

Abimanyu (27 years) a handsome man lives in the world of night and works as a market guard. Abimanyu fell in love with a simple girl who turned out to be a doctor. Kasih Afriyani (24 years), a beautiful girl with a simple appearance. Love Working hard to raise money as a doctor to pay off a debt to her forced fiancé, Gilang. Meet and falling in love with Kasih, Abimanyu's life changed completely. Will Abimanyu's love be accepted by Kasih? While Kasih was caught in the tricky trap of Gilang?

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145 Chs

always love

Tiara's heart is a little relieved that Reno's pulse is still there and Reno's breath is not out of breath even though her breathing is very heavy and weak.

"Hold on Bang, I beg you." said Tiara rubbing Reno's face who was moaning softly with trembling lips.

"Could it be a little faster, Abi? Bang Reno's body is already very cold, it seems that the effect of the drug has spread throughout Bang Reno's body." said Tiara holding back her tears.

Arriving at the hospital, Abhimanyu immediately got out of the car and lifted Reno with full strength.

"Doctor!! Doctor!! help my brother!!" said Abhimanyu in a hoarse voice holding back the fear of losing Reno.

So that Reno can be handled quickly, Tiara issues her identity card to the doctor on duty to be able to help Reno as soon as possible.

Thanks to his identity as a doctor, Reno was immediately taken care of by the doctor on duty and Tiara helped as much as possible so that Reno was helped.