
The Dark Soul Of The Unknown

ParadoxNovels · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Children Of The Unknowns

Have you ever wondered about the past? Have you ever wondered what your ancestors did? Have you ever wondered why you are in the situation that you are in? Sorry, about that i was just ranting my own thoughts don't pay any attention to that. My name is Hunter, don't ask why i was named that or what my last name is because i have no idea. For as long as I could remember I was an orphan living in an orphanage home in a village called Farrudora. Now when i say village i mean around a thousand people. During this time and place Towns are more than five thousand people. A city contains more than twenty thousand people. You might be wondering, is there something bigger than a city? Yes there is a Royal City called Renturi. I am 14 years old and this is my story. The story where an orphan and a peasant reaches the peak of humanity. So get ready to know my amazing story.

Hunter woke as sunlight poured in through the cracks of the wall of where he slept. He rubbed his eyes as he got up from the hard concrete floor. His room was one of the smallest rooms in the orphanage. It was tall enough to allow him to walk with his head held up high and wide enough for me to sit on one side and touch the other side with his toes. He had no door to his room because the orphanage found that getting doors was a waste of money. In the orphanage there were thirty boys and fifteen girls. The boys got the smaller rooms while the girls got the bigger rooms. The orphanage was in the middle of a field near the outskirts of the village. The orphanage was led by an overweight nun that thought more about herself than the god that she worshipped.

Hunter was an average sized 14 year old, not too tall or not too small. He had black hair with brown eyes. He had fair skin and had a long mysterious scar running along the side of his arm. He had the scar for as long as he could remember. Hunter never gave up on anything and always liked to pick fights. Hunter's body was pure muscles due to fights that he had gotten into with larger boys and from training his body.

As Hunter got out of bed he saw dirty blonde haired, brown eyed and white skinned heads pop through the doorway. "What's going on Malco" said Hunter

"Nothing just wanted to see if you had woken up. You have to get ready breakfast is going to be served in five minutes. I will save you a seat." said Malco as he walked down the hall. Malco was the same age as Hunter and was a little taller than Hunter. Hunter groaned as he walked toward the doorway. The bathroom was to the left of his room and it also didn't have a door. This bathroom was designated for the boys for obvious reasons. Hunter got lucky that no one was sitting on the toilet. Yesterday, he had walked in on one of the pastors using the bathroom. He gagged on the thought. It was a sight that he would not forget in a long time. The bathroom was smaller than his room in height and width. There was a hole in the center of the bathroom where everyone had to do their business. The hole was cleaned every two weeks which means that the bathroom stunk for a week and a half. Hunter brushed his teeth and he thought what it would feel like to be a person living a life in the royal city. All people categorized in 6 categories: Royals, Nobels, High tier, Mid Tier, Low Tier, and Unknowns. Unknowns would live in villages, low tier would live in towns, and mid tier would live in cities. The nobles and royals live in the royal city with the rich.

Hunter was an unknown so he was only noticed or acknowledged by his fellow unknowns. Everyone is tested in birth and is kept a log of in the royal registry. There is only one way to change the ranking and that is to win against a higher tier in a tournament that is held annually. Hunter jumped out of his thoughts and finished up brushing. The lunch room was in the center of the orphanage so the walk was fairly short. As Hunter entered the lunch room he looked at the table that he and Malcos usually sat at. Malco waved at me and said "Took you long enough".

Hunter sat next to Malcos and waited for the food to be served. Malcos whispered "What do you think we are going to get today? Gruel"

Hunter snickered and said "Shredded garbage."

Malcos started laughing and the fat nun looked at them with hawk-like eyes. Both Hunter and Malcos both sat very quietly. The nun looked at them for another minute then went back to what she was doing. Hunter looked at Malcos and said "You almost got us in serious trouble. If she had heard what we had said we would have gotten the lashes."

Malcos said "Sorry"

A pastor with an unibrow came to their table holding a big pot which was steaming. The pastor was accompanied by one of the orphans, an african boy that was two years older than Hunter and Malcos. He handed each one of them a pot and the pastor filled the pots with a brown mush. It reeked of beans and other vegetables. Meat was very expensive and was not something that the orphanage wanted to spend their money on. The food tasted disgusting. It tasted like spoiled beans and moldy cauliflower. The orphans were not allowed to throw the food and had to finish it. The pastors were placed at the exits and near the trash cans to see if there was anyone trying to throw out their food. Hunter and Malcos were both used to this. The table that they both sat at had a tile underneath it that was loose. Hunter had discovered the tile years before and had sneaked out of his room late at night to dig a hole underneath it. Both of them filled the hole and then cleaned it out late at night. Hunter and Malcos waited for ten minutes and then cleaned out their bowls. Then both of them walked to the exit where their bowl was checked by the pastor with the unibrow and they were able to leave.

The orphanage allowed their orphans to go wherever they wanted but had to come back before the fifth bell from the clocktower in the middle of the town.

Hunter and Malcos were starving so they headed towards the center of the market. Hunter and Malcos both split up. Hunter went to a bar called Gors Bar. He walked in and looked around for a target.He had been through this routine over a thousand times and had mastered the art of pickpocketing. A chair fell on the right side of Hunter as he walked to the front counter of the bar. Hunter looked at a large man wobble his way to pick it up. As the man went to pick the chair Hunter noticed a bag in his belt. The hunter knew it was filled with money and a lot of it. Hunter wanted the bag but knew the risks involved with stealing a rich man's money. Few years ago, a boy had stolen money from a rich merchant.The merchant hired highly trained soldiers to find the thief. The boy was found within two days and was hung in front of the whole town by the clocktower. Everyone had come to see the fate of the boy, even the nuns and pastors of the orphanage.

Hunter didn't want to take the risk so he kept heading to the counter. A beautiful young girl with black hair, black eyes and brown skin asked him "What's your poison?"

In Farrudora there were no age restrictions on beer but Hunter understood the effects of the drink. The Hunter responded "Just water please."

The girl looked shocked and said "Really?"

Hunter just looked at her. He knew he shouldn't be making an impression on anyone there just in case he was going to pickpocket. The girl gave him a look and walked away from him. Five minutes later she appeared with a wooden mug filled with water. Hunter dropped two bronze lurats on the counter.

The currency that is used around the world is called lurats. There are bronze lurats, silver lurats, and gold lurats. One silver lurat is worth one hundred bronze lurats and one gold lurat is worth one hundred silver lurats. Bronze lurats was commoner's money because bronze lurat was used by the unknowns, low tiers and mid tiers.

Hunter drank the water and walked out of the bar. He had been too noticed by the bar keeper. The first rule of thievery: never cause too much attention to yourself or never do something that will make people remember you. Hunter knew by ordering water in the bar would cause the barkeeper to remember him so he had to choose a new hunting ground. The clocktower began to ring and Hunter realized that time was running out.

Just then the overweight man that he had seen in the bar walked past Hunter. Hunter started to follow him from a distance. The man went onto the main which connected all the streets and was the street that the clock tower was on. The man went into an inn. Hunter knew the inn very well because he had stalked out a lot of people. Hunter didn't want to steal everything the man had just a few coins. The front had windows so potential customers can see the lavish front of the inn and Hunter used the window to watch his prey. The worker handed the man a key to room 25, the man took the keys and pointed directions to his room. The back of the inn was facing an alley and was covered by other buildings. Hunter went to the back of the building and climbed. Hunter knew exactly where room 25 was. The back part of the inn had windows and each room had one window. The room 1 was on the bottom left and and the room 10 was bottom right. So room 25 was on the third floor. Hunter counted the rooms as he went up and reached the third floor. The window was half the size of Hunter and was bared with rusted steel. The steel was held in by bolts at the four corners of the window. Hunter had picked apart these windows all the time. The window came apart fairly quickly. He took out the steel and took it all the way down. Hunter climbed back up and gently opened the window.

The bell rang for the second time as Hunter entered the room. The man was snoring the bed as I entered. He looked around for the bag which was hidden under his bed. The bag was quite heavy as he carried it out from under the bed. Hunter then removed the knot that held the top of the bag closed. Hunter looked with amazement as he saw hundreds of gold coins. Hunter had never seen such an amount of money. He picked up a handful of gold coins and shoved them in his pocket. Hunter made sure to tie up the string the same way as the man had. He placed it back where it was and faced it in the same direction as before. Hunter climbed out of the window and climbed all the way down. Then he climbed back up with steel bars and bolted it.

Hunter and Malcos had a meeting place set up. They had to meet up at the corner of the town, north of the clocktower. The location was landmarked by a large tree that had an hole going through it. Hunter had arrived earlier than Malcos so he waited for him behind the tree and looked through the hole. Malcos appeared after the third bell rang which was unusual for him. He was always there before the third bell but today was different. Malcos walked up to the tree while looking back to make sure that he was not getting followed or getting seen. He walked around the front of the tree and met up with Hunter at the back. Hunter said "What took you so long?"

Malcos responded by saying "I was getting tailed by some guy that looked like a mercenary."

Hunter was shocked because mercenaries rarely came here and when they did they came for wanted people. Hunter looked at Malcos and said "Did you do anything stupid?"

Malcos looked away and said "I stole a necklace."

Hunter was confused because they had stolen necklaces all the time and it was not a problem. Hunter said "So?"

Malcos continued "I stole the necklace from a high tier."

Hunter looked at him with shock and said "You did what?"

Malcos looked at him and said with a fear in his voice "I didn't realize it was a high tier until after I had stolen it."

Hunter looked around with fear and whispered "Where is the necklace?"

Malcos brought out a bag and opened it to reveal a dazzling gold necklace in the shape of a dragon. Hunter grabbed the necklace and said "We have to get rid of this thing now."

Malcos responded "How are we going to get rid of it?"

Hunter said "I know what to do.���

Hunter led Malcos deeper into the woods until they couldn't see the lights from the town. They came to a creek and decided to bury the necklace and the gold coins there.

By the time Hunter and Malcos reached the orphanage it was almost time for the fifth ring from the clocktower. The nun was waiting at the entrance as the boys entered. She looked at them and said "You are very lucky today that you got here on time or you would have gotten the lashes."

Malcos and Hunter both apologized and went to their rooms. On the way to their rooms Hunter and Malcos had decided that the best course of action would be to not talk about what transpired that day. The first room that they reached was Malcos's room. Malcos said his goodbye and went into his room. Hunter walked down the hall and entered his room and laid down on the ground. He thought about what would happen to Malcos if he were to get caught. The thought of the other thief had come to his mind. The necklace was buried deep in the woods there was no way that they could pin it on him so he shook the thought off and went to sleep.

The next morning the same thing happened as the day before. Hunter met Malcos at lunch. The both of them didn't talk at all. After getting their food they got rid of it. As they walked towards the front gate of the orphanage they heard the sounds of horse hooves. Hunter and Malcos both stopped right in their tracks. Both of them looked at each other as horse riders came into the orphanage. The fat nun came out to find out what the commotion was. All the horses that entered were black in color and they formed a circle around the orphanage but the last two horses that came were a pure white stallion and pure brown stallion. Hunter had seen one of them in town and had asked about them due to their pureness of color. The rider was a very pretty red headed girl and a handsome black haired boy. Both of them seemed to be around the same age as Hunter and Malcos. Hunter looked at Malcos and saw that he had turned pale. The red headed girl dropped off of her horse and said to one of the horsemen "Is it one of these two?"

The horseman pointed at Malcos and said "It was him madam."

The girl walked over to them and looked right into Malcos's eyes and said "You had the guts to steal from us."

Malcos who was still pale and shaken said "I don't know what you are talking about?"

She glared at Malcos and said "Not only do you have the audacity to steal from us but also to lie to my face."

Malcos remained quiet. The girl sighed and said "Fine we will refresh your memory for you. You snuck into my room at night and stole my necklace. Not only did you steal my necklace but also a couple of my bankers gold coins."

When she mentioned the gold coins Malcos got very confused. He didn't know what she was talking about. The red headed girl continued "Then you ran from my room not even bothering to close my window. My guard here followed a person from my window and he said that it was you. What do you have to say about that?"

Malcos looked her right in the eyes and said "Like i said before miss i don't know what you are talking about."

Hunter was amazed that Malcos could look her in the eyes and say a lie with such confidence. Hunter and Malcos both were very good liars, they had to be, it was a skill they needed to have in order to be a thief. But Hunter was still amazed at the capability of Malcos. The girl was not having it; she slapped Malcos in the face sending him straight to ground. The boy on the horse who had remained quiet throughout the whole conversation said to the girl "We are not savages like these people! You are a high tier start acting like it!"

At the sound of this remark the girl calmed down. She looked at Malcos who just got up "I am sorry. I didn't mean to act like that. How unladylike for me. My name is Rameri and I am a high tier person who came here to retrieve something that belongs to my family. But in the process I lost something that was very dear to me and you took that something. I could have cared less about the money but the necklace I need it back. We can let everything slide if you give me back my necklace."

Hunter and Malcos both knew that if Malcos confessed then he would be thrown in jail for life or worse killed. Malcos once again told the girl that he had no knowledge of what she was talking about. The girl no longer wanted to talk. She looked at her guards and said "Turn this place upside down if we have to in order to find the necklace."The guards responded by rushing towards the orphanage and ran in all directions. The guards came back in about 10 minutes with nothing. Rameri looked at Malcos and said "Where is it?!"

Malcos didn't respond and this made Rameri very upset. She responded with an outburst "You better give me my necklace or else!"

Again Malcos said that he doesn't know where it is. Rameri looked at her guards and said while pointing to Malcos "Arrest him for thievery!"

The guards started to surround Malcos and Hunter. Hunter looked at "You don't have any proof of him stealing anything so you can't arrest him."

Rameri looked at Hunter "Yes I can. One of my guards saw him there, that is all the proof that I need to arrest him and I am a High Tier. No one will believe a word of an unknown."

Hunter was baffled at what she said. The guards arrested Malcos by putting him in cuffs and chains. The rest of the Orphanage just watched as this unfolded. They put Malcos on a horse with a guard and rode it away. Hunter looked at the other boy and pleaded "Please there has to be something I can do to help him."

The boy looked at Hunter and said "An unknown like you can't do anything unfortunately. But a High tier like us can get your friend out of prison."

With that the high tier boy and girl left.

Hunter knew the only way to become a high tier was to defeat a high tier in the tournament. The annual tournament was being held in a month in his town. This is why the High tiers were here. That Hunter couldn't do anything he stayed in his room and away from the other people. The next he got good enough to go to the woods near the town and work out. Hunter did pull ups on tree branches, punched the trees until his knuckles ached and he pulled a very heavy tractor from a nearby farm. Due to Hunter's strong build he was able to do this for five days before the soreness kicked in. The effects weren't as strong at first but it was so bad that Hunter couldn't move his arms or legs. This happened when he was practicing in the woods and he thought no one was around. Hunter waited until he was strong enough to walk again. Just when his strength was coming back into his legs a man came out of the woods. He looked at Hunter and said "What is a boy like you doing out in these woods?"

Hunter didn't want to waste his time talking but still said "I am training for the tournament."

The man looked Hunter up and down before asking "What is your power?"

Power is what decided the difference between all the tiers. This doesn't mean that a stronger power will get the higher tier but it means that a person with more control is a higher tier. Hunter responded "I am an unknown and I don't have power."

The man laughed and said "Then how do you intend to win the tournament or even tier up? Everyone has power even if they don't know it."

Hunter remained quiet thinking about what the man had said. Then the man said to Hunter "What powers do your parents have?"

Hunter responded "I never had parents, they died before I got to meet them."

The man was quiet for a bit then he walked back in the direction that he came. Hunter thought to himself that he could finally go back to practice without any disturbance. After five minutes the man reappeared with a bag in hand. Hunter looked at the bag with curiosity and said "What is in the bag?"

The man said "Something that can answer your questions."

The man opened the bag and brought out a white crystal. The man said "This is a reading crystal which is used by the nobles and royals to see what kind of power and how much of it their children will have."

Hunter looked at the man and said "How does it work?"

The man smiled and said "Depending on the color we will know what kind of power you will have and depending on the brightness we will know how much power you will have."

Hunter was getting very excited and asked "What is the best color and the worst color to get?"

The man looked at him and said "Gold is the best color but only the royals get that color. No one above a royal has ever gotten gold. The worst color is white it means you have no power. Don't fret if you get it because it is common among unknowns."

Hunter asked "So there's no other color as good as gold?"

The man sighed and said "There is one color but no one has gotten that color in more than a century. It is basically a legend."

Hunter asked "What color is it?"

The man frowned and said "You ask a lot of questions, don't you want to see what is your color."

Hunter really wanted to see what kind of power he had if he had any. The man brought the crystal close to Hunter and made him touch the crystal with his hand. The crystal didn't change and Hunter was getting upset but then the crystal started to change it a bright red. The man's eyes began to widen as the color changed from red to black. The whole crystal became black and it made the whole surroundings completely black even though it was the middle of the day. The man looked around in fear and then he took away the crystal. The surroundings became the color that they were. The man looked at Hunter and said "My name is Ramport and I will teach you how to control your power. Not only will I teach you how to control your power and when you will control you will win the tournament.But you musnt tell anyone about what color you got and that I am teaching you"

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