
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Facing a royal destiny

Gasping upright Adrian struggled to make sense of what happened. Skin itching from the way the black gloey had grabbed him.

It didn't help that he woke up in a new, different and most definitely unknown environment.

He hadn't slept on a bed this soft since...well ever, the touch unlike the hard cold chair that he had sat in just moments ago.

Adrian couldn't help but feel relief at the absence of the slimy, stretchy black goo as he looked around.

Spacious, the room was spacious and decorated in only the richest and finest materials. Even the bed was way too big for even a dozen people, curtains closed around it just adding to the rich fact as the sun made it glitter gold.

A small window was the origin of the sun, impossible to enter through. Even the walls were thick, with heavy looking stones. Difficult to break through yet as spacious as the room was there was hardly enough natural light. The room was practically hidden in a veil of darkness beside the occasional smart placed mirror, that reflected to beam of sunlight.

Rubbing his temple Adrian groaned, soft long hair brushed over his bare hands.

Throwing of the blanket, feets brushed against bare smooth stones beneath them as Adrian got rid of the curtains around him.

Stretching his understanding grew of what was happening yet he couldn't admit the feeling of having an adult once again wasn't nice.

Either way it wasn't his and neither was this place. All made even more obvious as he noticed the weird stiffness of the body, movement restricted made him unable to fully embrace the body and use it properly.

A body that came into full view the moment he walked in front of a large golden mirror. A mirror so intricate and beautiful that wherever this and whoever this body belongs to was rich.

Evident by the way the texture of his loose pants and thin outer robe felt so enriched in his hands, bellowing after him as he went from the bed to the mirror.

His first look went to his clothes but it wasn't the smoothly looking and gorgeously made clothes that caught his attention, no, it was th way long hair grazed over an equally long figure.

From what he could tell this new body should be around 180, maybe a little taller with a lean figure and abs visible. One could even see the tones arms and legs.

It must have taken the owner ages to reach this state of body.

Bright auburn hair reached as long as his lower back and was held together in a loose braid

Equally as bright eyes stared back at him, eyes he had never seen spark so brightly

Adrian guessed it was simply fate that he landed in a body that resembled his first.

Hair and eyes staring back were way healthier then his ever be though.

In short everything he saw was unfamiliar, face going blank as he took in the way the jaw clenched and nose wrinkled as a floral scent hit said nose, scent in the very air around him. On his clothes, skin and even hair.

Thick, luscious hair combined with pale, smooth skin and deep eyes made his new body alluring without a doubt.

However and that was a big however the deep set and previous bright brown eyes where no longer that. They where cold, distant even when he just stared calmly at himself.

By habit he moved a hand through his hair, way longer then he was used to and no longer silver.

As soon as his hand reached the strands a streak of silver appeared from the top and had quickly taken the place of the auburn brown. A width no more then a few centimeters but there was his silver.

''What's happening?''

{You have been transported to a new world.}

It seems he received an answer for once.


{Easy, seeing a protagonist could open new abilities. Even a small one could leave you with advantages.}

''How about my presence in Asclepius?"

{You, in lack of better words, never existed in that world.}

"And is that the reason why this is even possible?"

{Maybe, maybe not.}

"Let's gauge out this situation first, shall we."

Fist banged on the mirror and as expensive as it was it still shattered in front of him.

''They do say glass pieces bring luck and it seems I need some after all."

"Your highness, I heard breaking. May I ask if your alright?''

That sure explained the riches.

The guard,servant,..either way she didn't sound very happy.

"Don't just keep standing there!Come and clean it up!''

Frightful was a better way to describe the woman, it was even more obvious as eyes locked on his body before gathering the pieces with trembling hands.

And that explains even more.

{This new function will enable you to transport to different worlds, meet new people, gain new powers and fullfill the assigned mission.

For your first one you can choose between two options!

1. Continue the terrorism of the previous owner.

Rule with an iron fist and take everything you want and leave nothing in return.

Leave this place with not a single shred of hope!

2. Turn public opinion of your body around, more importantly let the run away crown prince believe your innocence!

Go from negative to positive within a year!

Important to note!:

\-All methods shall be left up to you and your own abilities.

\-Slight deviations will result in consequences.

Ranging wildy between the loss of bodily functions, points, power or even being stuck in this world till Eternity tears you apart.\}

{That doesn't sound fun.

Does this body even have magic? I can't feel anything special from this body.}

{It does not.}


{Few in this kingdom, more in the next.

World differs one after another, something you shall experience in the future worlds to come.}

{You sound so certain.}

''Tell me servant, how do you see me?'' The girl ,who had still been piling up shards, stagnated. Immediately stammering in surprise. A trail of blood dripping on his floor by her inattention.

''You are dirtying my floor!"

Snarling, his voice sounded as cold as his eyes had looked. Deep, dark and obviously frightening as she started trembling again.

"I'm sorry my Emperor, please forgive me!"

Emperor? It gets better.


{Prepare some bandage that suits this world.}

{Starting early I see.

I shall take it that you choose option 2?}

{Yes, for now that's the best choice.}


Bundle of bandage appeared in his hand, the servant never noticed as sweat appeared on her body, heart beating louder than ever.

''I see...I see you as the emperor. One that stands tall with his undying loyalty.

Everyone sees you like that, as our grace.''

Chuckling in disbelief at her answer, caused her to turn pale.

''I do not understand, your highness.

Forgive this lowly servant for his lack of intelligence.''

''It doesn't matter, remove yourself. You can clean this mess up later.''

''Yes, your highness! I shall tak my leave.

Please call upon me whenever you need me.''

The servant removed herself in slow, bow like fashion, hair standing up at the feigned frustrated breath of Adrian and finally the door lightly shut itself.

{Activate spy.}

As rapidly as he said it, he could hear the hushed conversation behind the door.

"Are you okay? Why are bleeding?"

"I just cut myself, no worries.''

''Here have this."

The ripping of fabric stilled the conversation, the other servant ,most likely, concentrating on the wrapping of the wound.

''Did he do something?''

''His highness was just his usual self, i'm thankful for your worries."

{Record, if you catch something interesting let me know.}

{Yes, master.}

{Say what is happening with my real body now?}

{Your life as Adrian has ben paused.}


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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