
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Outta there

It was very quiet in the streets, people walking past.

Hurry evident by the quick footsteps as they turned street in and out.

His own body was given everything it needed to survive harsh training and cold winter's. But that was in the palace.

Where nothing came ever short for him.

Pastries, full meals and just about everything made of the finest ingredients one could find in his kingdom.

To see that not only he was given everything he and his body needed but also the civilians where given everything they needed to sustain the necessary muscles.

He knew a few noticed his staring as they in turn stared and even moved towards so threatingly.

Their own sword in their hands or at the waist.

Ready for any confrontation.

But unlike their need for nourishment and necessary vitamins, that where fullfilled, their equipment was something else.

So the moment he slightly moved his own sword, wich was hidden previously by his black cape, the offenders stepped back.

Fearful and careful as he walked past, not a change in his steps as he silently moved forward.

Silver hair swaying slightly in the wind, his head protected with the hood of the cape he was wearing.

A few curious mutters left and right as strong houses where past by him.

Another thing successfully done by his kingdom.

And finally the house of interest appeared as he changed streets.

It was....not any different of all the other two story houses in the surroundings.

Same black, thick stones like the rest of them.

What was whoever important was the location, aligned with the stars above.

Worry was how he would manage to convince the other of opening his home for a whole group of people wanting to fight.

On second thought that part might already be taken care of as he noticed the crowd.

And what a crowd it was.

Countless people, unafraid of the cold wind passing by as they had no coat or jacket on at all.

Drinks where getting passed all around by the neighbouring taverns.

Bussy atmosphere left smiles on their faces as cheers grew and sounds of swords clinging where heard flimsely through the sounds.

He had to admit his eyes strained more then once to straining muscles in the crowd.

All men, small or large had muscles.

All women, small or large had muscles.

Unlike the past weeks, where he was surrounded with more modesty and rules then he ever was, there was a very obvious lack of both here.

It was way funner, colourful lights decorated the walls as all parties hard.

Some barfing down the streets, others going off with strangers.

Seemed like his kind off party.

Except the barfing.

That did not make the party look any better.

Finally going back forward he past fallen civilians, drunk shooters and even some very courageous flirts.

Wich was mildly surprising as he was covered almost completely, especially in the dark it would be difficult to see his face.

''Hey hey you.''

The woman that stumbled in front of him, blocking his way, was clearly drunk and on second thought dared to speak to him.

Evident by the couple of drunken party go-ers cheering her on at the distance.

She seemed young, twenty? Maybe twenty-one, at the very least twenty-three.

A little bluish on her star kissed cheeks because of the drinks, hair cut just below her chin.

It suited her, the freckles intensifying her emerald eyes.

Rosy coloured lips opened "Do you like sleeping?"


''Cause if you do how about we do it together sometimes?"

Her flirty expression combined with the drunken one over left him flabbergasted.

Before laughter escaped him.

His own effort to suppress it caused the opposite. His laughter strengthen and unable to handle it for a second he waved his hand, trying to lessen the heat that rose to his cheek.

''If that's too soon, how about you come with me and eat what my mom made.''

Interest piqued he managed to stop laughing. That was some pick up line.

One he had not expected from her.

''Oh? And that is.''

Flirty expression vanished as she looked at him dead serious, mouth moving and her answer hit him like a truck.


He backtracked on his previous thoughts.

This one sure did not keep her own thoughts to herself and he was sure she never did as she quirked an eyebrow waiting for an answer.

''Nicely done, unfortunately I have an appointment.''

''That's a shame but can I first tie your shoes-"her left hand pointed down, eyes clashing with his''- I don't want you falling for anyone else.''

Shaking his head, he moved past her.

''Go home sweetheart, sleep it off.''

Her friends rushed towards her the moment he went past, their intoxicated voices asking how it went.

He could hear the somewhat excited answer of her, recounting word by word what she had said and in turn him.

Shock at her pick up lines was evident in her friends voices.

Sentences like ''What?'', ''No, you didn't!'', Girllll!''

''Yes I did! I was so surprised.

I really did not think it would go that smoothly.''

He felt his eyes widened in surprise, disbelief at her words.

She was in no means nervous or a rookie.

He continued catching parts of the conversation as he struggled to move past the countless people watching the fight in front of the entrance.

''Did you see what he looked like?''

''I caught his eyes. He has some very pretty brown eyes and from what I saw his skin is just flawless.

Did you see his hair, I really want to touch it.

It looks so soft.''

''It did look soft.''

Numerous voices agreed, before they all squealed in various degrees.

''You know what how about we make a bet.''

Clear drunk voices immediately urged to one who spoke to say on what.

''The one who touches his hair before he vanishes back into the darkness he came from, will make the decisions of where we shall go in the next week.''

''I agree but make it two.''

''That's asking a lot.''

''Did you not see his sword? It looks very expensive, his clearly well off.''

Not only was she confident, she was also observant.

Sounds of agreement dissapeared in the fog as he finally made it past the hordes and made his way inside.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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