
The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness

In 2024 a disaster came upon Earth, that caused the planet to change greatly. It was no longer the same. Magic, elf's, vampires, demons and so much more had changed it for the better or the worst. Asclepius now it's name and the baby who's eyes had fluttered open was Adrian Amdis Acheron. A new body, a new world and even a system. What secret does he hold and how will he manipulate everthing to his own advantage? But will the manipulator of manipulators be outsmarted? The one pulling the strings might not be Adrian as he gets washed away to whatever world would get him stronger. ___________________________________________________ This is completely mine. Everything is what I tought long and hard over. And especially used imaginition for. All characters are mine and so is the storyline. The cover isn't mine. If the owner wishes for me to remove it please contact me. *One to five chapters a week.

Myst_Rinnontoya · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Clash of the species

Just when everything started looking even more grim, the end of humanity looked to be inescapable, greyish substance drew nearer and nearer. Much to the fear and extreme pain of the battered and still breathing humans.

Kids sobbing silently in their parent'sarms as they ,in a last effort to comfort ang give their children some comfort, covered their eyes and stared death in it's eyes.

It came for everyone, for a few a bit sooner then others yet now it seems everyone would meets it end.

Or atleast that was what when through everyone's head as they relived their happiest memories and even the most ordinary.

Because they would never experience that again.

That was what they though as out of nowhere cloaked figures stepped out of a portal in front of each battered group of civilians and military alike.

Their tall, imposing figure reinforced by the glittering shield that came into a existence.

A shield that held against the demons.

Until more rushed in with a demand of the leader, they never got to reinforce the other demons as earth vanished from beneath them, large hands appeared out of nowhere, grabbed them by their heads and threw them around like a doll.

With the humans all nicely protected with shields, actions sprung forward on different forts.

Fangs glistenend before fastly ripping through necks they passed, hand snapping another right beside them in two.

Centaurs trampled on dozens of charging lower demons, fire breathed down everyone's neck as the winged beasts screeched.

One of the cloaked figures casted another spell, eyes glowing as the shield settled and protected every single being from the screeches. Grateful looks where thrown in his direction for a mere seconds before they hurried back on.

The one sided fight turned hectic, different species fightening against the demons, on closer look they looked tired and could only keep the demons at bay for so long.

Everyone could see it, so could the demon leader as he send some of the higher ups and bottomless eyes sparked a gruesome red leading felled humans, beast, demons and species alike to stand back up and fight against their own.

The sudden change caused the dynamics to shift, from trampling the demons to getting trampled themselves.

As soon as the higher ups joined, all steps and plans where known, all was seen through.

Their winged beasts got helped by some capable of flight, others started focusing on the shields.

Forcing all power on one single spot, the one who held it together.

Before even a small crack appeared, a calm voice sounded and let the other's know it was going to crack.

The shield blocking the shreeches went first, cracking under the force. A warning later all cloaked beings shifted and started slowly and strenously teleporting the humans.

Water appeared and slowed down the approaching demons, together with that vampires sped up, got some humans and transported them to safe place.

Upper shield shattered and with only one manning the shield protecting the humans now it was also close to cracking.

Straining visible the shield only managed to last for another few seconds, it wasn't enough as there where still countless humans left, even with the combined efforts of the species working together.

Mood that had went up by the suddden saviors, crashed back down for those still left in the danger zone.

Sensing the distress around him, the leader's eyes glowed once more.

Raining that hadn't once stopped intensified, the numbers of magic seals appearing above the users kept multiplying.

The first thing that appeared was a little cloud, the second clue was the wind picking up more and more.

Small cloud now a whole bunch of clouds spreading dozens of kilometers wide.

Apprehensive the demons quarded themselves, however it was already too late, as with tight control the magic user let rain and thunder crash down precisely on all demons and winged beasts.

His perfect control showed through when no one else was hit or hurt for that matter, shields flickering in and out of existence.

Besides the tense situation voices still sounded around, saying he can't hold this for long.

The amount of magic in the air so high, that even some humans started to pick up on the new sensation in the air.

they where interested, eyes sparked just like the sky above them.

They weren't the only one as the leader of the demon's tilted his head in interest.

He had barely done anything to help his army in the quest to take over the earth.

Even now he only reanimated the dead, again and again as thunder mercilessly crashed down.

Bottomless eyes, that flashed red now had an circle appear in it, it wasn't black or red.

But purple and seemed to actively zoom into the magic user.

Feeling the gaze on him, a pair of thunderstorm eyes flashed beneath the hood before they once more glowed, focusing his strenght on the thunderstorm.

It wasn't a coincidence that thunder striked the demonleader harder and more frequently.

His purple ~eyes~ rings went on to stare for another four seconds, before a low frequency sounds was heard by the species.

Humans couldn't hear it yet they felt the vibrations.

Vibrations that created even more anxiety and unease in the already tense situation.

While the other species looked around and tried to figure out the source, all demons on the command of the leader rose into the air and vanished in the middle of the thunderstorm, never to be seen again.

Even now a thousand years later no one knows where the demons ran off too.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Myst_Rinnontoyacreators' thoughts