’t know who I was! “Why am I here?” I asked, not being able to recognize the place and on top of all this, my head was spinning with confusion. Ha! As if I needed things to go worse. “What are you talking about now? Don’t tell me you don’t wanna help me anymore. And how the hell did you managed to fall asleep amidst this entire ruckus?” the boy pointed towards other areas of the room where students were fighting, running, some girls were screaming in the center- an amazing scene like a cheery on top of a cake. Was this really a cafeteria? Because they seemed to be doing almost everything except having a meal, but I couldn’t bother. I was in no condition to do so. Everything felt blank- I couldn’t remember anything! My name, this place, this boy in front of me- I remembered nothing! I tried to remember or recall something-anything of importance. Nothing. ...

MiraNavi · Fantasy
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21 Chs

A Bad Dream

It was 3 A.M. in the morning. I couldn't sleep the entire night. How could I? What I found in those video files was insane!

I looked at my bed, Mayur was sleeping soundly. His peaceful face didn't show any of the horror that he had been exposed to. I wished I hadn't seen what I saw.

Last night, after Mayur fell asleep, I started the videos from the very beginning. I thought I would go and sleep in the living room once I was done seeing few videos, but seeing what I saw, I wondered if I'll be able to sleep without having nightmares ever again.

I studied the hard files that I brought with me. One of those files had Mayur's photo on it. I opened the file and on the very first page it was printed-'Subject H-039' and what worried me the most was that, all over the front page of the file, was stamped, 'TERMINATE'

I didn't like that word. I went on flipping through the pages and though I couldn't understand all of it, I understood one thing very clearly- something went wrong and the scientists were ordered to kill him.

I put the back of my hand on my mouth. What are these crazy jerks up to? I was too shocked to think anything.

Does these experiments even have government approval? I doubted it. No human, in their sane condition, would ever approve of something so outrageous as this.

I clicked on the first video file and it started. It was the report of the first experiment on the very first subject. But the container was empty. A scientist came forth and started explaining just like that other video. The only difference was that the speaker was different.

"This is Day-1 of Akash Project. I'm Dr. James Warner, the project director and supervisor. We'll begin with the said procedure very soon." Dr. James continued speaking as he worked on some kind of machine.

"Our goal is to create a human, male or female, capable enough to harness the energy of the Erbium and become an Osiris."

He came forth and held two test tubes in front of the camera.

"The genetic sequence of the source cells have been modified to give the intended results. When the Subject H-001 will reach pre-natal stage, these serums will have to be injected in its body to preserve the genetic code from malfunctioning."

He showed some weird diagram that was too complicated for me to understand and then went on,

"Our experiments showed that the development of this progeny can not be accomplished inside the body of a living organism such as a human female, and therefore this experiment had to be conducted 100 percent in-vetro, right from fertilization to its overall development..."

The video went on for quite a long time. They had recorded every event of the experiment. I saw everything. They LITERALLY created a human out of two cells in a test tube.

I skipped through several videos and opened the video that was filmed two years after the first one.

What I saw, shouldn't have been possible. The experimental subject, a girl, who was conceived just two years ago, was now as grown as any average adult. All in just two years!

This speed simply defies the laws of nature and science.

"What..." Before I could think any further, I heard Mayur's voice.

"Stop...Please...please. " he said, still asleep.


I ran over to him. He was completely drenched in sweat. I shook him as hard as I could.

"Mayur wake up."

He started groaning even louder and was tossing around violently.


He groaned and woke up with a sudden jerk. His entire face beaded with sweat.

"What happened?" I asked. His eyes looked as if he saw the devil. They were out of focus and confused.


"What happened?"

She asked again and again, evidently worried to death. Arya was sitting beside me and I remembered where I was.


How was I supposed to describe what I saw when I don't know it myself. I had a dream, but not like the one I always had.

It's true that I just woke up yesterday, but I know that I have been here longer. I was... asleep. I can't remember where I was or who I was, just fragments of dreams. I had several dreams before, but I can remember none of it. Except for one image that I can't seem to forget. I remembered it when I first opened my eyes yesterday and tonight, I saw it...again.