


Tiffany stands there over Galvin’s corpse in shock. She keeps looking down at him and then back at me.

/"Well, you have a job to do. I feel his soul detach and if you don’t harvest it, it will be lost./"

/"I don’t want to harvest it, and why are you here?/"

I sit back in the chair and cross my legs; I also pull a bag of popcorn out of the shadow next to me and begin to eat with a smile on my face. I am now watching her like a movie.

/"You should know why I am here./"

She shakes her head and I point down at Galvin with a smirk on my face.

/"You screwed up big time,/" I say digging into the bag of popcorn and pulling a handful.

/"I didn’t do a single thing wrong./"

/"Oh boo,/" I say throwing popcorn in her face. /"I can see you doing something wrong now./" I look down at the body and then at Tiffany who is trying to remove the popcorn from her blouse.