
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Reconnaissance part two

Shatter, shatter and more shatter.

From the moment he had put on his suit he was met with shatter and tasks and quess what more tasks it was neverending.

Your highness you need to fill out this.

Your highness there has been a disturbance in the southern parts of the kingdom.

Now that we are talking about disturbances there has been this rumour going around of a fighting ground happening.

You should send someone to find the truth your highness.

It just kept coming and that was exactly the reason why he ,as Adrian, had chosen not to be born as a prince.

Beside the obvious fact that the royal couple already had two kids of their own.

In those three days he had achieved absolutely nothing.

Days where stacked with finding excuses to not be confronted with raising troubles in the kingdom.

Akingdom where he knew nothing ofg and it just so happenend there was no one to help.

The system vanishing again after haven given the necessary info about the reprisal of minds.

Acacius couldn't help the wave of happiness that had come over himself was he read and heard the name.

The epitome of magic, a cool name of a spell.

The spell even cooler as it could rewrite a person entirely.

So it would cost his energy, he would get sick but Acacius didn't care as long as his idea would be fruitful.

Wich is also why he was now stacked upon books and books consisting of the kingdoms history and rituals.

They make it look so easy in all the stories he had read. So easy.

Flipping another page he distractedly read upon the stories of the sages but deemed it further down the line unnecessary....for now.

Marking the page for future reference he decided to take a break.

The moment he walked out of his study, two servant and another pair of quards fell in behind him.

Breathing in slowly he felt his neck crack ever so slightly.

Upon the hours of works and the not present balcony, he had been accompanied by an ever-changing group of servants and quards.

Every single time he got out of either his room or study.

They accompanied him while he walked, talked, ate and even when there was discussion to be made.

Applauding himself by avoiding those was all that made him feel slightly better.

"Your highness?"

Sighing, he stilled. Waiting for whoever called out to speak and bother him with bother rushed bundle of words.

He had done well no one had noticed or said anything but luck wouldn't stay forever on his side.

"Your highness?"

Blinking in confusion he turned to the one who spoke, the voice behind him.

Quirking his brown eyebrow he waited for an answer.

''Forgive me my intrusion your highness but it's almost time to visit the Queen."

And now it was surprise.

The Queen?!

He had been aware she lived and had been thinking off a plan on how to proceed with the reprisal of minds but to think this guy even visited her.

And if he was right weekly.

He still didn't have any useful info throughout the two nights of sleep he got.

This guy as he later found out was twenty-eight years old, wich meant he was eighteen when he took over the kingdom.

He had guts, at just eighteen he hadn't even known what he would eat for dinner.

Either way as just two nights had passed he had only relived the first two years.

First year was spent sleeping, eating and learning baby stuff.

He learned to crawl and walk pretty quickly and was hailed as a baby genius.

All seemed well in paradise, baby Acacius showered with attention from mom,dad and older brother.

The older brother he killed just seventeen years later.

But then they where one and eighteen respectively.

It was beside the point but why would they even get another child after seventeen years?

Royals don't make sense.

"Ah right. That was today?''

He could see the way both servant and quards became alert. He had said something wrong but he couldn't have gotten out of it any other way.

Had he feigned knowledge he would be expected to take the lead and finish or start whatever business he did when he visited the Queen.

Did he dress himself in the darkest and meanest chlothes, blood of the innocent dripping down his sword he had forgotten to put away.

The unfortunate Queen crying and screaming out in horror as she saw the blood of innocent lives dripping in her cell floor while the overthrower just evilly laughed and laughed.

Okey so that might be unlikely but how could he know? He still needed to get trough twenty-six years before he even gets all the ins and outs of this life.

"Are you alright, your highness?"

"Dontybe mad your highness but you've been absent minded for the past days.''

He really wondered and not for the first time, what the real owner had done to let all servants start with forgive me and so on.

"Have I? I must not have noticed, mind clouded by a little prince growing up and reaching adult age.

It won't just happen to be that you know where I can deliver my congratulations, right?"

The words sounded threatening to even his own ears, so unsurprisingly his reaction was as expected.

The seconds they realised the words spoken knees hits the ground and they all crumbled one by one.

Even the ones who had not spoken before let their voices be heard full of praises of his goodness.

Words repeated again and again that they would never dare and to forgive them if they made any mistake.

Saying things like they would gladly take any punishment but spare our lives your highness.

He could see the way they trembled, cold sweat disspearing in the crevices of their clothes, shaky pupils peeking between neatly combed hair.

His own eyes stared back at him, reflected by the sheath of the swords the quards where caring.

And they where cold, the brown nowhere near as warm his past eyes had looked on occasions.

Getting distracted he looked at his hair, the updo quite need as braids spread throughout it.

The silver streak nowhere to be seen as he had expertedly hidden it away with his mediocre braiding skills.

Seconds had passed by but still they didn't stop speaking, atleast they where speaking one after another.

Nonchalantly Acacius declared "What if I want you dead?'

Words stilled immediately, no breaths where taken until the quards took it their swords and put it on their throats.

"By your command your highness."

Moving their hands they set their death in process only to be stopped by his voice.

"If you truly want forgiveness, bring me glass of wine."

Another downside to being king was coming any seconds now.

"I'm sorry your highness but you can't."

"The strongest tea then. Just don't kill yourself on my floor."

On a softer note he added "I will have to deal with enough blood already."

Overtaken by the servant and quards"yes your highness" he was sure only the servant that had spoken up first and last heard.

A servant that since day one rubbed him in some ways so he decided ,in the rush if the moment, to test it out.

He needed to find a way to hypnotize the Queen but also find in what.

And it looks like he found some viable ideas.

"Let's go back to the study, another mishap and I will let you fight to the death in this undergoing ring."

Lost in thought he could feel distant eyes on him, the four of them wisely shut up but the moment the door closed behind him he could hear them speaking in rushed voices.

Relieve was brimming in most of them but in one voice it was an questioning tone.

First servant is what Acacius would call him.

And not even a minute later the voices vanished.

The four of them probably deciding to not risk their life and be silent.

Except even that was quickly broken as the door creaked upon and a small cart made itself known with tea and different varieties of cake and other sweets.

"I don't remember asking for sweets?"

Bowing respectively the servant answered.

"The cooks asked me to bring this with your tea as they have been worried that you haven't been eating properly."

Grumbling about minding their own business Acacius dismissed the other and waited until he vanished.

It was tempting to eat it, snacks looked tasty but it would further his cause more if he left it there.

Not eating in some ways would further those.

And beside he could just get something to snack on from the system.

Not that he would once he started something he didn't stopped.

His research right now would keep him distracted till the time to sleep.

So no time to eat or feel hungry.

Audible sighing one more he grabbed the cup of the cart he felt eyes on him as he took a small sip.

Swirling the still not strong enough tea in his mouth he discreetly figured out where it was coming from.

He should have expected it, never having heard his door shut.

The door was open, he wouldn't have noticed where it not for his senses screaming at him of eyes on him.

Eyes of his first servant.

Acacius knew from his almost full three days of experience that the two quards stood directly in front of his door and the two servants stood on the wall opposite them.

Servant number one had placed himself smartly, standing left made him capable of gazing and taking in the desk, chair and cart.

He would be a fool to not make usage of this horrible spy.

Gulping down the tea, he delicately placed the cup back down on the cart before taking a look at the offered snacks.

Snacks differiating from color, size and taste.

Some yellow, brown, red or round, cube, big or small.

Picking up a red one up wrinkled his nose in disgust as the smell of berries overtook him.

That was definitely not going to give him the taste he wanted.

Feeling gratefully for the system and it's ability to give him food with just a few clicks ,without needing to answer, Acacius picked a few snacks at random.

In total he had now six in his hands, different colour and different sizes.

It should be alright to give the delusion to that servant but just because he wanted to mess with the guy he turned and looked in te direction of the door.

The glance was barely a second but the guy had flinched outright. Strictly looking away as if he hadn't been watching for the past few minutes.

Groaning outloud he grabbed another two before dumping the cakes in his hands in the bin.

A bin at the far side of his study, just in range of the wandering eyes.

Shock visible in his subordinate face and eyes, eyes that had widened in surprise before uncertainty crossed it.

Taking a small gulp of his tea, he turned around and made his way to the books in the far off corner.

Grabbing one of this kingdom and the other nobles he went back to his chair and sat down.

Sipping from his cup h began reading about all the prominent families and their factions before remembering his now empty cup in his eyes.

Calling upon his servant it didn't surprise him as a voice said "I will go" and S 1 entered.

Eyes stoicily on him as he asked what he could do for him.

"I'm done drinking tea,remove it."

"Yes, your highness.''

Without an other word he took back the cup, placed it on the cart and made his way out.

Just before he would leave the study Acacius called out.

"Ah right, tell the cooks they do not need to worry about my eating habit as I clearly ate a lot of their prepared snacks but dare they be

presumptuous again I will take it personally."

"Yes, your highness."

Disbelieve practically flew off him in waves at the spoken words, his hands clenched thightly on the cart as he made his way out.

And this time to be sure Acacius went to check if the door truly had closed completely before searching the food options in the system.

Good acting deserved some snacks.

Some very, very tasty ones.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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