
MATE (1)

"Hem ... well, it's not good to refuse the kindness of people." Kasih replied, starting a little wisely.

"But it's still raining, what do you think?" asked Kasih who did not carry an umbrella.

"Wait a minute, are you waiting? I took the raincoat on my motorcycle seat." hold Abimanyu running to his motorbike to get the raincoat in the seat. Immediately Abimanyu turned around with a raincoat and gave it to Kasih.

Kasih received the raincoat and immediately put it on,

"Greatness." said Kasih, laughing a little.

Abimanyu smiled as he tied the head cover of the raincoat of Kasih.

Kasih was a little surprised by Abimanyu's concern.

"Come on ... rush of heavy rain again." said Abimanyu walking first to start the motorbike.

It was a bit difficult for Kasih to get on Abimanyu's motorbike, which was quite high, so he had to hold on to Abimanyu's shoulder to get on the motorbike.

Abimanyu's body, which had begun to dry up, was wet again for the second time.

Abimanyu drove his motorbike at medium speed. With instructions from Kasih, finally Abimanyu arrived at Kasih's practice.

Kasih hurried downstairs and opened the door to her practice.

Abimanyu who was still on the motorbike was getting ready to return. But Kasih's voice prevented him.

"Wait!! would you like a cup of hot tea?" Love saw Abimanyu who was soaked with lips that began to turn blue.

Abimanyu stopped his motorbike, smiled and nodded his head.

"Come in, I want to make tea first so you don't get cold." said Cinta moving inside after taking off her raincoat and handing it over to Abimanyu.

Abimanyu folded it and put it back into the seat of the motorbike.

Abimanyu stood in front of the door with a body that started to get cold, it was almost two hours Abhimanyu rained on his motorbike. And now Abimanyu is outside waiting for the warm tea of ​​Love.

Abimanyu did not dare to enter for fear that the floor of Kasih's house would become wet. Abimanyu's lips began to tremble, and with a slight shake of his head, Abhimanyu tried to dispel the dizziness that had started to attack him.

Kasih comes out from the inside with a cup of tea mixed with ginger. However, Kasih did not find Abimanyu in the living room. Kasih came out of the living room, and saw Abimanyu still standing at the door outside the terrace. Abimanyu's body, which looks shaking, with his arms crossed over the cold.

"Why are you still outside, why don't you go inside?" Kasih asked, a little surprised.

"Your house floor will get wet." replied Abimanyu innocently.

"Jeez !! wet floor can be dried later. Come on in quickly." Kasih pulled Abimanyu's arm into the living room. Abhimanyu was silent and could only obey.

"Sit here, have your tea, I'll get the towel in the back." Kasih said again, but Abimanyu's warm hand held her arm.

"No, no need, after drinking this tea I'll go home." said Abimanyu while drinking his ginger tea.

The cold he felt earlier, started to make his body a little feverish.

After saying thank you Abimanyu got up from his seat with his head getting dizzy.

His eyes were hazy, reaching for the edge of the door Abimanyu tried to step out.

But his legs felt weak to support his body until Abimanyu's body fell on the terrace of love. Kasih who heard the sound of falling loudly, immediately came out of the living room.

"Oh No! why could you pass out?" Kasih touched Abimanyu's forehead and pressed Abimanyu's wrist.

"Looks like he has a fever." muttered Kasiih.

With all her strength Kasih supported Abimanyu's really heavy body and brought him into the living room.

She lay Abimanyu's body on a long sofa. Kasih's psychiatric back to work.

Kasih quickly went to the kitchen to get a basin, filled it with fresh water, and a small towel. Kasih did not forget to go to Bryan's room, Kasiih's brother who lived abroad, took a t-shirt, shorts and blanket from the inside of his deceased.

After feeling that everything was complete, Kasih returned to the living room, then took off Abimanyu's slightly dry shirt, Abimanyu's body was getting hotter.

You can see Abimanyu's six pack chest, with faint scars of scars on it, but the marks do not cover up if Abimanyu's chest and stomach are indeed very beautiful.

After cleaning it with clean water, Kasih put on Bryan's shirt with a little difficulty because Abi's body was a bit heavy.

Continuing to change Abimanyu's jeans, Kasih covered Abimanyu's body from waist to leg.

With a little nervousness, Kasih's fingers unbuttoned Abimanyu's pants and zippers, then slowly Kasih pulled down the ends of Abimanyu's pants until they fell off.

Bryan shorts immediately put on quickly. Abimanyu was still asleep from fainting.

His body was still hot, Kasih repeatedly compressed Abimanyu's forehead, neck and armpit area over and over again.

It was already evening, but Abimanyu was still sleeping a little restlessly, several times muttering in a voice that was not very clear.

Kasih sat on the chair beside Abimanyu. A little nodding off Kasih endured to look after Abimanyu, but Kasih's eyes began to fall asleep and fell asleep leaning back on the chair.

Abimanyu's eyes opened, staring around the room. He saw Kasih who seemed to be sleeping with a tired face.

Abimanyu only realized that he was still at Kasih's house. With a slightly heavy head Abhimanyu sat down and touched Kasih's shoulder.

"Kasih, Wake up." Abimanyu's hoarse voice woke Kasih who was half asleep.

"Um ... you're up?" Kasih replied, rubbing her eyes so that her sleepiness was gone.

"I want to go home, it's already night." said Abimanyu getting up from his seat,


Abimanyu just realized that the clothes he was wearing had changed to t-shirts and shorts.

Abimanyu looked doubtfully at Kasih's face. Was Kasih who replaced him.

"Sit down first, you still have a fever." said Kasih, pulling Abimanyu's hand to sit down.