
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantasy
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88 Chs


As soon as the door close all noise faded out of existence.

There was nothing except to two of us.

Adrian didn't mind the silence and neither did the older male as he grabbed what seemed to be a cup of tea before sitting down on a equally detailed chair as before.

Even now in his siting position Adrian could see his muscles rippling underneath his fine, detailed clothes.

While the other was smaller then him in length he was bigger in width.

Muscles width.

Adrian was sure that he would fit almost three times in the other.

Even so he couldn't help but notice the slight tension in the other's straining muscles.

Small yes but see able when one looked close enough.

He had to admit his own nerves where their carefully tucked away but nonetheless existed behind a blank face.

His own still youthful appearance staring at an elder, wrinkled one.

Flawless skin comparing to calloused and torn.

In just about everything he looked younger, foolish and like he had much to learn. Wich Adrian was sure he had, looking at the books just filled with knowledge from different societies.

Societies even long gone.

''I made it myself."

Startled slightly by the unexpected wise and soft voice coming out of the other's mouth, he intelligently answered. ''huh''

''The bookcase.''

''Ah, it's very well made. The details astonishing. If I may how did you manage to make it seem so otherworldly.''

Techniques, the way one part just flew and the other crawled their way across the wood was just that.... otherworldly.

Adrian could see the amount of time and patience one needed to put into such a piece but just like the table outside it had to be impossible to be hand made.

''Years of practice.

As with many things, one needs to go one step at the time before learning how to fly gracefully.''

''Wise words, wise words.

I..wondered if I may ask for a favour?

It won't be much.''

''You want to fight?''

''Well yes.''

Adrian wasn't surprised, his sword a dead give away.

''I admit you have a decent sword but no.''

There it is, like he thought it was the sword.

''Decent? This is-''

''A family heirloom? Yeah I guessed and I don't want to get involved with nobility.''

''I'm not..'

''Go tell your crap to someone else kid.

Everything clearly points to it.

Sword, clothes, speech, manners. Just everything screams nobility.''

He wasn't though, he was king.

But too only be mistaken as nobility is great.

Could have gone worse, he had almost the elder would see through him when the staring match started.

His own lack of experience in this made everything a gamble. Now he could still make mistakes but once he started the reprisal of minds everything needed to be perfect and his pawns needed to be set in the right place and time.

Even before that he needs to find a way to let his dear nephew hear some romours outside of his servant number one spy.

Not only romours but eye witnesses, noisy ones at that.

Must not be hard to find, practically eveywhere.

"So noble one, what's your name."

"It's rude for one to asks the other's name while not introducing himself first."

The other let an eyebrow fly up in a way to say told you say.

Playing along heet a small curse past his lips.

''Fine, Adrian."

"Adrian huh? No last name?"

"Does it matter?"

"No, no ofcourse not. I could care less about such thing.

Seriwen Cherrington."

"That's your....?"

"Yes, now seeing as I already declined your invitation to fight. Why don't you tell why your really here."

Tensing ever so slightly at the declaration of the other, Adrian played into the eyes on his. Waiting and watching his reactions.

"That's..I came here to fight you."

"Well...if you don't hurry up and tell, you will leave with broken bones instead."

Damn, Seriwen sounded threatening.

He was scared....well almost. The flick of chestnut brown hair made the atmosphere so much lighter.

He looked ridiculous with his unruly hair.

Either way Adrian stuttered and just before the other could speak up again he shouted loudly.


I...send someone a few days ago, to buy this place."

"He was yours?"

Nodding he confirmed it. "He was mine."

"So he told you I would not buy."

"Ofcourse he did. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. Now let's fight."

Unimpressed look was al Adrian recieved as Seriwen just grabbed a book and flung it at him.

"Your skills are way too lacking. I told the other that the only ones allowed in are ones who want to fight me. Your lucky today is an exception."

Small murmur left Adrian as he flipped the book around.

"He did say you did, wich is why I am here."

"Well then, if you even want to have ten procent chance you better learn that."

The soul and sword combined.

"Soul and sword combined? I have never heard of this book."

" Ofcourse not I wrote it.

You shouldn feel honoured I'm giving you this chance. Not many get it."

Adrian nodded respectfully as he skidded through more and more pages.

"..thank you but may I ask why?"

"Potential, I can see potential.

However your soul is holding you back. You don't have the power to keep that body standing for more then a decade.

Every big action will even take more off that period. So learn this and it should solve at least some things."

How did he....?

"How did you-.."

"Know? I just do, either way how about I do you one last favour.

You will get this book to practice and my student will help and practice with you."

"This student..needs to learn this too?"

"Oh no, definitely not.

She just needs to learn how to lower her power while fighting different Opponent's.

She killed a lot like that so it is something she needs to learn.

You don't mind right?"

Feeling himself earnestly going pale he stammered out a quick no.


"Ah yes, this party is for her. Let me call her.

Cyra come in."

Instead of staying close, the door swung open with full force. Steps coming closer and closer before stopping right next to him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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