
The Dark Man

WARNING: THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT. In the slightly dark room lay the man of power (Nicholas Alviero Ross). He made the law and gave the rules. And then there was a woman(Zhavia McKay), who also made the law and gave the rules. She had the power to cast a man with just a look. Will he tame her down with all the power he possesses? Will she bend to his rules? Or will he bend to hers? But then, he has a superiority. He is a jealous daredevil. "She's mine, my property, mine alone, no one else's". Nicholas clenched his fist hard. His eyes darkened with anger. "What's mine cannot be yours". He said in a dangerous tone as he looked straight at Damon with those devouring eyes. How did she do it? How did she bring out that part of him? How did she turn a cold-hearted beast into a mindless dog?

Beverly_Spare · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 18 Lineage of power 1

The sunrise was beautiful and alluring. it is nice to watch the sun, rise from the bottom of the endless sky from the East. An amazing view to admire and appreciate, but not everyone finds it pleasant.

Just in the center of this gigantic, wide, large mansion, the dark man dripped sweat, as he flexed those muscles on the metal. His back was relaxed on the equipment as he lifted the weight that was directly above him.

He had been in the gym for some hours burning all of the thoughts and frustrations of the previous night. He stood up and got on the treadmill, running, nonstop.

After a couple of minutes, He pressed the button on the machine and his steps deflated. He stepped down catching his breath with his mouth closed, satisfied with his workout. Unhurriedly, he took slow steps to the bathroom in the gym. He got into the Jacuzzi and allowed the water slashing from left to right to cool off his heated body.

A few minutes passed, and he came out grabbing a robe. His hair was still dripping when he walked to the elevator that lead directly to his closet. The thud on the door angered him.

Bennett walked in. 'of course, who else? ' Nicholas thought. This old man needed a little torture. The thought of this got him a little excited.

"Good morning, sir". Bennett greeted politely with a slight bow. Nicholas did not even bother to look at him.

"There is nothing pleasant about this morning. And what aspect of stupidity have you come to enroll me with?" The ease in his tone and his expressionless face gave Bennett chills.

"Miss Middleton is here". Bennett managed. He picked up the courage to tell him these words when the spoilt brat disrespected him earlier. A little torture from Nicholas would put her in her place.

Nicholas's eyes rise to Bennett's words.

"I do not intend on having a disoriented beguiled lowbrow brat for breakfast, Bennett".

Nicholas walked out of the closet wearing a black long sleeve shirt that fitted, showing off his built muscles. The black pants also fitted him. An expensive brand.

His right hand was on his left wrist as he wore the elegant wristwatch that was designed with both diamond and gold. His other wrist was filled with other black jewels that represent pride and power.

In his fingers held the most powerful jewel of them all. A ring, not just any ring. It is the Ross's pride. It had been with for generations. The lineage of power and wealth. It was passed from his father to him, and it never leaves his fingers.

"But she is waiting, sir". Bennett said calmly with smiles hidden behind those words.

"Are you trying to annoy me, Bennett?" The dark man asked nonchalantly. "Because if you are, I wouldn't mind having you for breakfast this morning". He said as he exited the room.

Bennett froze at first, his boss's words these days are highly terrifying. No one knows his thought.

In the same minute,

"Miss Genevieve, you have to wait for Mr. Ross to come by himself, you can't go see him, ma'am". A maid said as she tried to stop Genevieve from going through the elevator.

"You must be mad, do you know who I am?" Genevieve spoke so loud with anger. "Do you know who I am?" She repeated.

"I do, ma'am but you still can't go, it's for your own..." The maid said as a slap landed on her cheek before she could complete her sentence.

The elevator door opened as the dark man stepped out. Genevieve had just descended on the maid when Nicholas stepped out. The lady's hand was still on the side of her face, head bent down.