
The Dark Side Of Me

This is no normal rejection story…this is the story of a woman who has been so traumatised by her family that she rejects THEM and then leaves to try and build a life for herself while dealing with the backlash of trauma and also trying to build a romantic relationship in the midst of it. But can she do it? Can she overcome her fears, self doubt and inner demon? Or will the darkness inside her win and take over what little light is left in her world? Join Ava in her journey of self discovery and rage fueled hatred of those who have hurt her. Having lived the past 20 years in the shadow of the painful memories of her life with her family, Ava has finally broken free from her shackles and is setting out to find a new existence for herself. She is hoping to see the real world and meet real people after finding out just how messed up her family is and perhaps she can begin to find out just who she is and perhaps find a way to deal with all of this anger she has inside. David is a hard ass when it comes to dealing with the kids that come through his dojo but he is completely frazzled when he meets Ava for the first time. They clash yet attract each other and he can’t help but want to help her as she adjusts to life on her own, gaining her independence and dealing with her traumas. But there is only so much he can do when he has his own issues as well and when they clash with hers, it just fuels her fire. How will this pair of dynamo’s end up? Will it be an epic love story for the ages or a tear jerking tragedy? Cover pic is by Forlorn by Elenteri from Deviantart all credits go to them for it, its definitely not my work.

AzuraNight · Urban
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7 Chs

The Meeting part2

Ava's POV

As I came through the double glass doors into the community centre I went right to the notice board and began to browse what classes are available. I really don't want to be spending my money on much but I know that I want to get out and learn and do things too and from what I heard when I was at the library in the rare chances I got to go there, this is usually the best place to go.

I saw classes for Yoga whatever that is and MMA, no idea but I can ask and find out, there is gymnastics, yeah ok not for me, book keeping....what is that? Is that a librarian course? I could do that, I've always liked books. Hmm what else is there.....oh there is an advertisement here for Psychic Services...interesting, I might try that out one day just for the hell of it. I grin to myself, gotta have a little fun. What harm can it do. I hear a door open to my left but I pay it no mind it's probably some staff so I continue to browse as I am in no rush for now, but then I feel someone hovering about 16feet away just staring at me. It is kind of creepy but I wait it out and continue to look at the board and see if they do anything.

At last the person comes closer and asks me if he can help me so I turn around and see the most stunning green eyes I have ever seen. Not that I have seen many but I'm pretty sure that if I did, these would be right up there in the top. The man was good head taller than me at around 6 foot 4 inches with deep icy green eyes that I could just get lost in, gorgeous long eyelashes and lush dark brown hair that falls into his eyes. Which is currently damp mind you and he's towelling dry, be still my heart. To complete it all he sports a trimmed goatee and 5 o'clock shadow with a straight nose and wide full lips. Over all, he's one nice looking man.

We talk about the classes and I am interested in his class which is Mixed Martial Arts and it isn't because it is his although that is definitely a perk. No it is for several reasons but I don't want to consider these now while I am outside and talking to strangers. I have too much that I need to go over later when I am alone and can lower my guard a bit. Even though I might joke and smile to these people that I am meeting today, they will never know just how far up my defences are and how wary I truly am of them.

They may seem nice but I don't know them. Peggy may have given me a place to stay and a job, but what does she want in return? How far can I truly trust her and should I even?

I come back to myself as the man says something else to me and I carry on with my conversation with him, eventually promising to join his class next week as I follow him out the door into the sweltering heat and bidding him goodbye. Aah I didn't even get his name, oh well next week I guess.

As I wander around the town a bit more I try not to lose my sense of direction and always stay mindful of the time as I look through the shop windows and watch the people of the town go about their busy day. This will be me soon I think to myself. At least I hope it will be.

I slowly head back to the diner and make my way through to one of the booths at the back. I see the clock on the wall says 7:36pm so I am about right on time to come back, it has been a very long day and I am really worn out. I hope that we can leave on time but if not that is ok too, I can just rest my head here for a while and wait for Peggy to finish up.

Peggy came to get me right on 8:00pm sharp and brought me out through the back of the diner to her little Honda Civic and told me to get in, so I clambered in the passenger seat, put my seat belt on and gained a face full of pink fr my efforts.

She told me that this is the uniform and I only get the one for now so don't ruin it, I can wash it every night, no problemo. And off we went to her house, no idea where though because it all looks the same to me.

Little bit different on this one, no speech per say and it's a short one. I know that the start is a bit slow but it will get better in a few chapters.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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