
The Dark Night : which brings the light in my life.

"This book is about a beautiful love story which revolved around Avi a.k.a Aviram shah and Dyuti who are reborn with new identities. The God has full filled their last wishes and let them made their own new paths for their new journey. Would Avi and Dyuti be able to live thier new life without any obstacles or the fate has it's own plans for them???" *** "What are your thoughts about love Avi" Dyuti question Avi with deep emotions in her eyes. "The love hmmmmm... you know Dyuti love can't be explained in words... ...People call it a connection between two heart but in my opinion it's the connection in between two souls." Avi replied with a mesmerizing smile on his face as he glace at her. *** Join me to know more about the story and add my book in ur library...An original story not a translation... I am a new writer so there might be some mistakes as I am not excellent in wvriting, I only want to share my fantasy with you guys. please feel free to suggest me with your remarks and comment your suggestions, I will try to correct my mistake and follow your suggestions too, support me and vote for my story it will be a great way of motivation to me heh!!...and thank you for reading my novel. 'The cover photo does not belongs to me I found it on Google and just did a little bit editing, so all credit goes to the real maker, if you want me to remove this photo plz contact me directly...'

Dorry_Princess24 · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

My name is *DYUTI*

After for a while of silence they looked at the bike before them and then looked at each other.

"I don't think you will get any transport here at this time so you have only one choice" pointing over his bike Avi said with a soft smile.

Which can't be seen to her because of his mask. He felt happy in his heart from the thought of her sitting behind him on his bike.

The girl looked at him she could only see his eyes but for a moment she saw his happiness throught his eyes which was suddenly replaced with calmness.

As if it was just her illusion. she didn't ponder over it and just nodded her head in response approving his suggestion.

Avi set on his bike and waited for her to climb on his bike after making sure she was set comfortably he put on his helmet.

There was only helmet so he didn't offer her any. He started his bike and drove it slowly so that she won't get scare but unknown to him she didn't mind speed at all because she too was a speedster.

The girl like driving she had a special fondness of sports cars and bike and it was her first time sitting on the back seat of a sports bike.

She didn't hold Avi's waist and just holded the handles behind the seat. Avi was driving in a normal speed that she didn't need to hold him.

Avi was disappointed by her action, he wanted her to hold his waist tightly but she didn't hold him instead she holded the back of the seat.

Not getting the same response from her as he expected, He suddenly sped up, by the effect of the sudden change in speed she couldn't hold her balance and in the reflection she held him by his waist tightly.

She was stunned by her sudden action and How close they were, she was leaning on him and her chest was touching his back, Her heart started to beat very fast as if she was going to have a heart attack very soon.

Avi felt her soft touch on his back and her arms around his waist making his all body stiff, His heart was thumping very loud and he could hear his own heartbeats.

He was wondering could she also hear his heartbeats. He could not understand his own heart why was it beating to loud.

He did not mind how close they were and kinda feel happy inside his heart. it was very relaxing he forgot about how frustrated he was before. His all tensions were vanished with her touch.

"Where do live?" Avi asked her as they were driving on the Highway.

"Hotel Grand plaza, right now I am staying at there" she said creating a little distance between them. which disappointed Avi and He deliberately made a sharp turn, making her grip tight over his waist again.


Hotel Grand Plaza

One of the most luxurious hotel own by Shah Corporation. Hotel Grand Plaza was the most expensive five star hotel in city Z.

Parking his bike at the entrance of the hotel Avi stood beside his sports bike holding his helmet in his hand. His face was still covered by the mask giving him the image of a celebrity.

He was looking very handsome and mysterious in his brown messy hair with his green eyes, getting the attention of onlookers.

The girl climb down from the bike and looked at her surrounding, she could see many young women were taking his pics.

She looked at his face and found him staring at her. He wasn't effected by his surroundings.

"Will you be fine on your own or I could send you to your room" Avi asked boldly staring at her.

She was stunned by his question and gave him a suspicious look.

Seeing her suspicious look he could feel perhaps she misunderstood his question so to clear her doubt he said "you did not look good with your current appearance and might get problem with the entry so"

"huh hmm!"she nodded her head in understanding.

"Ok" After pondering for a while she agreed with his suggestion.

She knew in her current state she would get difficulty for entry but with him It would be very easy for them to enter.

Avi asked about her room number as he lead her in. After getting her room number he found she was staying in presidencial suit.

He did not bother to asked for help and directly lead her to the elevator and press the top floor button.

She wonder without any enquiry how did he found about the floor number just by getting her room number.

"Do you usually visit here" she question him. Finding him very familiar with this hotel.

"Yes" Gazing at the numbers of floor he answered. He didn't want to tell her that his family own this hotel.

They exited from the elevator and reached at her suit, standing outside the suit she glance at him.

She wondered, should she ask him in or not? It would be very awkward if she asked him to come in and if she didn't then it would look very rude.

"Alright It's time to take my leave, you go in and rest good bye" he exclaimed

"wait" Avi was about to leave when she stopped him.

"huh!!" giving her a confused look.

"You didn't tell me your name" she Asked him hesitantly.

"Avi, Call me Avi" He replied expecting her to introduce herself too.

"It's DYUTI, I mean my name is Dyuti" she said giving him a sweet smile.

His heart skipped seeing her smiling sweetly at him, It felt like as though the time stopped there and everything went blurred, he could only see her smiling face.

Feeling his gaze on her she blushed, hiding her blushed face she asked hesitantly "If....if you have time can we go for a meal, a...actually I want to thank you properly."

Praying in her heart, she nervous thought that he might reject her.

"Ok tomorrow at 6, I'll pick you and we can go for dinner" Avi was about to say there is need to thank me but blurted out.

"Alright then it's fixed, see you tomorrow, bye good night" he bid his good bye and left.

After Avi entered in elevator she too entered in her suit, she felt excited and was wondering what would they talk over the dinner, except their first name they didn't know anything about each other.

After entering in the elevator Avi release a breath which he didn't know he was holding. He was wondering why did he accepted her invite for dinner so easily.

He never ever had dinner with a stranger and specially with a girl so why couldn't he abled to deny her and why was he so excited over this dinner meeting?

Avi was having hard time arranging his thoughts, his mind was in mess after meeting Dyuti.

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