
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
88 Chs


But just like the girl he was also observant, eyes going rapidly over the faces in the crowd before landing on the two in the spotlight.

It was obvious none of the two was the person he was looking for.

Especially when he heard that the only people allowed inside where people who wanted to fight him.

So why on earth the sudden difference.

Partying people and even the truthfully very big fighting ring being occupied by two beginners.

Young beginners, barely twenty-five aswell.

Some experience yet the distinct lack of it made it obvious the two where for some reason late in their practice or the two where not born here and came from somewhere else.

Either way he wasn't bothered, it wouldn't be the first time people came here for vacation or anything else.

The grass at the other side wasn't always greener and that works both ways.

And in here all grass would surely be replaced by bottles of beers.

A wisp of air left his mouth, annoyed.

Every single day he was being bothered with everything and nothing. Mostly boring stuff.

Yet here's a party that he didn't even know about.

Full of little gremlins drinking and others fighting.

It was relieving that at least there where about five or ten fighters patrolling.

Meaning the only ones allowed to fight where the ones in the ring.

The ones outside off it where kept under thight wraps it seemed as a few where even kicked out.

Good thing too because he could even see rascal of just ten running around.

Another awesome thing was the place itself.

Large, far larger then he even had expected.

On top off everything there was a bat placed farther down, a stearcase that led down to different toilets, assuming by the numerous arrows leading to it.

Best thing yet was the space for a small orchestra, wich made him wonder a few things.

One. How the heck is this place so big?

There is even a story above this one.

Two. How is it how he has never been invited to a party if they all are this insane.

Three, the most important one is where's the food?

Another one is where the person of interest was.

He could go on but instead loud familair voices excused themselves as they apparently pushed through.

Well darn, the group of kids had apparently decided to test their luck.

Shortened distanced between them made him hear the nervous yet drunken excitement as they decided to split up.

Rolling his eyes he decided to venture further.

This time up and just as he had ventured up the stairs he could see his spot had already been taken again by the way too confident girl from before.

This time half lid eyes staring around, one way and then the other.

Himself fighting the urge to roll his eyes onces more as his hand went up,tracing the railing.

Railing had a soft material and rather perplexing to find one so clearly expensive in a commoners house.

But this house was anything but common.

Too big, too large, too expensive, too everything.

For him it was weird but no one else seemed to bat an eye to everything around them.

They where all already used to this place and the festivities.

It should have been years already then maybe even a decade.

For now all he did was observe, it would be bad if someone where to dig in.

While it may be difficult to find out, it would not be impossible.

That was why he didn't make contact with anyone except the one he needed to fight.

But that one just happens to be nowhere to be found and instead he even gets a way too flirty woman on his neck.

Same woman that has a group of friends encouraging and pushing her to do more.

Not that she wasn't amusing, she was.

Where did she even get those flirting methods?

If only he had so much confident in his younger years.

..alright now he let himself feeling old.

This was really something too, every single piece of furniture has been so finely made that it almost looked impossible to be hand made.

He felt himself hurking near the table, fingers tracing the fine piece of furniture before looking at the equally beautiful crafted chairs.

Two of the same yet so very different.

Beautifully done, the amount of patience one needed to finish even one of those was insane.

And yet here where two and even a table, the railing before had been magical too.

Striking emerald eyes caught his eyes again, mouth turning upwards in a smirk as she right about bolted towards the stairs.

Her voice calling out for her friends, enlightening them that she found him.

''Looks like someone has a fan.''

Voice sounded gruff and at the very least in its fourties to fifties.

"How about I take you somewhere where you can further admire my lovely pieces of furniture and get saved from your fan.

What do you think?''

Sounds like a good idea, what was he even going to say to that so called fan.

For one she was way too young.

All his years combined would be double hers.

And..wait did he just say *my lovely pieces?*

Yes, yes he did.

He had been searching around the crowd for about an hour, even reaching here had taken almost two.

He slightly wondered how the little spy was doing. It must not be easy keeping his escapade hidden from eyes and ears.

But just as fast the thought the came it dissapeared again.

Lingering presence behind him keeping his quard up

After all the searching and pondering he just appears behind him when he admires furniture.

Talk about an ego.

''You coming or what?''

Fabrics swished around as the other walked away, his own eyes turned once more to the woman that had finally reached to bottom of the stair.

Staring at him with thriumph brimming in her eyes as if she had already won the bet.

Shaking his head, he turned on his heel and followed to other already vanishing male.

It didn't escape his notice that multiple quarded person's where just close enough around the other.

Signifying that he was the one he had been looking for.

His observing was found to be true as he entered the doorway the other had gone into and the door closed behind him almost immediately, leaving him to stare at the muscled back of the other.

The clothes could not hide them, the other must be very strong and his own lithe body with defined muscles stood as a twig compared to a large bark of a tree.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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