
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantasy
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88 Chs

plans unfolding pt2

The trip to the council was a silent one, Acacius having just spent hours detailing a plan.

The thing is however finding a way to connect all different knots, wich was now at a stalemate because he just didn't know enough.

He could tie this spy towards his nephew, make him see things that aren't there or real and have him delay as such.

Not difficult at all if it weren't for the possible other spies.

Spies for his nephew is one thing and it didn't stay with one most likely.

And then you have the spies for his sister in law, the queen.

All in all he has been handling this a lot better then he thought he was going to do.

He was still alive.

That's a win all on it's own right.

'Hey system what happens when I die here?'

{Then your dead.}

'Really? I can't return to my life as Adrian? Why, that always happens in other stories. You know like waking up back at the start or something."

{Dead is dead.}

'Well that's relieving."

''We have arrived your highness."

The door didn't look anything new, it was big and sturdy like the rest of them.

What was always intriguing was the designs on them, each onse slight different from the rest.

Door flying open the first thing that met him was stares.

One, two....five... twelve....twenty

A total of twenty stared before hurriedly standing and replying simultaneously

"Your highness, welcome"

Ignoring their greets he walked passed them. The cold hardness on his face where affecting more then one of his council members.

Shivers, cold sweat running down their temple, gulps,.. you name it.

The table they stood at long and absolutely gorgeous.

Made out is oak if he was right, he could be wrong. Knowledge of wood not really his thing.

But the fine and once more beautiful made table was one of a kind.

Same with the twenty one chairs around him.

He had rseen it in multiple books.

The council consisted of twenty close advisors beside the king.

Each of those advisors have advisors.

Some just ten while others even hundred.

It all came down to the subject each of them specialized in.

For example the more difficult subject with more information from different parts of the kingdom had more people.

Hands on people but also just informants, analists, intellectuals and so on.

It was a surprisingly difficult and well thought of plan.

Even more so was the one how designed it.

Acacius Aeni Axton did.

It hadn't been noted as to how or why but nonetheless the system had brought lots changes.

It was so mighty just like his chair at the top of the table.

More designs, more diamond, just more everything.

Bigger then the others, taller then the others.

And he sat in it, imposing as the other's continued to stand.

In silence waiting for the command to sit down, the permission he was supposed to give.

He could see the confusion in their eyes as no such command came.

The way hands rubbed over themselves in nervousness as he let his eyes drop over them one by one.

It was a good idea he had decided to dress up, as all of them looked just expensive, dressed up in their finest clothes probably.

He wondered just slightly If they had been to hairdressers before they came over.

Their hair way too perfect for an afternoon, any afternoon.

His own with fine and thick braids here and there, hiding the parts of silver that kept growing by the day.

He needed to find something for that too before anybody found it and you know it's was annoying to wake up at the ungodly hour of four to do his hair.

It took way to long to braid it so maybe he should find a way to colour it back to the auburn brown it was.

He hadn't bothered to hide his disdain, they caught it aswell.

"Y-your highness?"

Faces turned at the one who spoke. She was young, well trained but obviously new as she paled considerable at the attention.

Another thing that had been great about the implanted system was the fact that younger people in general where allowed to participate in discussions that before where deemed for the elderly.

Even now in the king's council where about four to five people under thirty.

Another five under fourty and the rest above that.

"Sit down."

Thank you's roamed around as all sat back down.


One after the other they spoke up, different issues given in a small synopsis.

A way to give a start to the meeting and let everyone be aware of what was going to discussed.

The one who decided on what first was him, the king.

"Let's start with the matter of our neighbouring kingdom."

One of the more pressing matters for sure, even a few of the more audacious members nodded in approval.

He almost, almost said something before being interrupted as one of the elders spoke up.

"There has been growing mentions of an uprising civil war happening amidst them."

"Any reason as to why?"

"For one their security has heightened wich unfortunately means our own spies have been restricted in their movements."

"Have they been suspected?"

"No your highness."

"That's good. Is there any chance off being directly involved in the civil war."

"For now? Not likely."

"Tell the spies to stay low, they are restricted in their movements.

Discreetly up the security at the border between our and their kingdom.

Report back within the week if there are any changes, even when there aren't."

"Yes your highness."

He was doing better then he thought.

"Your highness if I may."

Or maybe not.

Waving his hands positively the elder , obviously an elder, spoke up once more.

"Why don't we let the spies increase their actions, while they are doing that they can increase whatever causes or will be the cause of the civil war."

Acacius should have really just kicked out all the old and draining ones.

It's probably this one that fought the decision and made it so there was ten above fifty and ten under.

"The spies have been placed there for surveillance."

"I'm aware, your highness. But this could be the moment where we let them fight it out and then take the spoils of war."

The conceited onces he's most likely tempting with sweet words and money, loads of money but hey he could be wrong.

"We have an agreement with the surrounding kingdoms. I will not turn on them."

"It would be beneficial to us."

"It would not be. We have three kingdoms surrounding us in three different directions.

With all those we have an agreement that needs to be renewed every ten years.

You are all aware right."

Nods in agreement went his way.

"If we take over or in some other way meddle the other kingdoms will take that as a reason for war.

It doesn't have to be true, it won't be true because I will not take this potentially civil war as a reason to risk my and our kingdom's spies"

"Your highness, if we won't take action the other kingdoms will.

We should take the matters into our hands and if they want to raise war we will fight."

"Your wrong about that."

"Your highness?"

It was another oldie this time.

"You all seem to have this delusion that you all will be doing the work, the fight.

But you aren't, it's the people.

My people's, the ones I need to protect, not cast them off to die one by one in a war that was caused by greedy old men."

"Your highness that's uncalled for."

"You are right, forgive my negligence.

Greedy old men and women."

Everyone held their breath, waiting.

"The moment I will actively start a war or participate in one is when the initiaters,all the ones who even participated secretly or in the open to worsen or break the bonds between the kingdom's, will be on the frontlines.

Willingly or not."

"Do you understand me!?" It was said just a tad louder, not even a single movement from him but caused all of them to stand back up and now.

"Forgive us, your highness!"

"I didn't ask all of you to ask for forgiveness, I asked if you understood me.

So do you?"

"Yes, your highness."

"Sit down. We still have much to discuss."

Agreements flew and everyone sat back down.

"Let's leave this matter for now, so as I have said and we will all hear about it again next week.

Just to clarify before anyone gets ideas there will be no war or incentive made om my part."

More agreements, most with relieve but a few with distinct unhappiness.

"Let's go on with the movement at the holy kingdom."

This time a younger woman spoke up.

"More and more people are joining the church. There have been groups of the self named believers crossing the oceans and lands to visit other civilizations and kingdoms."

"Are they coming here?"

'There has been no confirmations of any group coming our direction for now."

"Tell the quards to keep tighter watch on the ocean fronts. Search all ships and their cargo. Not only that border but also the other borders.

If any believer or even someone closely related to the holy kingdom is found entering our borders they will be brought here and questioned by me."

"Is that wise, your highness?"

A younger male asked, voice inexperienced but then again technically so was he.

"Would you let other people of a far away land make contact and possibly endanger your people walk freely without even checking?"


"Indeed you won't, do you know why?"

"Uh because they could...be dangerous?"

"That's a start but there's more.

They could be solely here to advertise their holiness, the church.

Wich is already way more that they are allowed to do in another kingdom but most would allow it at the risks off losing civilians and more.

They may gain the approval and support of the holy kingdom or they may not.

Do you understand."

"You are saying it would be good or bad.''

''Yes a risk. A big one because there is this huge chance their reason for visiting isn't purily for turning others into believer's or advertising.

One thing for sure is they definitely won't come over for funding."

"They definitely won't your highness, they have grown powerful in a very short time.

But is there a need to change this council meeting in an educational one for the young?"

A middle aged male, barely fourty. At least that's what it looked like, he should definitely do a deeper dig into all of them.

"They are young, they should be taught and helped to grow. They are our future."

"Funny that you mentioned that your highness. Did you think the same way about your nephew. If I remember correctly he was barely eight, going nine."

And there was he again, time stilled as everyone waited once more with baited breath.

Brown eyes clashing with the opposing green.

He had felt his own face turning even colder, mainly because he didn't know what to say.

He was prepared for a lot things, information he should have know but didn't was his top one but to be confronted about his nephew in a public setting.

Unbelievable, no wonder the guy chose fear as a way to intimidate people.

Mind racing in seconds, he found a way out of this. Hopefully.

"Why don't we play a game?

Servant bring in my sword."

It wasn't any louder then need to be, in fact he had spoken it so softly he was surprised his servant heard.

Then again to be a spy you need to have very goor hearing. Something he obviously has because seconds later he came inside with his sword in hand.

The first time he held it in his hands, he had felt powerful. Heart beating in his blood as he pulled it out.

Unable to throw the scabberd on the floor he had turned back to his bed and layed it there.

The scabberd in question a soft black, red lines crossing round the words Incommotus in proposito.

The sword was even more enchanting and fitted even more beautifully in his hands as if it belonged there.

His muscles moved on it's when he slashed left and right with his sword.

A sword that was now delicately handed to him by a concerned servant.

A servant that should really start minding his own business then again one does not look a gifted horse in the mouth.

Pulling the sword out off it's scabbard with a wooshing sound he lifted it, letting it hit the sun coming from behind before putting it on the table.

Twirling the scabbard in his hands Acacius spoke. "Do you see those words? They stand for unshakeable in purpose.

It's something I learned even before I could walk. Wich is something as I was barely a toddler back then."

Disregardingly dropping it in the awaiting hands, the servant returned to the wall, having not been given an order to leave.

"They stand for purpose not family.

From what I understand you have a family of your own right? Three sons and a beautiful daughter."

The only reason he knows about that is because he was one off the names that frequently turned up and in the opposite way of the king.

He was right to do that.

"I remember hearing about how she looks just like her mother, your deceased wife."

That was a lie, he saw it written in a book.

The one of noble families and such.

The father in question was for once keeping his mouth shut.

"Now then as for the game.

This beautiful table just happens to have four sides.

Your side will stand for your firstborn.

The other end will stand for the second son.

The side opposite off you will stand for your third.

And I will stand for the fourth, your precious and only daughter.

I'm sure I qualify for that position, right?"

Smiling sweetly he waited for an answer.

Hands ticking on the wood in masked impatience, he was rather enjoying this.

His first real evil moments, should he laugh evilly afterwards?

No that's too much.

Or is it?

"Yes,your highness. Even more then needed however I don't see what this has to do wit-"

"We where talking about family, weren't we?"

Finally deciding he had in fact been defeated the old men relented.

"Yes your highness."

"Good, so as you know we all have sides. Those sides decides who will die.

Fun right?"

Sharp inhales crossed the rooms, together with multiple "You-" wich was quickly cut off

"No your highness or anything of the sorts.

I want to play a game, so play with me."

Smiling upon the gulping silence he continued "So the thing here is I will twirl the sword on the table and the side it stops at will be side or you know the person that dies."

Gulping silence turned into not so shocked silence

Compassionate eyes turning towards the elder, well mostly. There where some vindictive, smiling as words where said outloud.

"Well then, why don't we start."

Hand moved and there went the sword, twirling on the table.

The ones in close proximity ripped their hands away as if they where touched by lightening.

He was tempted to do same, the sword dangerously close to his and only moving closer.

But his own ,well former owner, identity didn't let him.

Beside he already had a new idea.

All watch in silence even S1, surprising.

He didn't need to look to now he was still concerned and hawking.

Moving his hand forward, he stopped to sword.

"Oops, well would you look at that."

Several people called out in worry, at the forefront?

The hawk.

"Your hig-" "I said no your highnesses!!"

The room stilled.

"So then I quess it's your daughter.

Your sweet poor young daughter.

How old was she again?"

Wide eyes openend even more as fear rose behind them. Voice trembled when he answered. "She's nine."

"Nine? What a coincidence, just like you said my nephew was except she won't live to tell the tale "

He shoke in fear, literal fear.

Stagnated tears visible on his face as he dropped down on the floor after having stood up, trowing his chair backwards.

Acacius had seen himstart to cry, didn't care either as relaxed into his chair.

Nobody dared to speak as they heard silent cries and begging take over the room.

Begging to safe his daughter, the memory of his wife.

No movement came from the others as they waited for their king to take action, a king that was cruelly smiling.

Disregarding the begs of mercy entirely.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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