
The Dark Night : which brings the light in my life.

"This book is about a beautiful love story which revolved around Avi a.k.a Aviram shah and Dyuti who are reborn with new identities. The God has full filled their last wishes and let them made their own new paths for their new journey. Would Avi and Dyuti be able to live thier new life without any obstacles or the fate has it's own plans for them???" *** "What are your thoughts about love Avi" Dyuti question Avi with deep emotions in her eyes. "The love hmmmmm... you know Dyuti love can't be explained in words... ...People call it a connection between two heart but in my opinion it's the connection in between two souls." Avi replied with a mesmerizing smile on his face as he glace at her. *** Join me to know more about the story and add my book in ur library...An original story not a translation... I am a new writer so there might be some mistakes as I am not excellent in wvriting, I only want to share my fantasy with you guys. please feel free to suggest me with your remarks and comment your suggestions, I will try to correct my mistake and follow your suggestions too, support me and vote for my story it will be a great way of motivation to me heh!!...and thank you for reading my novel. 'The cover photo does not belongs to me I found it on Google and just did a little bit editing, so all credit goes to the real maker, if you want me to remove this photo plz contact me directly...'

Dorry_Princess24 · Teen
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17 Chs

Man's bracelet

He shook her again but to find her pass out in his arm, shaking his head he chuckled looking at her, She was looking very cute at this time.

He carried her in his car and drove away.


The next day Avi woke up with a sweet smile on his face, he freshen up and went down for breakfast.

Last night was an amazing night for him he got the time to spend with Dyuti and they have shared many thing about each other but the most amazing thing that happened was their time in his secret small house.

When they were inside the house they made food together and watched movie, it felt like a couple enjoying their quality time with each other.

After their time at his private lake side he drove her to hotel where she was staying when they reached outside the hotel he stood their with her and was about to drove back when Dyuti suddenly hugged him it was the first time he had been hugged by a girl and most importantly it was her the girl with whom he always feel a kind of deep connection.

That hug felt as if something in him melted and it felt like he was longing for it for very long time.

He did not understand his feeling on that time and just hugged her back.

After their hug he left and she went to her suite.


After his breakfast he left for the hotel to meet Dyuti he wanted to invite her in his farewell party as his partner.

Well there is no any strict rule for coming to this party with a partner but Avi wanted to her come with him so they can spend more time together.

Now he wants to spend more time with her he wants to know more about her as it felt very good to be with her.

At the hotel Avi inquired about her but to his disappointment, she checked out and left for the airport.

Avi wanted to chase after her but with what right will he do that.

He was about to leave the reception when the receptionist took out a small box and handed it to him.

Avi took the box and read the note on it. there was his name on the note.

He opened the box and found a very beautiful man's bracelet inside it with another note.

he opened the note and read it.

( Avi,

I am sorry but I have to go without saying my good bye to you and thank you so much for your help, the time we spent together was the most important and beautiful time I ever had in my life thank you so much for giving me these beautiful memories, I will never forget about you. I wish we will meet again in the future.


Avi felt his heart was aching more after reading that note.

He took the bracelet out from the box and put it on his right hand wrist as he looked at it with a loving smile on his lips.

"We'll definitely meet again" he murmured and left the hotel.


At school

The arrangement was done in the auditorium which is big enough to settle all the senior students.

The party did not have any theme so all the students are free to wear what they prefer.

The gala was very fascinating with It's decoration which gave all the students a very energetic feel.

Each and every student was dancing and enjoy the party except one.

Avi did not want to attend this party but being dragged by his friends he did not have choice but to attend this, as it will be their last celebration as senior students so sunny did not want his friends to miss this time in their life .

He knew that this time will never come back after it's gone so he forced his friends to come and attend this party.

He dragged Riva with him on dance floor and started dancing on a romentic song Sunny was a very good dancer that Riva could praise as she was not good with dancing but fairly she could dance.

So she followed the Sunny's lead and they both danced so well that they got the attention of all around them on the dance floor

As they all stopped their dance and just watch Riva and Sunny with awe look in their eyes.

They both look so mesmerizing that all the people around them couldn't stop but give them space .

After their dance they got the big round of applause by everyone in the auditorium.

Riva and Sunny thank everyone and went back to their seats Sunny looked at his lost and bored friend before he thought of a plan to make Avi enjoy this party as well

He challenged Avi and as you know being a smart ass as Avi he did not fall for his friend's trick and rejected him.

Sunny lost face and the smile on his face long gone, it made Avi guilty for his behaviour he knew his friend was just trying to cheer him up without even knowing what happened and why is he upset today..

Sunny had always been like this in the past he pestered him to talk about his problem and waited him his tell him everything by his will. he never forced Avi to talk about his problem without his will.

So today as well he did the same thing after asking for twice he did not force Avi to talked about his problem and just blindly wanted to make him happy.

He is a friends everyone wish to have and Avi felt the luckiest one of having such a friend in his life who are willing to do anything just to make him happy.

Avi felt sad his friends mood had been spoilt by his own mood so he accepted his challenge.

They both made their way to the dance floor and this time Sunny looked supper energetic and Avi did his best to look happy and excited in front of his friends.

Sunny started with his free style dancing which shocked everyone in the hall no one had ever expected Sunny to be this good at dancing.

Following suit Avi also started to show his moves which made Riva looked at them with amazement in her eyes. She did find them attractive but seeing them dancing so perfectly made her looked at them with an awe.

Seeing two handsome guys dancing the girls in party can't hold their excitement and they started to cheer for them along with guys who always found this kind of activities to be exciting.