
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantasy
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88 Chs

fight and act

So here he was again, his now already familiar sword weighted heavily on his future plan for succes.

This time his opponent wasn't Cyra but her teacher. It had taken far longer then he had wanted but he couldn't deny he needed the practice.

It had settled his soul better in this body he had occupied, the book had even established a foundation in his understanding of his soul and the way it influences the body and the other way around.

It was a fairly fantastic read, heavy but nonetheless fantastic as was the writer who wrote it.

The soul and sword combined.

A book so detailed, so complicated and yet the book wasn't even known in his kingdom.

A kingdom practically made of swords.

The future, present and past was full of them.

Sword saints started it, made his kingdom grow as large as it had today together with the help of his ancestors, the royal family.

Made it what it was today, with it's bad and good things.

And everything depended on this moment, the moment he either won or lost.

His opponent was calm,he didn't expect anything from Seriwen Cherrington.

He hadn't changed since the first time he saw him, it left him feeling nervous.

His first real, real fight.

''Ready, noble?''

How exciting!

''As ready as I'll ever be.''

''This is your only chance so don't mess up.''

The tell tale of a sword fighting disturbed the peace of the open space in the middle of the forest.

Straining under the immediate pressure Adrian tried his best to keep his distance.

Taking in the habits of his opponent, his stance and his non-existent flaws it seemed.

Quickly deflecting yet another downwards cut, one that quickly changed in an upwards one, Adrian skidded backwards.

Long, braided hair swishing around as he tried landing a sideways slash which was parried rapidly.

Seriwen was going easy on him, without a doubt also underestimating him.

Grunting in pain Adrian visible struggled to keep his arm in position.

Beside how small the reaction was on the other's face Adrian still saw the flicker.


Gritting his teeth together, he harshly pulled away before coming back.

His own family heirloom swinging wildly, the other calmly deflecting.

Now it was interest that had flickered in his eyes vanishing as seconds passed.

And just as Seriwen was preparing to launch ,what would have been without a doubt, the final one Adrian launched his one.

Suddenly pulling all his resistance away he used his lean stature and moved smoothly passed him.

Seriwen moved just as smooth, own sword once more deflecting his as Adrian's free hand rapidly stabbed his dagger in the other's shoulder before pulling it out and increasing the distance between them.

''Well I'm impressed. That was rather unexpected.''

One would call it dirty fighting but both Adrian and Seriwen knew that in a fight one could use every method they had or die.

Adrian knew the other agreed with that testament as heavily implied in his book.

A person who doesn't fight with all his might and all methods is not worthy of the title sword master and loses all respect the moment he bounds his honour and life to textbook ideals.

A fantasy fool with a sword is a body just waiting to die for useless and empty ideals made up by those with not an ounce of real life.

Or something like that, the message had cleary come across.

Just like the stab coming right at him.

He had just needed to prove himself in some way and now all that was left was drag it on a little.

Despite his effort it truly was only a little.

Deflecting as best as he could the fight only lasted a few more fast spaced minutes, ending as the hilt of the other's sword roughly hit his wrist.

And just like the beginning the fight ended with the clanging of swords.

His own clinging to the ground, Seriwen's now stood upright on the ground.

''You did good. At least your not a fool.''

''The message was rather clear.''

His sore wrist would bruise heavily and said bruise would be visible for days without a doubt.

''So what are going to do with my fighting ring?''

Right to business it is.

''Well, with your permission I would like to change a few things and have some people come over and train together.''

''Like the other five?''

''Not surprised you know but yes.

I don't know much about you so I will place the trust I have in Cyra and your amazing skill in transforming different pieces of wood.''

''Fair enough.

Cyra will be ecstatic when she hears of your trust.''

''Trust me she already knows.

So am I allowed to use and change your space?''

''You learned a lot in those weeks.

But while your soul adapted more to your body, it seems it didn't do much for your mystery illness. You are still going to die.''

''Mmh. I know, don't worry.

It's not death that's scary, there are so much worse things that could happen in the world.

So can I?''

There was a tense silence before Seriwen nodded approvingly.

''Go ahead but for whatever reason you want to start more fighting rings in the surroundings do not forget to be carefull.''

''I'll try my best.''

''Please do, if not for your sake then for Cyra.

You have grown on her, more then she even realises.''

He thought the same thing just yesterday.

''I will keep that in mind.''

''Tomorrow morning your men can start.

Whenever I can I will help train the visitors and you.''

Should he be happy for that?

With Cyra it was already torture.

''Don't look too happy noble beside your little trick you are lacking in strength.

Do you eat enough?''

''Well uuh no??"

''And what exactly contains no?''

''Like.. no evening meals for this past few days or breakfast and a snack at twelve?

That's about it, though I did eat a peace of bread with some greens today.''

''You're a disaster.''

''Tell me about it.''

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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