
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Talons and Tiaras

Incoherently forming words in surprise, Acacius practically shove backwards into the closed doors.

Once more stopped, supposedly leaving him at the mercy of the small leaque in front of him.

"As long as you do as we say, we won't be unreasonable.''

The spawn spoke with a clear voice, radiating calmness while seeping a cup of tea and flipping the book in her hands.

Another freak in his kingdom full of it apparently, slightly longer then shoulder lenght copper hair.

She was like a combination of Cyra and Sophie yet Cyra's eyes where lighter and Sophie's hair way more curly yet the combination was stunning.

No denying that, in terms of look she was definitely on top, even though the other two would be closely along. It wouldn't surprise him if they were some of the more coveted brides and grooms.

Position of their parents making it an even bigger contest, that is if they weren't promised to another yet.

They were rather free for their age, the youngest seemed seventeen and the oldest about twenty.

Or did it just differ with him because he was the emperor?

Talk about unfair.

"Eelerana, just let me have my fun and scare him a little.''

''Not sure he needs that, Nigel.

Look at him, just about shaking like a leaf.''

Taking offense he openened his mouth, a strange look passed him and Acacius decided to hold his tongue.

Twirling his silver hair, he glared at the stillness of it all.

"So you like him, should we leave you to it.'' The youngest with smooth black hair and freshly painted nails spoke up. The casualness in the ways she said those words, made a blush appear in his face until he brushed his hair over his face.

"Aww he's shy. How cute!" The dark haired woman could almost be a vampire, the only reason why not was her darkish skin. Even in those black orbs he could see a spark of lust and a hint of jealousy in her voice as she mentioned him being shy.


Your choice.''

Without taking her eyes of her book, the spawn spoke. ''He's cute, his shy nature makes him alluring.''

''So you want him."

It was about time he voiced his own opinions a little, staring with widening eyes at the proceeding he stammered out. ''Wha-what are you talking about? You---you can't do that!''

Immersing in his role Acacius stood up with shaky legs and began tugging on the doors.

He could blast, pry or even kick it open but the only thing he did was make it rumble and shake it a little.

''And here I thought you could do everything, Eelerana. Must have been mistaken, seeing as even a rich brat thinks you can't."

Only a fool wouldn't recognize the threatening feeling that rose in the air, daddy's princess didn't like to be challenged it seems.

Freezing he turned, adam apple going up and down, her voice no longer calm as she commanded the others to leave.

Wich they promptly did, again without a care jumping of the balcony, leaving him with Eelerana and Nigel. Said guy smirked, beyond statisfied with the anger he unleashed when he had voiced his thoughts.

Book slammed shut, dropping to the ground together with her cup, that shattered upon impact. Sharts spreading all over the floor.

Recognizing the glowing embers in the green eyes, they looked alive, an intensity he had never seen in her father, he let his back his the doors. Shrinking away from the approaching woman.

He flashed a glare in Nigel's direction, who had crashed down in a comfy chair, before letting them drop downwards.

Long fingers trailed his hunched shoulders, soon after pushing his hair behind his ears, freeing his face from the baracade.

Chewing on his cheeks, he kept a hold as she pushed her face close to his.

Just yesterday he reasoned that Cyra was too young and now he somehow decided he would mess with someone two years her junior?

She was an adult and he also let her have the control over the situation but does that make it better?

Hesitation swom in his eyes as flawless, pale skin was incredible close. High cheekbones and eyes practically gleaming in power.

It seems she liked the feeling of control as he stopped his trembling underlip, shocked as fingers swiped over them. Same fingers were licked off one by one as he trailed her actions, deliberatly biting his lip.


''I-i bought some down the streets, I can...you know...get some for you?"

His voice laced with hopefulness, rambling yet he only received a stretching smile. His own hopeful expression vanished as she drawled out ''Or--I can just taste it from your lips."

Eelerana was tall, so she had no problem or any reservations about dragging him down by his neck causing chapped and soft lips to meet. Her green eyes glowing with mirth as his own brown eyes opened wide before turning half slit.

It didn't last long, startled back into his senses he shoved her away. Hands slapping in shock over his mouth, an action greatly exaggerated.

A question echoed in his mind.

Does it still count as a first kiss, if it wasn't in his own body?

His lips still tasted heavily of hers as he stared down in disbelief.

"How did you like it?''

''Soft, pillowy like against my own."

Nigel smiled appreciatively at her words, knees crossing and hands resting upon them. ''Sounds heavenly. Why don't you bring him here, I would like a taste''

Blinking at the words, it took him a second to fully interpretent the meaning.

Alright he supposed, it wasn't his body so he didn't see why it mattered all that much.

Then again, where the hell did they get their confidence from and where could he get some?

He was clearly older and yet they took advantage over him so easily, not even caring about anything.

What an easy life they must live.

It would only get worse from here on out.

"Aren't you coming? We are going to have so much fun after all."

''Go on."Eelerana was strong, her push forward left him tumbling to the ground, painfully landing on the shards.

Crying out, he felt himself getting picked up and was only let go when he was directly in front of Nigel.

Playing weak was one thing but injuring himself was another, he was sure to hear it from June.

Wincing a little he mildly traced over the cuts, the burning feeling reminding him he was alive as the pain throbbed ever so slightly. "Your face is still intact, that's good. Eelerana, would you get something for his wound please?''

''It's a shame about his clothes, they suited him rather well. I'll be back.''

The sliding doors opened in seconds, turning he went for it yet much to his visible dissapointment that did not work as Nigel grabbed hold of his hand. Pulling him down, right next to him.

Flushing, lips trailed his hands. "Such soft skin, you have.'' Luckily there was no mention of people's skin disappearing, otherwise he would have freaked right about now. His mind wondered places he did not know when bored, another question following closely. How could he have soft skin, if he trained day and night withs swords and knifes.


''No need for you to talk, that's not why your here."

Nigel dropped his hands, determined to move on as fingers traced his outfit. Trailing up before ever so slowly unclasping his cloak and letting it drop over his shoulder onto the couch.

Acacius tensed, a fact that clearly pleased the other as a bright smile crossed his features.

Young ones, so easy to play and yet he had quite a lot of experience in this field. Just like Eelerana, both heavily sought after and wanted and yet they were still kids.

Gasping, nails digged roughly in his skin. Distracted, he hadn't noticed that he's pin was no longer attached and was instead loosely hanging down. Knots undone and chlothes pushed away, leaving hands free to wander untouched skins.

"You weren't focusing, so I took it upon myself to make your everything focus on me."

Keeping back a remark, he weakly held on to the exploring hand, uncaring in reality about the slight bleeding of the wounds Nigel's nails left, Acacius nonetheless whimpered.

Why people liked this was beyond him but it got the job done. It wasn't the first time that people let things slip, thinking they controlled the situation.

''Why...why do you do this?''

Nigel got up, hands pushing him to the farthest of the couch, effectively cornering him.

Cloak now pooling partly underneath them and the ground, softening Nigel's knees as he positioned himself over him.

Finger hooked on Acacius's chin, darkened pink eyes glanced over them. Voice speaking in a monotonous voice as if hypnotized. ''Why should I not? Soon everything is going to be mine and Rana's."

He didn't say another word, his smaller frame that was evidently heavenly trained crashed upon him completely, causing him to grunt at the weight.

Clenching his fist, he wondered about the meaning of said words yet wasn't allowed much time as strong fingers opened his hands and laced them together. The other went from caressing his face to his shoulders, half lidded eyes stared down at him.

Gulping at the intensity of the gaze, Acacius moved his head backwards, held back by strong fingers that went to his neck.

With narrowed eyes he regarded the other, chin trembling slightly to keep his designed character.

Pink eyes had already gone out of his sight, the only thing in his view was the pinkish hair of the younger male as he gasped audible. His attempt to gaze down at the other's action, his wet tongue that created circles on his neck, was quickly stopped by a rough turn up, hand clutching his chin.

Whining in pain, Acacius was surprised as the hold immediately vanished.

Wet lips gone for a second, returned to tenderly kiss his cheekbones.

''I don't want to hurt you-''more kisses softly decorated his cheeks and ear.''-just be a good boy and enjoy it, it's all in good fun.''

Good fun? Did he expect anyone to believe that?

Moaning at the nibble on his ear, he remembered it was almost time he went to see Cyra. Right hand vanishing behind him, he distracted Nigel by holding his shoulder with his left.

Eelerana was taking long but Nigel didn't mind, merely smiling at his reaction. Rolling his eyes at the wave of being pleased crashed over Nigel, he grabbed the hilt of his hidden knife.

It seems once you think of someone, he or she will appear. The lock clicked open and the sliding door opens Eelerana walking in with a tray full of supplies for wounds

Acacius wheezed when Nigel pinched his nipple, once whispering to make him focus, teeth latching on to his collarbone.

He grunted at the force used, eyes and mouth opening wide as lust filled green eyes appeared over him. Hands rapidly supported his neck as same chapped lips from before crashed onto his.

Nigel's force would definitely leave a bruise yet now he could only focus on the earthly, spiced flavor of tea still vibrantly on Eelerana's mouth.

Gulping down the accumulated saliva, it was hard to keep his eyes open between the two forces, her tongue swirling around and his teeth sucking on his neck left him hissing. Nigel purred out in return ''We will please you, no worries, we are a good team."

He had no doubt about that but unfortunately he had other plans, swiftly he revealed his knife and stabbed it straight through Nigel's clothes and flesh.

Acacius could feel the shock settle in as blood seeped over his own hands and formerly clean clothes, it didn't take long before Eelerana noticed the unusual reaction. The raking in his hair stilled, mouth and tongue removed themselves as she asked what was wrong.

''It seems our kitten has claws.''

Nickname, already?

Nigel didn't complain as if the wound was nothing but a temporary setback, the same could be said for Eeleranan as she too reacting like a drilled soldier. Putting pressure on the wound, around the knife, never even thinking of pulling it out while Nigel carefully felt up to wound.

''It's not very deep, you didn't hit anything vital.''

With bloody hands he answered ''I know.''

"Then all is fine, this isn't our first time.''

A humn of agreement from Eelerana later made a bubble of a twisted form of respect rise inside him, not just two spoiled brats it seems. The understanding between was built upon years and years of work and was not easy to come across.

''Doesn't mean it's fun, especially while we were having such fun.'' He wasn't surprised by Nigel's words and neither by his partner words that followed. ''No need to worry, i'm sure we will come across him again.''

''True, he may go.''With another click, the door opened.''Let's have our fun another time, kitten.''

Grabbing his cloak, he left, uncaring about the stains of blood. Eyes wondered outside the balcony and yet there was no one to be seen making him question how the door opened and closed if no one was there.

Upon coming out of the tavern, by taking the stairs like a normal person, he searched for Nigel and Eelerana but they where no longer anywhere in sight. It was as if they had just vanished, he didn't hear them leaving and wounded as he was he would have heard some sign if they had jumped down.

So did left him with yet another question.

How did they leave?

And does it have something to do with Nigel's words from before?

Was there a conspiracy he wasn't aware of ?

He was no longer portraying a shy person, instead he squared his shoulder and draped his cloak back on his shoulder.

He was still messy but carried it with confidence, he would search for information about Nigel later, now he needed to infiltrate a division of spies.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Myst_Rinnontoyacreators' thoughts