

MATURE CONTENT ALERT.( As I am just starting the book,it's a slow burn so it will be in the later chapters.) Princess Mara is married off to the crown prince of the demons/ dark realm in exchange for protection of her kingdom which is under attack. Follow me as I take you through their love story and lives. Their tragedies and high times and their hardships. This is a fantasy romance book set in a magical dimension of the medieval era. There are demons, faes, trolls and humans. Please support my book and me as an author. I will create a good space for us to communicate as we go on. I love you all.

Kari_67 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Who am I?

"Find me everything about this ring. Who owns it and where they live. I want every single piece of information to do with them Zan within the shortest time possible," he told Zan in a dark but worried look.

"If you may Kiel, what's up so that I can get more direction in my search?" Zan asked carefully.

"Let's just stay someone is trying to kill Mara and her family, deploy demons to go to the castle and protect her family," Kiel said and Zan's face turned dark as he disappeared.

Mara came out of the bathroom after nearly twenty minutes. She found Kiel pacing up and down worriedly. "Oh thank God, I was just about to knock down that door. I thought something happened to you. Are you okay?" He asked holding her shoulders.

"I am fine don't worry. I feel much better after taking a shower that is why I took a lot of time," she said looking down. "You promised to take me to your mother, your highness," she said looking up to see him smile.

"Right get dressed and I will take you to her right now," he said and she disappeared behind the closet and came back dressed.

They left their chamber and walked to the right wing of the castle where the King's chambers were. Kiel walked in first and then ushered her in to his mother's room. He dismissed the maid who were tending to her and led Mara to the queen's bed.

She was so beautiful. She looked so nice and delicate even in her unconscious state. Mara could now tell where the delicate features of her husband came from. She had black hair just like him and fair skin just like him. She looked like a goddess. A sick one though as she was also very blue on her lips and Mara felt sad for her. She was also very cold to the touch.

"This is my mother queen Abi. She has been like this for a few months now though her condition was not that good even before. She is a light fae and they are dying," Kiel said and Mara looked up to see sadness all over his purple eyes. She felt so sorry for him. She didn't know what she would do if this was her mother. After her dream today, she knew she would definitely die.

[Is there really nothing that can help her?] Kiel looked at her and smiled. "Maybe now that I am happily married, she will wake up," he said and hope bloomed in his eyes as he knew that there was a slight chance Mara would be the cure. He really hoped she would but even if she didn't, he would still be with her as he had fallen so deep for her.

Mara walked over and held the queen's hand. She really hoped the queen would wake up. What went unnoticed to the both of them was that the queen's hand started gaining color as Mara held it. They soon left and the maids came back to the room to stay with the queen. Her pale skin gained life subtly that the maids did not also notice.

Meanwhile in another part of the realms, four cloaked figures were seated round a table having grim looks on their faces. The table was trashed. There were patchments everywhere on the floor. It looked like someone was really bent on destroying everything.

"Vladimir pull yourself together okay?" Another man who took off his cloak said. The said Vladimir was red probably in anger. Compared to the other three men, he seemed to be the one who had really lost it and had trashed the room.

"How can you tell me to be calm Michael, we lost our chance to kill her. That stupid wench!" He exclaimed angrily and broke the vase that was on the table.

"Well Vlad, trashing the room and getting all mad won't help anyone. We need to make a plan B and we now need to be even more calculative," August said emerging from the shadows.

"Agreed. We need a new plan fast before that bitch hones her powers. Who knew they would pull such a dirty trick on us! I feel like I could just go on a killing spree," Michael said.

"That will be for later Michael. Vladimir how are the rituals going?" The man who had all this time been quiet finally spoke. His name was Kruger and he seemed to be a very composed and calculative person.

"Well the sacrifices have started being made. The light faes were easy to kidnap as they are vulnerable though those are the lowly ones. The high ups are really hard to get but so far so good," Vladimir reported to Kruger and the group.

"Hmm... that is what we should concentrate on right now. It is impossible to get to her at this point physically so we will need to make the ritual work. Once it does, I will tell you all the next phase of our plan," Kruger said with his voice deep. He really held no emotion on his face. He always had an empty look and looked frail compared to his friends. One look at him and you would put him off as someone who wouldn't harm anyone but the three men knew how dangerous he was.

Vladimir nodded. They had underestimated their target and now they had lost her. She had been taken and now they were back to square one. All what they had done was for naught. They were not going to allow another mistake in their plan this time as they now knew they had a bigger enemy to fight.

The four men discussed some more and then left to see the rituals. They arrived in a place that seemed like a dungeon. There were light faes chained in some cells. There were others where there were wingless light faes. Their wings had been cut off as power was mostly concentrated there as they had to put in their energy to unshackle their wings.

The wingless light faes were all dead on the ground as wings were the most sensitive part of a flight species as they were so sensitive and held their core. Cutting them off would mean that they would be fatally wounded.

"Kruger, has the lord said anything about the ritual?" Michael asked and they all turned to look at Kruger.

"No not yet but I do know he will help with the problem you highlighted about acquiring high rank faes," Kruger said then continued, " He also said that this will be our last slip up or he will send us to the punishment chambers." They all became very alert when he said that and fear crossed their eyes.